v2600(1) Alex Hornby v2600(1) NNAAMMEE v2600 - Virtual 2600, An Atari 2600 Emulator SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS v2600 [options] filename DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _v_2_6_0_0 is an X/SVGAlib based emulation of the Atari 2600 video game system. It can take cartridges as either binary images (2K or 4K), commodore .prg format files, Activision Action Pack .bin files and the new .c26 Common 2600 file format files. There are two versions, one for X11 and one for SVGAlib. Sound is supported though the network audio systems server. Run au before running v2600 if you want sound. OOPPTTIIOONNSS v2600 accepts both long and short option formats. --ff ----ffrraammeerraattee iinntteeggeerr Set the refresh rate --nn ----nnttsscc Emulate an NTSC 2600 (default) --pp ----ppaall Emulate a PAL 2600 --hh ----hheellpp Show usage information --ff ----ffrraammeerraattee iinntt Set the refresh rate (1) --nn ----nnttsscc Emulate an NTSC 2600 (default) --pp ----ppaall Emulate a PAL 2600 --hh ----hheellpp This information --ll ----llccoonn <> Left controller, 0=JOY, 1=PADDLE, 2=KEYPAD. --rr ----rrccoonn <> Right controller, 0=JOY, 1=PADDLE, 2=KEYPAD. --bb ----bbaannkk <> Bank switching scheme, 0=NONE,1=Atari 16k, 2=Atari Version 1.0 beta 2 21 August 1996 1 v2600(1) Alex Hornby v2600(1) 8k --mm ----mmaaggsstteepp <> The maginification to use (X11 only) --ss ----ssoouunndd Turn on sound. (default) --SS ----nnoossoouunndd Turn off sound. --ww ----sswwaapp Swap the left and right control methods. CCOONNTTRROOLLSS The default keys are: JJooyyssttiicckk mmoovveemmeenntt Arrow keys JJooyyssttiicckk ffiirree Right Alt RReesseett F2 SSeelleecctt F3 CCoolloorr//BBWW F4 Toggle PPllaayyeerr 11 ddiiffffiiccuullttllyy F5=Amature F6=Pro PPllaayyeerr 22 ddiiffffiiccuullttllyy F7=Amature F8=Pro QQuuiitt F10 XX RREESSOOUURRCCEESS Only applicable to the X11 version. The user configurable part of the X resources are chiefly the keyboard bindings. These are in the *canvas.transla- tions section of the V2600 app-defaults file and can be set to any key value as defined in /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h although this file may be on a different path on your system. The other X resources are in the file to make development changes easier and should not be altered by the average user. Version 1.0 beta 2 21 August 1996 2 v2600(1) Alex Hornby v2600(1) BBUUGGSS aanndd LLIIMMIITTAATTIIOONNSS The sound support only plays the pure tone noises. The bank switching is fairly unstable. Keypad support doesn't work. CCOOPPYY PPOOLLIICCYY v2600 is copyright 1995/96 Alex Hornby. v2600 is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details. AAUUTTHHOORR Alex Hornby Check my web site at http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/ahornby for updates. Version 1.0 beta 2 21 August 1996 3