711 E 710,0: POKE 709,15: COLOR 1 30 PLOT A,D: DRAWTO A,C: COLOR 2: P LOT F,D: DRAWTO F,C: 40 PLOT A + 1,D: DRAWTO A + 1,C 50 COLOR 3: PLOT B,D: DRAWTO B,C 60 GOTO 60 A little experimentation with this will show you that the colors obtained depend on which pixels are turned on and how close together the pixel columns are. There are four "colors" you can obtain, as shown before. Pixels marked one are on; marked zero means they are off. Each pair of pixels is one color clock. Three color clocks are shown together for clarity: 00:01:00 = color A 00:11:00 = color B 00:10:00 = color C 00:01:10 = color D See BYTE, May 1982, De Re Atari, and Your Atari 400/800. 711 2C7 COLOR3 The same as the above but for playfield three. Also, the color for GR.1 and GR.2 inverse lowercase letters. Shadow for 53273 ($D019). 712 2C8 COLOR4 The same as the above but for the background (BAK) and border color. Shadow for 53274 ($D01A). In GTIA mode ten, 704 stores the background color (BAK), while 712 becomes a normal color register. Here are the default (powerup) values for the COLOR registers (PCOL registers are all set to zero on powerup): Register Color = Hue Luminance 708 (CO.0) 40 2 8 709 (CO.1) 202 12 10 710 (CO.2) 148 9 4 711 (CO.3) 70 4 6 712 (CO.4) 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Locations 713 to 735 ($2C9 to $2DF) are spare bytes. Locations 736 to 767 ($2E0 to $2FF) are for miscellaneous use. 736-739 2E0-2E3 GLBABS Global variables, or, four spare bytes for non DOS users. For DOS users they are used as below: 736-737 2E0-2E1 RUNAD Used by DOS for the run address read from the disk sector one or from a binary file. Upon completion of any binary load, control