2751 2751 ABF DFMGET GET byte routines, including GET file routines. 2817 B0l DFMSTA Disk STATUS routines. 2837 B15 DFMCLS IOCB CLOSE routines. 2983 BA7 DFMDDC Start of the device-dependent command routines, including the BASIC XIO special commands: 3033 BD9 XRENAME RENAME a file. 3122 C32 XDELETE DELETE a file. 3196 C7C XLOCK, XUNLOCK LOCK and UNLOCK files. UNLOCK routines begin at 3203 ($C83). 3258 CBA XPOINT BASIC POINT command. 3331 D03 XNOTE BASIC NOTE command. See the DOS Manual for information regarding these two BASIC commands, and see De Re Atari for a sample use. 3352 D18 XFORMAT Format the entire diskette. 3501 DAD LISTDIR List the disk directory. 3742 E9E FNDCODE File name decode, including wildcard validity test. The current file name is pointed to by ZBUFP at locations 67, 68 ($43, $44). 3783 EC7 .... By POKEing the desired ATASCII value here, you can change the wildcard character (*; ATASCII 42, $2A) used by DOS to any other character of your choice. Your altered DOS can be saved back to disk with DOS menu selection "H". 3818,3822 EEA,EEE .... By POKEing 3818 with 33 and 3822 with 123 ($21 ,$7B;), you can modify DOS to accept file names with punctuation, numbers and lowercase as valid; 33 is the low range of the ATASCII code and 127 the high range (lower or higher values are control and