116,117 116,117 74,75 ENDPT End point of the line to be drawn. Contains the larger value of either DELTAR or DELTAC (locations 118 and 119, below) to be used in conjunction with ROWAC/COLAC (locations 112 and 114, above) to control the plotting of line points. 118 76 DELTAR Delta row; contains the absolute value of NEWBOW (location 96; $60) minus ROWCRS (location 84; $54). 119,120 77,78 DELTAC Delta column; contains the absolute value of NEWCOL (location 97; $61) minus the value in COLCRS (location 85; $55). These delta register values, along with locations 121 and 122 below, are used to define the slope of the line to be drawn. 121 79 ROWINC The row increment or decrement value (plus or minus one). 122 7A COLINC The column increment or decrement value (plus or minus one). ROWINC and COLINC control the direction of the line drawing routine. The values represent the signs derived from the value in NEWROW (location 96; $60) minus the value in ROWCRS (location 84; $54) and the value in NEWCOL (locations 97, 98; $61, $62) minus the value in COLCRS (locations 85, 86; $55, $56). 123 7B SWPFLG Split-screen cursor control. Equal to 255 ($FF) if the text window RAM and regular RAM are swapped; otherwise, it is equal to zero. In split-screen modes, the graphics cursor data and the text window data are frequently swapped in order to get the values associated with the area being accessed into the OS data base locations 84 to 95 ($54 to $5F). SWPFLG helps to keep track of which data set is in these locations. 124 7C HOLDCH A character value is moved here before the control and shift logic are processed for it. 125 7D INSDAT Temporary storage byte used by the display handler for the character under the cursor and end of line detection. 126,127 7E,7F COUNTR Starts out containing the larger value of either DELTAR (location 118; $76) or DELTAC (location 119; $77). This is the number of iterations required to draw a line. As each point on a line is