AUTHOR'S PREFACE IOCB zero is OPENed to device E:. Coldstart (powerup) essentially wipes the computer clean and should only be used for such. It's rather drastic. WARM STARTS When the RESET key is pushed, the OS performs some of the same functions as in powerup as well as some unique functions, including: Set the warmstart flag (location 8) to true (255; $FF). Clear the OS portion of RAM from locations 16 to 127 ($10 - $7F) and 512 to 1023 ($200- $3FF). Reset all RAM interrupt vectors. Reformat the device handler table (HATABS); added vectors are lost. Re-initialize the cartridge(s). Return to GRAPHICS mode zero. Transfer control to the cartridge or hooted program. Restore the default values in RAM. Note that a RESET does not wipe RAM, but leaves it intact. Usually your program and variables will be secure when you press RESET. This is considerably less drastic than powerup as above. There are two vectors for initialization so that these processes may be user initiated: 58484 ($E474) for RESET and 58487 ($E477) for powerup. See the OS User's Manual, pages 109 to 112, and De Re Atari for a flowchart of the process.