623 players will be black. In GTIA mode nine, you have 16 different luminances of the same hue. In BASIC, you would use SETCOLOR 4,HUE,0. To see an example of GTIA mode nine, try: 10 GRAPHICS 9: SETCOLOR 4,9,0 20 FOR LOOP = 1 TO 15: COLOR LOOP 30 FOR LINE = 1 TO 2 40 FOR TEST = 1 TO 25: PLOT 4 + TES T, LOOP + LINE + SPACE: NEXT TEST 45 NEXT LINE 50 SPACE = SPACE + 4 60 NEXT LOOP 70 GOTO 70: REM WITHOUT THIS LINE, SCREEN WILL RETURN TO GR.0 In GTIA mode ten, you have all nine color registers available; hue and luminance may be set separately for each (it would otherwise allow 16 colors, but there are only nine registers). Try this to see: 10 N = 0: GRAPHICS 10 20 FOR Q = 1 TO 2 30 FOR B = 0 TO 8: POKE 704 + B, N * 16 + A 35 IF A > 15 THEN A = 0 40 COLOR B 45 A = A + 1: N = N + 1 50 IF N > 15 THEN N = 0 60 NEXT B 65 TRAP 70: NEXT Q 70 POP: N = N + 1: FOR Z = 1 TO 200 : NEXT Z 75 GOTO 30 GTIA mode eleven is similar to mode nine except that it allows 16 different hues, all of the same luminance. In BASIC, use SETCOLOR 4,O,luminance. Try this for a GTIA mode eleven demonstration: 10 GRAPHICS 11 20 FOR LOOP = 0 TO 79: COLOR LOOP: PLOT LOOP,0: DRAWTO LOOP,191: NEXT LOOP 30 GOTO 30 You can use these examples with the routine to rotate colors, described in the text preceding location 704. GTIA mode pixels are long and skinny; they have a four to one horizontal length to height ratio. This obviously isn't very good for drawing curves