745 have created a MEM.SAV file, the data will be wiped out when you call DOS. To alter MEMLO, you start by POKEing WARMST (location 8) with zero, then doing a JMP to the BASIC cartridge entry point at 40960($A000) after defining your area to protect. For example, try this: 10 DIM MEM$(24):PROTECT=700:REM NUMBE R OF BYTES TO CHANGE 15 HIBYTE=INT(PROTECT/256):LOBYTE=PRO TECT-256*HIBYTE 20 FOR N=1 TO 24:READ PRG:MEM$(N)=CHR $(PRG):NEXT N 30 MEM$(6,6)=CHR$(LOBYTE):MEM$(14,14) =CHR$(HIBYTE) 40 RESERVE=USR(ADR(MEM$)) 50 DATA 24,173,231,2,105,0,141,231,2, 173,232,2,105 60 DATA 0,141,232,2,169,0,133,8,76,0, 160 You will find the address of your reserved memory by: PRINT PEEK(743) + PEEK(744) * 256 before you run the program. This program will wipe itself out when run. Altering MEMLO is the method used by both DOS and the RS-232 port driver in the 850 Interface. See COMPUTE!, July 1981. 745 2E9 .... Spare byte. 746-749 2EA-2ED DVSTAT Four device status registers used by the I/O status operation as follows: 746 ($2EA) is the device error status and the command status byte. If the operation is a disk I/O, then the status returned is that of the 1771 controller chip in your Atari disk drive. Bits set to one return the following error codes: Bit Decimal Error 0 1 An invalid command frame was received (error). 1 2 An invalid data frame was received. 2 4 An output operation was unsuccessful. 3 8 The disk is write-protected. 4 16 The system is inactive (on standby). 7 32 The peripheral controller is "intelligent" (has its own microprocessor: the disk drive). All Atari devices are intelligent except the cassette recorder, so BIT 7 will normally be one when a device is attached. 747 ($2EB) is the device status byte. For the disk, it holds the