560,561 6 TV = SCREEN + 4: TELE = SCREEN + 5 8 DISPLAY = PEEK(TV) + PEEK(TELE) * 256 10 FOR N = 0 TO 255: POKE DISPLAY + N,N: NEXT N 20 DISPLAY = DISPLAY + N 30 IF DISPLAY > 40959 THEN Z = Z + 1 : GOTO 1 40 GOTO 10 50 Z = Z + 1:IF Z > 60 THEN END 60 GOTO 1 Here's another short program which will allow you to examine the DL in any GRAPHICS mode: 10 REM CLEAR SCREEN FIRST 20 PRINT"ENTER GRAPHICS MODE": REM A DD 16 TO THE MODE TO SUPPRESS THE TEXT WINDOW 30 INPUT A: GRAPHICS A 40 DLIST = PEEK(560) + PEEIK(561) * 2 56 50 LOOK = PEEK(DLIST): PRINT LOOK;" "; 60 IF LOOK <> 65 THEN DLIST = DLIST + 1: GOTO 50 70 LPRINT PEEK(DLIST + 1);" ";PEEK(D LIST + 2) 80 END The value 65 in the DL is the last instruction encountered. It tells ANTIC to jump to the address in the next two bytes to re-execute the DL, and wait for the next VBLANK. If you don't have a printer, change the LPRINT commands to PRINT and modify the routine to save the data in an array and PRINT it to the screen after (in GR.0). If you would like to examine the locations of the start of the Display List, screen, and text window, try: 5 REM CLEAR SCREEN FIRST 6 INPUT A: GRAPHICS A 10 DIM DLIST$(10), SAVMSC$(10), TXT$ (10) 15 DLIST$ = "DLIST": SAVMSC$ = "SAVM SC": TXT$ = "TEXT" 20 DLIST = PEEK(560) + PEEK(561) * 2 56 30 SAV = PEEK(88) + PEEK(89) * 256: