APPENDIX TWELVE 250 PRINT "PRESS RETURN TO TEST IT" 260 PRINT :PRINT :PRINT 270 PRINT "POKE 57344,1" 275 PRINT "{5 SPACES}$E000=1":PRINT 280 PRINT "POKE 57344,0" 290 POSITION 1,4 300 DATA 169,0,133,203,133,205,169 310 DATA 192,133,204,169,64,133,206 320 DATA 160,0,177,203,145,205,200 330 DATA 208,249,230,206,230,204,240 340 DATA 12,165,204,201,208,208,237 350 DATA 169,216,133,204,208,231,8 360 DATA 120,173,14,212,72,169,0 370 DATA 141,14,212,173,1,211,41 380 DATA 254,141,1,211,169,192,133 390 DATA 206,169,64,133,204,177,203 400 DATA 145,205,200,208,249,230,204 410 DATA 230,206,240,12,165,206,201 420 DATA 208,208,237,169,216,133,206 430 DATA 208,231,104,141,14,212,40 440 DATA 104,96 You can make this into a machine language AUTORUN.SYS file by changing the loop to 1634, removing the number 104 in line 440, and deleting the USR call in line 220. Go to DOS and do a binary save (option K) at addresses $600-$662, with a run ad- dress of $600. This will change your ROM OS into a RAM OS ev- ery time you boot up that disk. Pressing RESET switches the OS back to ROM. The machine language source code for this short program (also by Joe Miller) is included here because I felt it important for machine language programmers to see how this is done: ;Move XL OS ROM into RAM ; ;RAMROM--Installs the XL ROM-based ; OS in RAM at the same address ; space. This is useful for ; making small patches to the ; OS or for experimenting with ; new design concepts, such as ; multitasking, window ; management, etc. ; ; By Joe Miller. ; ;This version is configured ;as an AUTORUN.SYS file. ; SOURCE EQU $CB ;zero page usage