12,13 with an RTS instruction, you should set BOOT? to one and 580 ($244) to zero. 12,13 C,D DOSINI Initialization address for the disk boot. Also used to store the cassette-boot RUN address, which is then moved to CASINI (2, 3). When you powerup without either the disk or an autoboot cassette tape, DOSINI will read zero in both locations. 14,15 E,F APPMHI Applications memory high limit and pointer to the end of your BASIC program, used by both the OS and BASIC. It contains the lowest address you can use to set up a screen and Display List (which is also the highest address usable for programs and data below which the display RAM may not be placed). The screen handler will not OPEN the "S:" device if it would extend the screen RAM or the Display List below this address; memory above this address may be used for the screen display and other data (PM graphics, etc.). If an attempted screen mode change would extend the screen memory below APPMHI, then the screen is set up for GRAPHICS mode zero; MEMTOP (locations 741, 742; $2E5, $2E6) is updated and an error is returned to the user. Otherwise, the memory is not too small for the screen editor; the mode change will take effect and MEMTOP will be updated. This is one of five locations used by the OS to keep track of the user and display memory. Initialized to zero by the OS at powerup. Remember, you cannot set up a screen display below the location specified here. If you use the area below the Display List for your character sets, PM graphics or whatever, be sure to set APPMHI above the last address used so that the screen or the DL data will not descend and destroy your own data. See RAMTOP location 106 ($6A), MEMTOP at 741, 742 ($2E5, $2E6), PMBASE at 54279 ($D407) and CHBASE at 54281 ($D409) for more information. Locations 16 through 127 ($10-$7F) are cleared on either cold- or warmstart. 16 10 POKMSK POKEY interrupts: the IRQ service uses and alters this location. Shadow for 53774 ($D20E). POKE with 112 ($70; also POKE this same value into 53774) to disable the BREAK key. If the following bits are set (to one), then these interrupts are enabled (bit decimal values are in parentheses): BIT DECIMAL FUNCTION 7 128 The BREAK key is enabled. 6 64 The "other key" interrupt is enabled.