APPENDIX TWELVE Vector Hex Label Points to 532,533 214,215 VTIMR3 49357 ($C0CD) 534,535 216,217 VIMIRQ 49200 ($C030) 546,547 222,223 VVBLKI 49378 ($C0E2) 548,549 224,225 VVBLKD 49802 ($C28A) 550,551 226,227 CDTMA1 60433 ($EC11) The OS was rewritten in the XL/XE models, moving the interrupt handlers down into the previously unused region 49152-53247 ($C000-$CFFF). 563 233 LCOUNT Temporary counter for peripheral handler loader. 566,567 236,237 BRKKY Now points to 49298 ($C092). 568,569 238,239 RELADR(1200XL) VPIRQ (All XL/XEs except 1200XL) Previously spare bytes, now the address of the relocatable loader routine in the 1200XL and vector for parallel bus inter- rupt requests on all XL/XEs except 1200XL (where it points to a routine at 51566; $C96E)--the vector for any initialized generic parallel device. 581 245 RECLEN Relocatable loader routine variable for record length. 583-618 $247-$26A .... Reserved (unused) on the 1200XL. 583 247 PDVMSK Shadow mask for the device selection register at 53759 ($D1FF; active only when the OS deselects the floating-point ROM by writing to that address). You can run up to eight parallel de- vices through the bus; each bit in this register corresponds to one device. The mask must be set for the proper device before the OS will allow an IRQ to be sent to that device. 584 248 SHPDVS Shadow for parallel bus register; each bit represents one of eight parallel devices. Allows the OS to service VBIs while run- ning the device masked by this bit. 585 249 PDMSK Parallel bus interrupt mask; allows OS to service IRQs from the device masked by the bit in this register. See above.