
Finally, the time has come. You establish communications with the Artifact and download instructions.Finally you prepare to utter the execute command that will, hopefully, give you your first glimpse of an exotic new world...

You cross every crossable portion of your anatomy, say a prayer to Turing and Babbage, and type the final command:

And, with that pleasantly caprine invocation:


Wisps of cloud forming in a blue sky, tinged with impossibly psychedelic colours


Distant sunrise in alien skies


Boiling turbulence in the atmosphere of a gas giant




Flight over a receding plain of liquid metal pyramids


Underwater sunlight


Cerebral cortex surface... writhing...


Rain falling on watercolours


Sinister green organic-looking entity that oozes and moves around in a mildly disturbing manner


Little Fluffy Clouds


Chicken Vindaloo

(err... no, not actually that last one. I missed my curry this Thursday, and I am starting to suffer spicy Indian culinary hallucinations).

And, in every case, the images move gently, flowing like liquid light... and as you had anticipated, there are no pixels... but you never quite anticipated just how beautiful they would be, or quite how they would manage to move like that...


So that's basically where I have been spending my days, of late - beginning to explore incredible new spaces, and the possibilities just stagger me... I remember when I was developing T2K on the Jaguar, how I came up with that one feedback effect that proved to be so cool, and I thought how one could spend years just exploring the possibilities of that one effect...

Just recently, I have been coming across effects of that magnitude almost every day. And I have only just barely begun to lightly tickle the surface of what this thing can do. My chin is bruised from the number of times that my jaw has hit the floor. The potential for algorithmic graphics on this thing is just mind-melting. I kinda knew what I was expecting, but this goes way, way beyond. Talk about machines of loving grace... X is beautiful. Just beautiful.

Oh boy, are you guys gonna love this. You want psychedelic? Hey, I got yer psychedelic right here... :-)