To use the Non-volatile RAM simulator, in RDBJAG type read nvmsim.rom 802000 g 802000 The NVRAM BIOS will be copied to RAM, and then the application will terminate with an illegal instruction and return to the debugger. Romulator memory from $900000 to $91ffff will be used to hold the hiscore cartridge data. A sample disk image (full of files containing random data) is provided as "diskimg.img"; to load this, type "read diskimg.img 900000" to the debugger. If you hold down the "Option" key (and keep it held down) before typing the "g 802000" instruction, you will be presented with the "Save Cartridge Manager" screen. This is a sample application which users will also be able to access to delete files (PLEASE NOTE THAT THE EXISTENCE OF THE SAVE CARTRIDGE MANAGER DOES NOT EXCUSE INDIVIDUAL APPLICATIONS FROM PROVIDING SIMILAR FUNCTIONALITY THEMSELVES!!!). The save cartridge manager uses the following keys: up arrow/down arrow selects files A,B,C to delete a file OPTION to choose how to sort files OPTION+1 to save preferences in a file OPTION+7+9 to create a (dummy) file OPTION+*+# to erase all files OPTION+*+0+# to do a test of free memory *+# to exit the manager Once the Save Cartridge Manager has run, the BIOS will be copied to RAM (at $2400). You can then reset the machine and load and run your own application. The BIOS will remain in RAM until the machine is powered off.