APPENDIX TWELVE own handlers. All locations marked as being used by the peripheral handler or loader are tar OS use only; do not use them. 74,75 4A,4B ZCHAIN Temporary storage registers for general-purpose peripheral handler loader. 96,97 60,61 FKDEF The 1200XL has four redefinable function keys. FKDEF points (LSB/MSB) to their definition table--an eight-byte table for keys F1 to F4 and then SHIFT-F1 to SHIFT-F4. Each byte is assigned a value corresponding to an internal (not ASCII) code. The keys themselves are values 138-141 ($8A-$8D), but you must not as- sign a key its own value since it generates an endless loop. Ini- tially points to 64529 ($FC11). The function keys perform the following activities: Key Combination Function F1 Cursor up (ATASCII 28; $1C) F2 Cursor down (29; $1D) F3 Cursor left (30; $1E) F4 Cursor right (31; $1F) With SHIFT F1 Home (cursor to upper left, 28; $1C) F2 Cursor to lower-left corner (29; $1D) F3 Cursor to start of physical line (30; $1E) F4 Cursor to right end of physical line (31; $1F) With CTRL F1 Keyboard enable/disable toggle (not con- sole keys) F2 Screen display enable/disable F3 Key click sound enable/disable F4 Domestic/international character set toggle Function keys are ignored with both a SHIFT and CTRL combination. You cannot redefine CTRL-function key definitions. 98 62 PALNTS Flag to determine PAL or NTSC version of the display handler, previously at 53268 ($D014). Zero means North American standard.