APPENDIX TWELVE Label Loc JMP to DISKIV E450 C6A3 DISKINV E453 C6B3 CIOV E456 E4DF SIOV E459 C933 SETBV E45C C272 SYSBV E45F C0E2 XITBV E462 C28A SIOINV E465 E95C SENDEV E468 EC17 INTINV E46B C00C CIOINV E46E E4C1 SELFSV E471 F223 (used to be BLKBVD) WARMSV E474 C290 COLDSV E477 C2C8 RBLOKV E47A FD8D CSOPIV E47D FCF7 Several of these locations themselves are JMP locations to other routines, done to maintain compatibility with the older 800 OS. Some new fixed entry point vectors have been added: 58496/E480 PUPDIV: Entry to power-on display (self-test mode in all XL/XEs except 1200XL; Atari logo screen display in the 1200XL). Try X=USR(58496). Points to 61987 ($F223). 58499/E483 SLFTSV: 1200XL only: entry to self-test mode. Points to 20480 ($5000) (see PORTB above). 58502/E486 PENTV: Entry to the handler uploaded from peripheral or disk. Points to 61116 ($EEBC). 58505/E489 PHUNLV: Entry to uploaded handler unlink. Points to 59669 ($E915). 58508/E48C PHINIV: Entry to uploaded handler initializa- tion. Points to 59544 ($E898). 58481 E471 SELFTST Entry into the self-test mode by typing BYE in BASIC or X = USR(58481). This used to be the blackboard (Memo Pad) mode--a feature parents used to entertain their children, while keeping them from actually tinkering with the system or pro- grams. In the 1200XL, this is the location of the logo screen. I miss the blackboard mode myself; the self-test isn't really all that useful. There is no equivalent mode to blackboard in the XL/XE system.