Here are some known bugs for 6502sdk: -Some problems in saving Projects. -RUN UNTIL RTS doesn't work -IRQ and NMI don't work -REMOVE ALL BREAKPOINTS works, bun don't refresh properly the screen -LOAD MEMORY and SAVE MEMORY don't work. But are they really useful? -The command TOGGLE BREAKPOINT don't work because there isn't anything like a 'current location' in Object window, except for the location pointed to by PC. But there is no reason, usually, to put a breakpoint in an instruction that is currently being executed... ...maybe I'll remove this option. -Error lines sometimes are wrong (especially in macros) and... -the emulator is little more than experimental -documentation is not complete. Some other things to do: -adding an 'extern' declaration to the language, in order to have access from a module to another; -supporting automatic file transfer using RS-232 or Centronics ports; -making windows refresh faster, using a more intelligent refresh method. -writing, or getting somewhere, a better text editor.