APPENDIX TWELVE 64537 FC19 KIR Keyboard IRQ processing routines; check and process charac- ter, CONTROL-1, HELP key, CONTROL and function keys (1200XL; although the code for function keys remains in the 800XL and XE series) 64708 FCC4 FDL Process display list interrupt for fine scrolling. 64728 FCD8 CIN Cassette initialization routine, followed by cassette I/O routines and table of NTSC/PAL constants for file leader length and beep duration. 65177 FE99 PIN Printer initialization and I/O routines including: Address Routine 65218/FEC2 Printer OPEN 65227/FECB Printer put-byte 65261/FEED Fill printer buffer 65270/FEF6 Perform printer put 65287/FF07 Printer CLOSE 65300/FF17 Set up DCB for printer 65348/FF44 Printer timeout from STATUS 65355/FF4B Process print mode 65395 FF73 VFR ROM checksum verify routines for first 8K bank. 65426 FF92 VSR Verify routines for ROM checksum, second 8K bank, including routines to examine checksum region and table of addresses to verify. 65518-65529 FFEE-FFF9 .... Checksum and identification data for the ROM area 57344-65535 ($E000-$FFFF--see 49152, $C000 for more information): Byte Use 65518/FFEE Revision date D1 and D2 (four-bit BCD) 65519/FFEF Revision date M1 and M2 65520/FFF0 Revision date Y1 and Y2 65521/FFF1 Option byte; should read 1 for the 1200XL (my 800XL reads 2) 65522-26/FFF2-6 Part number in the form AANNNNNN