514,515 Here's a short example of a DLI. It will print the lower half of your text screen upside down: 10 START = PEEK(560) + PEEK(561) * 256: POKE START + 16,130 20 PAGE = 1536: FOR PGM = PAGE TO P AGE + 7: READ BYTE: POKE PGM, BYTE : NEXT PGM 30 DATA 72,169,4,141,1,212,104,64 40 POKE 512,0: POKE 513,6: POKE 542 86,192 50 FOR TEST = 1 TO 240: PRINT"SEE " ;: NEXT TEST 60 GOTO 60 Another example of a DLI changes the color of the bottom half of the screen. To use it, simply change the PAGE + 7 to PAGE + 10 in the program above and replace line 30 with: 30 DATA 72,169,222,141,10,212,141,2 4,208,104,64 Finally, delete lines 50 and 60. See also location 54282 ($D40A). 514,515 202,203 VPRCED Serial (peripheral) proceed line vector, initialized to 59314 ($E7B2), which is merely a PLA, RTI instruction sequence. It is used when an IRQ interrupt occurs due to the serial I/O bus proceed line which is available for peripheral use. According to De Re Atari, this interrupt is not used and points to a PLA, RTI instruction sequence. This interrupt is handled by the PIA chip and can be used to provide more control over external devices. See the OS Listing, page 33. 516,517 204,205 VINTER Serial (peripheral) interrupt vector, initialized to 59314 ($E7B2). Used for the IRQ interrupt due to a serial bus I/O interrupt. According to De Re Atari, this interrupt is not used and points to a PLA, RTI sequence. This interrupt is processed by PIA. See the OS Listing, page 33. 518,519 206,207 VBREAK Software break instruction vector for the 6502 BRK ($00) command (not the BREAK key, which is at location 17; $11), initialized to 59314 ($E7B2). This vector is normally used for setting break points in an assembly language debug operation. IRQ. 520,521 208,209 VKEYBD POKEY keyboard interrupt vector, used for an interrupt generated when any keyboard key is pressed other than BREAK