673 playfield size. 673 2A1 TMPLBT Temporary storage for the bit mask. 674 2A2 ESCFLG Escape flag. Normally zero, it is set to 128 ($80) if the ESC key is pressed (on detection of the ESC character; 27, $1B). It is reset to zero following the output of the next character. To display ATASCII control codes without the use of an ESC character, set location 766 ($2FE) to a non-zero value. 675-689 2A3-2B1 TABMAP Map of the TAB stop positions. There are 15 byte (120 bits) here, each bit corresponding to a column in a logical line. A one in any bit means the TAB is set; to clear all TABs simply POKE every location with zero. There are 120 TAB locations because there are three physical lines to one logical line in GRAPHICS mode zero, each consisting of 40 columns. Setting the TAB locations for one logical line means they will also be set for each subsequent logical line until changed. Each physical line in one logical line can have different TAB settings, however. To POKE TAB locations from BASIC, you must POKE in the number (i.e., set the bit) that corresponds to the location of the bit in the byte (there are five bytes in each line). For example: To set tabs at locations 5, 23, 27 and 32, first visualize the line as a string of zeros with a one at each desired tab setting: 0000100000000000000000100010000100000000 Then break it into groups of eight bits (one byte units). There are three bytes with ones (bits set), two with all zeros: 00001000 = 8 00000000 = 0 00000010 = 2 00100001 = 33 00000000 = 0 Converting these to decimal, we get the values listed at the right of each byte. These are the numbers you'd POKE into locations 675 (the first byte) to 679 (the fifth byte on the line). On powerup or when you OPEN the display screen (S: or E:), each byte is given a value of one (i.e., 00000001) so that there are tab default tab stops at 7, 15, 23, etc., incrementing by eight to 119. Also, the leftmost screen edge is also a valid TAB stop (2, 42, and 82). In BASIC, these are set by the SET-TAB and CLR-TAB keys. TABMAP also works for the lines in the text display window in split-screen formats. TABMAP is reset to the default values on