AUTHOR'S PREFACE What exactly is a memory map? It is a guide to the memory locations in your computer. A memory location is one of 65536 storage places called bytes in which a number is stored. Each of these bytes holds a number for programs, data, color, sound, system operation, or is empty (i.e., has a zero in it), waiting for you to fill it with your own program. Each byte is composed of eight bits, each of which can be either a one (on) or a zero (off). The alterable area of memory you use for your programs is called the Random Access Memory (RAM), while the area used by the Atari to run things is called the Read Only Memory (ROM). Although some of the memory locations in the special Atari chips were designed to be written to like the RAM, the rest of the ROM, including the Operating System ROM, cannot be altered by you since it contains routines such as the floating point mathematics package and the input/output routines. I hope that the reader is familiar enough with his or her Atari to understand some of these rudimentary uses of a memory map. It is not the scope of this manual to fully explain how to use PEEK and POKE statements; refer to your BASIC manual. Briefly, however, PEEK allows you to look at the value stored in any one memory location. If you want that value to be printed to the screen, you must preface the PEEK statement with a PRINT statement such as: PRINT PEEK (708) If you haven't changed your color registers, this will return the number 40 to your screen. All bytes in the Atari can hold a number between zero and 255. POKE allows you to place a value into a byte, such as: POKE 755,4 By doing this you will have turned your text upside down! You can return it to normal by: POKE 755,2 Similarly, POKE 710,80 will turn your screen dark purple! As with PEEK, POKE can only involve numbers between zero and 255. You will not be able to POKE into most of the ROM locations since the numbers in many of them are "hard-wired," "burned" into the chip, and cannot be changed in this manner. So how does the Atari (or other eight-bit microcomputers, for that matter) store a number larger than 255? By breaking it down into two parts; the Most Significant Byte (MSB), which is the number divided by 256 and rounded down to the nearest whole number, and the Least Significant Byte (LSB), which is the original number minus the MSB. The Atari knows to multiply the MSB by 256 and add the LSB to get the number. For example, the number 45290 is stored as two parts: 234