627 627 273 PADDL3 628 274 PADDL4 629 275 PADDL5 630 276 PADDL6 631 277 PADDL7 632 278 STICK0 The value of joystick 0. STICK registers are shadow locations for PIA locations 54016 and 54017 ($D300, $D301). There are nine possible decimal values (representing 45 degree incrememts) read by each joystick register (using the STICKn command), depending on the position of the stick: Decimal Binary 14 1110 | | 10 | 6 1010 | 0110 \ |/ \ |/ 11-- 15 ---7 1011-- 1111 --0111 / |\ / |\ 9 | 5 1001 | 0101 | | 13 1101 15 (1111) equals stick in the upright (neutral) position. See Micro, December 1981,for an article on making a proportional joystick. For an example of a machine language joystick driver you can add to your BASIC program, see COMPUTE!, July 1981. One machine language joystick reader is listed below, based on an article in COMPUTE!, August 1981: 1 GOSUB 1000 10 LOOK = STICK(0) 20 X = USR(1764,LOOK): Y = USR(1781, LOOK) 30 ON X GOTO 120, 100, 110 . . . 100 REM YOUR MOVE LEFT ROUTINE HERE 105 GOTO 10 110 REM YOUR MOVE RIGHT ROUTINE HERE 115 GOTO 10