757-761 M RESERVE EXTRA IN CASE OF SCREEN CLEAR 20 FOR LOOP=0 TO 1023:POKE PLACE+LOOP ,PEEK(CH+LOOP):NEXT LOOP:REM MOVE THE ROM SET 30 POKE 756,PLACE/256:REM TELL ANTIC WHERE CHSET IS Here's a machine language routine to move the set: 10 DIM BYTE$(80) 15 REM MEM-1 TO PROTECT SET FROM CLEA R SCREEN DESTRUCTION (SEE LOC.88) 20 MEM=PEEK(106)-4:POKE 106,MEM-1: CHA CT=MEM*256:GRAPHICS 0 30 FOR LOOP=1 TO 32:READ PGM:BYTE$(LO OP,LOOP)=CHR$(PGM):NEXT LOOP 40 DATA 104,104,133,213,104,133,212 50 DATA 104,133,215,104,133,214,162 60 DATA 4,160,0,177,212,145,214 70 DATA 200,208,249,230,213,230,215 80 DATA 202,208,240,96 90 Z=USR(ADR(BYTE$),224*256,CHACT) . . ADD YOUR OWN ALTERATION PROGRAM OR THE EARLIER EXAMPLE HERE . . 1500 POKE MEM-1,0:POKE 756,MEM If you have Microsoft BASIC or BASIC A+, you can do this very easily with the MOVE command! Remember, when altering the ROM set, that the characters aren't in ATASCII order; rather they are in their own internal order. Your own set will have to follow this order if you wish to have the characters correlate to the keyboard and the ATASCII values. See page 55 of your BASIC Reference Manual for a listing of the internal order. Creative Computing, January 1982, had a good article on character sets, as well as a useful method of transferring the ROM set to RAM using string manipulation. See also "Using Text Plot for Animated Games" in COMPUTE!, April 1982, for an example of using character sets for animated graphics. 757-761 2F5-2F9 .... Spare bytes.