7548 7548 1D7C .... Beginning of non-resident portion of DUP; 40 ($28) byte parameter buffer. 7588 1DA4 LINE 80 ($50) byte line buffer. 7668 1DF4 DBUF 256 ($100) byte data buffer for COPY routines. Copy routines work in 125-byte passes, equal to the number of data bytes in each sector on the disk. There are 256 bytes because Atari had planned a double density drive which has 253 data bytes in each sector. 7924 1EF4 .... Miscellaneous variable storage area and data buffers. 7951-8278 1F0F-2056 DMENU Disk menu screen display data is stored here. 8191 1FFF .... This is the top of the minimum RAM required for operation (8K). To use DOS, you must have a minimum of 16K. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DUP.SYS ROUTINES Locations 8192 to 32767 ($2000 to $7FFF) are the largest part of the RAM expansion area; this space is generally for your own use. If you have DOS.SYS or DUP.SYS loaded in, they also use a portion of this area to 13062 ($3306) as below: 8309 2075 DOSOS Start of the DOS utility monitor, including the utilities called when a menu selection function is completed and the display of the "SELECT ITEM" message. 8505 2139 DIRLST Directory listing. 8649 21C9 DELFIL Delete a file. 8990 231E .... Copy a file. This area starts with the copy messages. The copy routines themselves begin at PYFIL, 9080 ($2378). 9783 2637 RENFIL Rename a disk file routines. 9856 2680 FMTDSK Format the entire disk. There is no way to format specific sectors