54274,5 seven) are read, as below: Decimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cursor Transparent X X X X Opaque X X X X Present X X X X Absent X X X X ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters Normal X X X X Inverted X X X X 54274,5 D402,3 DLISTL/H Display list pointer. Tells the OS the address of the display list instructions about what screen mode(s) to display and where to find the screen data. See SDLIST (560, 561; $230, $231). 54276 D404 HSCROL (W) Horizontal scroll enable, POKE HSCROL with from zero to 16 clock cycles for the number of cycles to scroll. Horizontal fine scrolls can be used only if BIT 4 of the display list instruction is set. The difficulty in horizontal scrolling lies in arranging the screen data to be scrolled in such a manner as to prevent wraparound (i.e., the bit or byte scrolled off screen in one line becomes the bit or byte scrolled on screen in an adjacent line). Normal data arranged for TV display looks like this on the screen: +----------+ |..........| |..........| |..........| |..........| |..........| |..........| +----------+ where it is a one-dimensional memory area "folded" at the proper places to create the image of a two dimensional screen. This is done by the DL character or map mode instruction. Without other instructions, it reads the memory continuously from the first specified location, each line taking the correct number of bytes for the GRAPHICS mode specified. To properly scroll it horizontally, you must arrange it in relation to the TV screen like this: +----------+ .....|..........|..... .....|..........|..... .....|..........|..... .....|..........|..... .....|..........|..... .....|..........|..... +----------+