743,744 at the next byte above MEMTOP. The screen handler will only OPEN the S: device if no RAM is needed below this value (i.e. there is enough free RAM below here to accommodate the requested GRAPHICS mode change). Memory above this address is used for the display list and the screen display RAM. Also, if a screen mode change would extend the screen mode memory below APPMHI (locations 14, 15: $E, $F), then the screen is set back for GR.0, MEMTOP is updated, and an error is returned to the user. Otherwise the mode change will take place and MEMTOP will be updated. Space saved by moving MEMTOP is below the display list. Be careful not to overwrite it if you change GRAPHICS modes in mid-program. When using memory below MEMTOP for storage, make sure to set APPMHI above your data to avoid having the screen data descend into it and destroy it. 743,744 2E7,2E8 MEMLO Pointer to the bottom of free memory, initialized to 1792 ($700) and updated by the presence of DOS or any other low-memory application program. It is used by the OS; the BASIC pointer to the bottom of free memory is at locations 128, 129 ($80, $81). The value in MEMLO is never altered by the OS after powerup. This is the address of the first free location in RAM available for program use. Set after all FMS buffers have been allocated (see locations 1801 and 1802; $709 and $70A). The address of the last sector buffer is incremented by 128 (the buffer size in bytes) and the value placed in MEMLO. The value updates on powerup or when RESET is pressed. This value is passed back to locations 128, 129 ($80, $81) on the execution of the BASIC NEW command, but not RUN, LOAD or RESET. If you are reserving space for your own device driver(s) or reserving buffer space, you load your routine into the address specified by MEMLO, add the size of your routine to the MEMLO value, and POKE the new value plus one back into MEMLO. When you don't have DOS or any other application program using low-memory resident, MEMLO points to 1792 ($700. With DOS 2.0 present, MEMLO points to 7420 ($1CFC). If you change the buffer defaults mentioned earlier, you will raise or lower this latter value by 128 ($80) bytes for every buffer added or deleted, respectively. When you boot up the 850 Interface with or without disk, you add another 1728 ($6C0) bytes to the value in MEMLO. You can alter MEMLO to protect an area of memory below your program. This is an alternative to protecting an area above RAMTOP (location 106; $6A) and avoids the problem of the CLEAR SCREEN routine destroying data. However, unless you