APPENDIX ELEVEN 4 Stick right (1-4 are four bits of the PIA port) 5 Potentiometer (paddle) B input (analog pin 1) 6 Trigger 7 +5 volts (recommended load of one TTL at 50 ma) 8 GND 9 Potentiometer A input (analog pin 2) See Creative Computing, August 1983, for an example of using the Atari ports for external control. 743,744 2E7,2E8 MEMLO It's quite handy to reserve a block of memory below your BASIC program and use it to store variables which can be passed back and forth between programs with PEEKs and POKEs, Here's another routine which will reserve low memory for you: 5 PRINT FRE(0) 6 REM PROGRAM IS WIPED OUT AFTER RUNNING: B E SURE TO SAVE IT FIRST 7 REM PRINT FRE(0) AFTER RUNNING TO COMPARE VALUES 10 REM REPLACE BYTES VARIABLE WITH NUMBER O F BYTES TO PROTECT 20 MEMLO=BYTES+PEEK(743)+PEEK(744)*256 30 HIBYTE=INT(MEMLO/256) 40 LOBYTE=MEMLO-(INT(MEMLO/256)*256) 50 POKE 743,LOBYTE:POKE 744,HIBYTE 60 POKE 128,LOBYTE:POKE 129,HIBYTE:REM BASI C LOMEM POINTER 70 POKE 8,0:REM RESET FLAG 80 X=USR(40960):REM JUMP TO BASIC COLDSTART 752 2F0 CRSINH Watch out for conflict with 755 when setting this location (and vice versa). 755 2F3 CHACT See COMPUTE!'s Third Book of Atari for an article by Frank Jones on creating blinking characters. 763 2FB ATACHR Not the color times 16 plus luminance; this is the number of the latest COLOR statement, taken from location 200 ($C8). If you POKE the number here, BASIC will take the number stored in location 200 and dump it, changing your value (not so in ma- chine language, however). From Karl Wiegers. Rochester, and Judson Pewther, New York.