560,561 logical unit which varies in size with the GRAPHICS mode. Due to the limitations of most TV sets, you will not be able to see all of the wide playfield unless you scroll into the offscreen portions. BIT 5 must be set to enable ANTIC operation; it enables DMA for fetching the display list instructions. 560,561 230,231 SDLSTL Starting address of the display list. The display list is an instruction set to tell ANTIC where the screen data is and how to display it. These locations are the shadow for 54274 and 54275 ($D402, $D403). You can also find the address of the DL by PEEKing one byte above the top of free memory: PRINT PEEK(741) + PEEK(742) * 256 + 1. However, 560 and 561 are more reliable pointers since custom DL's can be elsewhere in memory. Atari standard display lists simply instruct the ANTIC chip as to which types of mode lines to use for a screen and where the screen data may be found in memory. Normally, a DL is between 24 and 256 bytes long (most are less than 100 bytes, however), depending on your GRAPHICS mode (see location 88,89 for a chart of DL sizes and screen display use). By altering the DL, you can mix graphics modes on the same screen; enable fine scrolling; change the location of the screen data; and force interrupts (DLI's) in order to perform short machine language routines. DL bytes five and six are the addresses of the screen memory data, the same as in locations 88 and 89 ($58, $59). Bytes four, five, and six are the first Load Memory Scan (LMS) instruction. Byte four tells ANTIC what mode to use; the next two bytes are the location of the first byte of the screen RAM (LSB/MSB). Knowing this location allows you to write directly to the screen by using POKE commands (you POKE the internal character codes, not the ATASCII codes -- see the BASIC Reference Manual, p. 55). For example, the program below will POKE the internal codes to the various screen modes. You can see not only how each screen mode handles the codes, but also roughly where the text window is in relation to the display screen (the 160 bytes below RAMTOP). Note that the GTIA modes have no text window. If you don't have the GTIA chip, your Atari will default to GRAPHICS 8, but with GTIA formatting. 1 TRAP 10: GRAPHICS Z 5 SCREEN = PEEK(560) + PEEK(561) * 256