APPENDIX EIGHTEEN _________________________________________________________ Changing The 400/800 OS On The XL/XE Computers When you boot the Translator disk, use one of the commercial "fix" disks (such as FIXXL), or run Matt Ratcliff's "ROM OS to RAM OS" pro- gram (Appendix 19), you turn your OS from ROM based to RAM based. This allows you to change it by POKEing directly into mem- ory. When you use the Translator or the Allen MacroWare XL BOSS chip, you have the 400/800 operating system in memory instead of the XL/XE OS. This section describes many changes which can be made to the 400/800 OS when in the XL/XE RAM. In all cases, Revision B OS is de- scribed since the Translator and Allen MacroWare don't use the Re- vision A OS. These changes can be POKEd into memory if you have the Translator booted or the XL BOSS installed. For 400/800 owners, if you have the hardware for making your own PROMs or EPROMs, you can make these changes into the PROMs and replace them in your OS board. The same applies for the Newell Industries RamRod board. I have tested and used both the Newell RamRod and the Allen MacroWare XL BOSS and consider them both excellent products and highly recommend them. Much of the following material was de- rived from their manuals. 57344 E000 CHARSET1 You can change the character set directly by POKEing here rather than reserving space in memory for an altered set. See the section on character sets in the main memory map and 54017 ($D301). (XL/XE users can change this and the inter- national set also.) 59497 E869 .... The interval for the keyboard repeat. The original value is 6; POKE with 3 to move the cursor twice as fast for repeating characters (XL/XE also). 60294 EB86 .... To increase the cassette baud rate by almost one-third and re- duce the time of the leader from 20 to 10 seconds, POKE the following: POKE Address Value Hex 60294 00 $EB84, $00 low byte, write baud 60299 04 $EB8B, $04 high byte