ADIR 1.4 - 25 July 1996 ----------------------- ADIR is a .ATR/.XFD file viewer/extractor for the people who use their PC for uploading/downloading Atari 8 bit software. Currently only supports AtariDOS and MyDOS (but with no subdirectory support). Usage: ADIR Displays help info. ADIR Displays a directory listing including start sectors and file lengths of DOS .ATR or .XFD files. ADIR Extracts the given filename from the diskimage if it exists. ADIR *.* Extracts all files contained within the diskimage. CHANGES TO VERSION 1.4 ---------------------- Now extracts correctly from Megadisk images. CHANGES TO VERSION 1.3 ---------------------- Bug fixed in wildcard support *.* now extracts everything. CHANGES TO VERSION 1.2 ---------------------- Wild card support (* and ?) has been added for extracting filenames For example to extract everything off the disk image: ADIR *.* To extract only files with the second letter as 's' and the extension as "com" ADIR ?s*.com etc. Any comments to: