APPENDIX TWELVE bytes, although you need change key assignments only for a specific few. Use the ATASCII values when writing the table. Several values have specific meaning to the keyboard decoder on the XL: Dec/Hex Use 128/80 Not used; invalid combination 129/81 Inverse output 130/82 Upper/lowercase toggle 131/83 CAPS lock 132/84 CTRL key lock 133/85 End of file (EOF) 137/89 Keyboard click toggle 138-141/8A-8D Function keys F1-F4 (1200XL only) or: cursor up (ATASCII 28; $1C) cursor down (ATASCII 30; $1D) cursor left (ATASCII 31; $1E) cursor right (ATASCII 32; $1F) 142/8E Cursor home (upper-left screen corner) 143/8F Cursor to bottom-left corner 144/90 Cursor to left margin (1200) 145/91 Cursor to right margin (1200) You can't redefine BREAK, SHIFT, CTRL, or the console keys (nor the CTRL-function key assignments on the 1200XL). The 1200XL Addenda gives a Dvorak keyboard assignment easily written into memory, The system table address is returned to RAM on power-up or RESET. 128,129 80,8 1 LOMEM Points to 7676 ($$1DFC). 512-551 200-227 Interrupt vectors The locations of the vectors and their functions remain the same, but they now point to different locations in the OS memory: Vector Hex Label Points to 512,513 200,201 VDSLST 49358 ($C0CE) 514,515 202,203 VPRCED 49357 ($C0CD) 516,517 204,205 VINTER 49357 ($C0CD) 518,519 206,207 VBREAK 49357 ($C0CD) 520,521 208,209 VKEYBD 64537 ($FC19) 522,523 20A,20B VSERIN 6691 ($1A23) 524,525 20C,20D VSEROR 6630 ($19E6) 526,527 20E,20F VSEROC 60140 ($EAEC) 528,529 210,211 VTIMR1 49357 ($C0CD) 530,531 212,213 VTIMR2 49357 ($C0CD)