ACE: Atari Computer Emulator v0.01 Copyright (c) 1993,1994 by Frank Barrus This documentation was written on 4/21/96 And revised on 4/25/96 DISCLAIMER: Run this program at your own risk! I take _NO_ responsibility for anything it does to your computer. It shouldn't cause any problems, but then I've never run it on any machine other than my own (and an Alpha at R.I.T.) so I don't know what strange bugs might be lurking. Therefore, you must be willing to accept the consequences of anything that happens from running it. (i.e. make sure you have backups, etc...) The SVGA version needs to run as root to use the SVGAlib, so that's why this warning is here. This is an Atari 800/XL/XE emulator I wrote back in 1993, and briefly updated in 1994, but never released. I've had this thing sitting in my archives for several years, and I keep saying that someday I'm going to find the time to finish it up and officially release it. (In fact, years ago, I kept telling people in the comp.sys.atari.8bit newsgroup that I was going to release this program soon... oops) Well, it does it least run, and can handle a lot of things other emulators can't (even though not to my standards of perfection for things I write myself) and since it can be a good reference for others who want to work on similar emulators, I figured it's about time I released it, AS IS. The only changes I made were to give it a quick recompile with the latest version of GCC (2.7.2) to make sure everything still builds, and to fix a couple minor mistakes that the new compiler caught. Other than that (and this file) everything is as it was over two years ago, so don't expect everything to work perfectly. So, if something doesn't work, you can tell me if you want, and I'll certainly take note of it, but I probably won't have time to do anything about it in the immediate future. If you want to fix it yourself, feel free to go ahead and do so, (and document the changes with what you did, where, and who you are) and if you send me the changes, I'll try to update the version I've made available. If you want to use parts of this emulator as the core of an emulator of your own, feel free to do so, as long as you make sure that your program gives proper credit for the parts I wrote. (I would be sure to do the same for others if they add things and want me to release their code-- just common courtesy ) And, yes, it does do player/missile graphics, and collision detection. It doesn't support GTIA modes at the moment, though. (only CTIA) And it handles DLI's, although there might be some timing problems with them. Sound is a bit cheezy too (simple PC-speaker sound, with the loudest channel being the one played) To build it: For text only: (VT100 type terminals) make ace For SVGA (Linux): make vace For X-Windows: make xace And one other little thing you'll need to do, just so I don't get in any legal trouble... you'll need to get your own copy of the Atari OS ROM's, as well as any cartridges you want to run. Rename the OS ROM to: OSREVA.rom for old revision 'A' ROM's (400/800) (10K) OSREVB.rom for old revision 'B' ROM's (400/800) (10K) OSREVC.rom for 800xl/xe/etc... (16K) OSREVD.rom for 1200xl? (not sure on this one) (16K) However, by default the program will actually use either OSREVB.rom for the 800 emulation, or OSREVC.rom for the XL/XE emulation, so rename it (or make a link) if you actually have a different version, but remember that A and B are not compatible with C and D. As far as how to create the ROM files, please don't ask me-- lots of other people have written emulators and had these requirements, so either check the other emulators, or post to comp.sys.atari.8bit for help. You need to get a dump of the Atari's memory from D800-FFFF for the 10K ROMs (OSREVA.rom, OSREVB.rom) and from C000-FFFF for the 16K ROMs (OSREVC.rom, OSREVD.rom). Note that the area from D000-D7FF can't be read from that location on the Atari, since the registers reside there. You need to either read the chips directly, or map in the SELF-TEST routine into lower memory (some register on the XL/XE lets you do this, and it's been too long since I've done it, so I don't remember) at 5000-57FF (I think that's right, but I could be wrong, since it's from my distant memory from over two years ago) and read it from there. So, the XL/XE ROM files actually consist of: file offset: Atari memory offset: 0000-0FFF C000-CFFF 1000-17FF 5000-57FF 1800-3FFF D800-FFFF For Basic, create an 8K ROM file called BASIC.rom from A000-BFFF. Both .ATR and .XFD disk formats can be read. For help, type 'vace -h' or 'ace -h' or 'xace -h' for a list of options for that particular program. When you run it, it will initially pop you into a little monitor program. Just type '$h' for help there, or ':g' if you just want to run the emulator. As far as keys go, look at the file 'console.key' and, for starters, F9 exits from the emulator. So, get yourself the OS roms, BASIC roms, and type: ace BASIC.rom or: vace BASIC.rom or: xace BASIC.rom or even: vace StarRaiders.rom and fire it up and relive the fun of Atari computers! ------------- IMPORTANT NOTES: Okay, from my limited testing, it appears that 'ace', the text-only version, does not currently function. I'll try to look into it sometime. 'vace' seems to run fine, however. and 'xace' runs, but I realized that the key mappings are different, so you'll have to play around with it or look at the source. ------------- At the moment, I don't have time to document this any more than it is, so you'll have to rely on the help that is built in, or look through the source code. Perhaps someday I'll finish the code and the documentation. Although I'll guarantee one thing-- it's not going to happen until after I graduate (May, 1996 - the ceremony at least) and finish my Master's Thesis (sometime after that.. :) In the meantime, email me and let me know what you think, and keep in mind that enough support and enthusiasm might give me more reason to make time to work on this once again. (and, of course, donations don't hurt any either! In fact, they might increase the likelihood that I'll work on this project again! Although I'd probably want to start converting it to C++, since I don't really program in C anymore, unless people really had a strong reason to want it in C still...) Well, I hope you find it useful/interesting/entertaining/whatever... Good luck! - Frank p.s. take a look at the PSIOX stuff too... that's for using the parallel port to talk to an Atari or Atari peripherals. Once upon a time I built a cable for this, so I could use the PC as a file server for my real Atari, or hook up Atari disk drives to the PC to read the disks... or, even use the Atari disk drives directly with the emulator. Also, note that you can access disks (real ones through PSIOX, or ones that are in virtual disk files) directly from the emulator. There are commands built in to get a directory and copy files and such. ------------------------ CHANGES: v0.01: First public release v0.02: Fixed a bug in the disk routines. Disks now boot properly. ------------------------ email: USmail: Frank Barrus URL: 4435 River Rd. Apt #3 Scottsville, NY 14546