53258 M1PL (R) Missile 1 to player collisions. 53258 D00A SIZEP2 (W) Size of player 2. M2PL (R) Missile 2 to player collisions. 53259 D00B SIZEP3 (W) Size of player 3. M3PL (R) Missile 3 to player collisions. 53260 D00C SIZEM (W) Size for all missiles; set bits as below (decimal values included): Bits Size: Normal Double Quadruple 7 & 6: missile 3 0,128 64 192 5 & 4: missile 2 0, 32 16 48 3 & 2: missile l 0, 8 4 12 1 & 0: missile 0 0, 2 1 3 where turning on the bits in each each pair above does as follows: 0 and 0: normal size -- two color clocks wide 0 and 1: twice normal size -- four color clocks wide 1 and 0: normal size 1 and 1: four times normal size -- eight color clocks wide So, to get a double-sized missile 2, you would set BITs 5 and 6, or POKE 53260,48. Each missile can have a size set separately from the other missiles or players when using the GRAF registers. A number of sources, including De Re Atari, say that you can set neither missile sizes nor shapes separately. Here's a routine to show that you can in fact do both: 10 POKE 53265,255: REM SHAPE START 15 GR.7 20 POKE 623,1: REM SET PRIORITIES 30 FOR X = 1 TO 25 35 F = 50 40 FOR C = 704 TO 707: POKE C,F + X: F = F + 50: NEXT C: REM COLOURS 45 S = 100 50 FOR P = 53252 TO 53255: POKE P,S + X: S = S + 20: NEXT P : REM SCRE EN POSITIONS