690-693 pressing RESET or changing GRAPHICS modes. See location 201 ($C9) about changing the TAB settings used when a PRINT statement encounters a comma. 690-693 2B2-2B5 LOGMAP Logical line start bit map. These locations map the beginning physical line number for each logical line on the screen (initially 24, for GR.0). Each bit in the first three bytes shows the start of a logical line if the bit equals one (three bytes equals eight bits * three equals 24 lines on the screen). The map format is as follows: Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Byte ------------------------------------------------------------ Line 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 690 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 691 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 692 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 693 The last byte is ignored. The map bits are all set to one when the text screen is OPENed or CLEARed, when a GRAPHICS com- mand is issued or RESET is pressed. The map is updated as logical lines are entered, edited, or deleted. 694 2B6 INVFLG Inverse character flag; zero is normal and the initialization value (i.e., normal ATASCII video codes have BIT 7 equals zero). You POKE INVFLG with 128 ($80) to get inverse characters (BIT 7 equals one). This register is normally set by toggling the Atari logo key; however, it can be user-altered. The display handler XOR's the ATASCII codes with the value in INVFLG at all times. See location 702 ($2BE) below. INVFLG works to change the input, not the output. For example, if you have A$ = "HELLO", POKE 694, 128 will not change A$ when you PRINT it to the screen. However, if you POKE 694, 128 before an INPUT A$, the string will be entered as inverse. 695 2B7 FILFLG Right fill flag for the DRAW command. If the current operation is a DRAW, then this register reads zero. If it is non-zero, the operation is a FILL. 696 2B8 TMPROW Temporary register for row used by ROWCRS (location 84; $54). 697,698 2B9,2BA TMPCOL Temporary register for column used by COLCRS (locations 85, 86; $55, $56). 699 2BB SCRFLG Scroll flag; set if a scroll occurs. It counts the number of physical