APPENDIX FIVE _____________________________________________________________ Color Color is a very important aspect in the Atari computers; you may not fully appreciate it unless you've spent a long time working with computers or monitors with monochrome displays. The Atari has sixteen colors available for display in eight different luminance (brightness) factors. These colors are stored in memory locations 704 to 712. The first four of these registers are used to determine the color of your players and missiles. The second five determine the color of the playfields, background, lines drawn and areas filled. The Atari has a default value for each of the five playfield registers that is assigned on powerup: Playfield Location Color Value 0 708 Orange 40 1 709 Light green 202 2 710 Dark blue 148 3 711 Red 70 4 (BAK) 712 Black 0 The figure in the value category represents the number you would get if you PEEKed into that location. For discussion of the locations, refer to the Memory Map. To change these colors, you can use either a POKE statement or the BASIC command SETCOLOR (abbreviated to SE). You should refer to the description in the earlier Memory Map text. SETCOLOR has three parameters: the register to change (which always corresponds to one of the memory locations above); the hue (a number from zero to fifteen which corresponds to the available colors); and the luminance (an even number between zero and fourteen). The Atari will treat any odd number as if it were the next lowest even number where luminance is concerned. Your statement might look like this: SETCOLOR 0,2,8 This will produce the orange color in playfield zero. To change it to red, you would use: SETCOLOR 0,4,6 Unless you are changing the background or border or you are changing a register which has already been used for drawing on the screen, you won't see any change from using SETCOLOR. The effect comes when you follow up with a COLOR command, telling the Atari which register to use for the DRAWTO or fill command. You can easily POKE the location with the proper color value by using this formula: COLOR = HUE * 16 + LUMINANCE So the orange in the above example would be obtained by: