65528 locations 520, 521 ($208, $209) to 65470 ($FFBE). This is the keyboard service routine. It processes debounce, and SHIFT- CTRL logic (see location 559; $22F); saves the internal keyboard code in 754 ($2F2) and 764 ($2FC); sets the ATTRACT mode flag at 77 ($4D) and sets location 555 ($22B -- SRTIMR) to 48 ($30). 65528 FFF8 CHKSUN According to Softside Magazine, December 1981, if a PEEK here returns 255, then you have the older OS ROM(s). There were some troubles with cassette loads in the older ROMs that sometimes require the following to cure: Do an LPRINT without a printer attached before CLOAD. This clears the cassette buffer. Press RESET before CSAVEing or CLOADing will restore the system to its initialization parameters and help with loading and saving routines. There is a new OS available from Atari which fixes a bug that would cause the I/O operations to "time out" for a few seconds. It apparently does not alter any of the routines mentioned here. The chip reset interrupt (powerup) vectors through location 65532 ($FFFC) to 58487 ($E477) where a JMP vector to the powerup routine is located. A chip reset is not the same as pressing the RESET key, which in itself does not generate a chip reset. The NMI interrupts are vectored through 65530 ($FFFA) to the NMI service routine (ISR) at 59316 ($E7B4), and all IRQ interrupts are vectored through 65534 ($FFFE) to the IRQ service routine at 59123 ($E6F3). In these service routine areas, the cause of the interrupt is determined, and the appropriate action is taken, either by the OS or through a JMP to a RAM vector where a user routine exists.