This archive contains code and tools necessary for doing LZSS compression on the Jaguar. LZSS is an efficient, yet lossless compression scheme that works well with both program code as well as graphics data or sound samples. NEW INCLUDES ------------ WARNING!!! The source in this archive requires the newest versions of the Jaguar system include files (dated Sept 22, 1994 or later). If you do not have these include files, you should download the latest INCLUD.ZIP file from the Atari developer area on Compuserve or from the Atari Software Development BBS. COMPRESSOR/DECOMPRESSOR UTILITY ------------------------------- The Compression/decompression utility is named LZJAG. It gets extracted to the JAGUAR\BIN directory. It is very simple to use. A command like: lzjag -c file.bin will create a file named FILE.LZJ that is compressed. A command like: lzjag -x file.lzj will create a file named FILE.BIN that is decompressed. Please note that the LZJ files created have no header; they are raw compressed data. Therefore, you could potentially try to decompress a file that isn't actually compressed and get strange results. LZJAG ----- The JAGUAR\LZJAG directory contains the decompression routines and a test program that demonstrates how to use them. The decompression routines are contained in DELZJAG.S, which must be assembled and linked with your code. To use the Jaguar GPU compressor you must: 1. Copy (or better yet Blit) the GPU code from the ROM into GPU RAM. It is currently assembled to run at $F03100 but that can be changed by changing the .ORG statement in the DELZJAG.S file appropriately. 2. Write the address of your compressed data and an output buffer to addresses 'lzinbuf' and 'lzoutbuf' respectively. 3. Write the address of a usable 8k block of buffer memory to 'lzworkbuf'. 4. Load the GPU PC counter with the address of the routine ('delzss') and start the GPU 5. If you have other things to do that take time and don't use the GPU or any of the above buffers, do them. 6. Finally, poll the G_CTRL register to ensure the decompression is finished. The GPU will turn itself off when done. You can change this by editing DELZJAG.S if necessary. Things to be aware of: This subroutine does not use a stack but does use (and trash) registers r0-r19 though you can start the GPU in either register bank. TEST PROGRAM ------------ The other source code files in this directory are for the sample program that demonstrates the decompression routines. They make to form a short stub that follows the above procedure to decompress a 4k block of compressed data into 26k of code at $100000 and then executes it (it displays the Jaguar logo). IN CLOSING... ------------- The source code for LZJAG is available if you need it for some reason. It was built using Microsoft C/C++ 8.0 (Visual C++ v1.5) using the Huge memory model. Please contact me for more information, or if you have any questions. Scott Sanders, Atari Corp. 1196 Borregas Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Tel: (408) 745-2143 Fax: (408) 745-2088 Compuserve: 70007,1135 Internet: 70007,