APPENDIX TWELVE 65527/FFF7 Revision number (again, mine reads 2) 65528-9/FFF8-9 Checksum, bytes (LSB/MSB) 65527 and 65528 should read 221 ($DD) and 87 ($57) for the 400/800 revision A ROMS; 243 ($F3) and 230 ($E6) for the B ROMS. PAL versions read 214/87 ($D6/$57) and 34/88 ($22/$58), respectively. The 1200XL should read 10 at 65527 for revision A and 11 for revision B. The 600XL should read 1 at 65527, and the 800XL, 2. For the 1200XL, 64728 ($FCD8) should not read 162 ($A2). 65530-65535 FFFA-FFFF Machine vectors Contain NMI, RESET (power-up), and IRQ service vectors, initial- ized to 49176 ($C0l8), 49834 ($C2AA), and 49196 ($C02C), respectively.