APPENDIX TWELVE 3889 F31 DOS 3 If you PEEK here and get 76 ($4C), you have an early version of DOS 3 (the later version will read 78). To correct some errors in the earlier FMS files, type this in: 10 FOR N=1 TO 9:READ A,B:POKE A,B:NEXT N 20 DATA 3889,78,3923,78,3943,78,3929,76,389 5,76 30 DATA 3901,77,3935,77,3955,77,2117,240 Better yet, get DOS 2.5 from Atari (supports double-density and the 130XE RAMdisk). DOS 3.0 saves in blocks, not sectors--of a minimum 1000 bytes per block. If you write a program 1001 bytes long, it saves 2000 bytes, wasting 999 bytes on your disk. 20480-22527 $5000-$57FF Self-test ROM Self-test ROM when enabled, controlled by bit 7 of PORTB (54017; $D301). The self-test code is in a special ROM area underneath the GTIA, POKEY, ANTIC chips area (starting at 53248; $D3000) and is moved (remapped) here when you type BYE in BASIC or when you POKE PORTB with the right value and JMP (or USR) to the initialization vector (see 58481; $E471 and 58496-58499, $E480-$E483). RAM when self-test isn't enabled. 39967-40959 9C1F-9FFF .... Display list and screen RAM, moved into lower memory if a cartridge is 16K (using RAM from 32767 to 49151 as well). 43234 A8E2 BASIC ROM If you PEEK here and get 96 ($60), you have the BASIC Revision B ROMs. What you need is Revision C. B stands for Bugs! See Appendix 13 on enhancements and bugs. If you get 234 ($EA), you have Revision C. From Matt Ratcliff. You can turn BASIC off when you go to DOS by POKEing 1016 ($3F8), then pressing RESET. The problem is to turn it back on again from DOS rather than rebooting the system. There is a public domain program by Matt Ratcliff on the Gateway BBS which does this for you. Introduction to the OS ROM Atari modified the new XL/XE ROMs since Revision B. Atari main- tained the handler and interrupt vectors, although the routines they point to changed between versions. Atari did produce a listed source code for the XL OS, although for some reason it was never published for public sale as it was in- tended. It may be available now through Atari--write and ask for it. It is an excellent 500+ page resource document.