54278 200 POKE SCRNLOW, LOBYTE: POKE SCRNHI , HIBYTE 210 GOTO 40 Coarse scrolling is relatively easy to implement in the Atari: one basically alters the screen RAM to display the new material. Fine scrolling is more difficult: each scroll register must be POKEd with the number of units to be scrolled -- color clocks or scan lines -- and the corresponding display list instructions must have the proper bits set. This means you can selectively fine scroll any mode lines you wish by setting only those bits of the lines you intend to scroll. Other lines will be displayed normally. You can set a DL instruction for both horizontal and vertical scroll enable. See the Hardware Manual for a discussion of the problems in fine scrolling. Fine scrolling will allow only a certain amount of data to be scrolled before the register must be reset (16 clock bits or scan lines maximum). In order to make the scrolling activity continuous, the register involved must be reset to zero when the desired value is reached, a coarse scroll must be implemented (usually during a DLI or VBLANK interval) and a new fine scroll begun. This is not easily done in BASIC since it is too slow, and changing registers during ANTIC's display process usually causes rough or jerky motion. Assembly routines are suggested for smooth display. See De Re Atari, Micro, November 1981, BYTE, January 1982, and Santa Cruz's Tricky Tutorial #2 for more information. 54278 D406 .... Unused. 54279 D407 PMBASE (W) MSB of the player/missile base address used to locate the graphics for your players and missiles (the address equals PMBASE * 256. P/M graphics are tricky to use since there are no direct Atari 8K BASIC commands to either create or move them (there are, however, commands for P/M graphics in BASIC A+ and in valFORTH utilities). Your P/M graphics must always begin on a 1K boundary (PEEK(RAMTOP)-4 for double line resolution players) or 2K boundary (PEEK(RAMTOP)-5 for single line resolution), so the LSB is always zero (page numbers always end in $XX00). For example: 10 POKE 106, PEEK(106) - 8: GRAPHIC S 8: SETCOLOR 2,3,4 20 POKE 559,62: POKE 53248,100: POK