42 decreased by one for each byte transferred. 42 2A ICAX1Z Auxiliary information first byte used in OPEN to specify the type of file access needed. 43 2B ICAX2Z CIO working variables, also used by some serial port functions. Auxiliary information second byte. 44,45 2C,2D ICAX3Z/4Z Used by BASIC NOTE and POINT commands for the transfer of disk sector numbers. These next four bytes to location 47 are also labelled as: ICSPRZ and are defined as spare bytes for local CIO use. 46 2E ICAX5Z The byte being accessed within the sector noted in locations 44 and 45. It is also used for the IOCB Number multiplied by 16. Each IOCB block is 16 bytes long. Other sources indicate that the 6502 X register also contains this information. 47 2F ICAX6Z Spare byte. Also labelled CIOCHR, it is the temporary storage for the character byte in the current PUT operation. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 48 30 STATUS Internal status storage. The SIO routines in ROM use this byte to store the status of the current SIO operation. See page 166 of the OS User's Manual for status values. STATUS uses location 793 ($319) as temporary storage. STATUS is also used as a storage register for the timeout, BREAK abort and error values during SIO routines. 49 31 CHKSUM Data frame checksum used by SIO: single byte sum with carry to the least significant bit. Checksum is the value of the number of bytes transmitted (255; $FF). When the number of transmitted bytes equals the checksum, a checksum sent flag is set at location 59 ($3B). Uses locations 53773 ($D20D) and 56 ($38) for com- parison of values (bytes transmitted). 50,51 32,33 BUFRLO/HI Pointer to the data buffer, the contents of which are transmitted during an I/O operation, used by SIO and the Device Control Block (DCB); points to the byte to send or receive. Bytes are transferred to the eight-bit parallel serial output holding register or from the input holding register at 53773 ($D20D). This register