Usage ----- Usage: atari800 [-atari] [-xl] [-xe] [-5200] [-b] [-c] [-d] [disk1.xfd ... disk8.xfd] [-xcolpf1] [-rom filename] [-rom16 filename] [-ags32 filename] [-oss filename] [-nopatch] {-small|-large|-huge} {-sound} {-left|-central|-right|-wide1|-wide2} -atari Enable Atari 800 Emulation Mode [default] -xl Enable Atari 800XL Emulation Mode -xe Enable Atari 130XE Emulation Mode (but Antic accesses the bank that the CPU is using) -320xe Enable Atari 130XE with 320 kB memory Emulation Mode. Default is CompyShop mode, compatible with Q-meg. -rambo Use Rambo mode of 320 kB memory. -5200 Enable Atari 5200 Games System Emulation Mode. -artif enables Colour Artifacting -nobasic Disables BASIC (just like when you hold down OPTION while booting) -basic Enables BASIC (even if disabled in atari800.cfg by HoldOption) -nopatch Normally the OS is patched giving very fast I/O. This option prevents the patch from being applied so that the OS works using the serial port hardware directly. This option will probably never be needed since programs that access the serial hardware directly will work even if the OS has been patched. -rom Loads the following 8K ROM Cartridge -rom16 Loads the following 16K ROM Cartridge -ags32 Loads the following Atari 5200 Games System 32K ROM Cartridge. -oss Loads the following OSS Super Cartridge -db Loads the following DB Super Cartridge (Private 32K Cartridge Format - not for general use) -a Use Atari OS/A ROM (atariosa.rom) -b Use Atari OS/B ROM (atariosb.rom) [default] -c Enable RAM between $C000 and $CFFF -d Enable DEBUG Mode. Monitor is entered straight away. Only useful for basic version. X Window Options ---------------- -small Creates a small window where one Atari 800 pixel is represented by a single X Window pixel. -large Creates a large window where one Atari 800 pixel is represented by a 2x2 X Window rectangle. -huge Creates a huge window where one Atari 800 pixel is represented by a 3x3 X Window rectangle. SVGALIB Options --------------- -sound Select this if you want to try the test sound implementation. You must have the file in your current directory. The file can be obtained from snd-data-0.1.tar.Z in the kernel/sound directory on sunsite. -interlace Select this to display only half the scanlines at a time. Gives a performance increase of about 10%. Amiga Options ------------- -ocs Select this if you are using an OCS based Amiga. Note: This option has only been tested under OCS emulation on an A1200. There could be Workbench compatibility problems on a real OCS Amiga. -ecs Select this if you are using an ECS based Amiga. Note: This option has only been test under ECS emulation on an A1200. There could be Workbench compatibility problems on a real ECS Amiga. -aga Select this if you are using an AGA based Amiga. -grey Produce a grey scale display. -colour Produce a full colour display on AGA Amigas and up to 32 simultaneous colours on OCS and ECS Amigas. Curses Options -------------- -left Use columns 0 to 39 -central Use columns 20 to 59 -right Use columns 40 to 79 -wide1 Use columns 0 to 79 (Spaces between characters) -wide2 Use columns 0 to 79 (as above but Normal/Reverse spaces) Dos VGA Options --------------- -interlace Select this to display only half the scanlines at a time. Gives a performance increase of about 10%. -nosound Use this for disabling sound -joyswap Use this for swapping joy0 and joy1 -LPTjoy1 Use this when you have connected joy to LPT1 -video <n> Select video mode: 0 = 320x200, 1 = 320x240 Falcon Options -------------- -interlace <n> Select this to update the Falcon screen less times -joyswap Use this for swapping joy0 and joy1 -resolution <n> Choose between 320x240, 352x240 and 384x240 graphics. See INSTALL.falcon for details, please. Keyboard + Joystick & Paddle Controllers ======================================== Unlike PC Xformer, I have not tried to emulate the exact keyboard layout, instead, I have tried to make your native keyboard work as normal. Note: The function keys will eventually be changed to a more logical order. X11 Keyboard + Joystick & Paddle Controllers ============================================ F1 Built in User Interface F2 Option F3 Select F4 Start F5 Warm Reset Shft+F5 Cold Reset F6 Toggle RAM/ROM between 0x8000 and 0xbfff (PIL Mode) F7 Break Key F8 --- F9 Exit Emulator F10 --- F11 Vertical Positioning: Scroll Screen Downwards F12 Vertical Positioning: Scroll Screen Upwards ALT Atari Key (Either ALT Key will work) Joystick 0 is operated by the mouse position relative to the center of the screen. The mouse button acts as the trigger. Paddle 0 is operated by moving the mouse pointer across the window. SVGALIB Keyboard + Joystick & Paddle Controllers ================================================ F1 Built in User Interface F2 Option F3 Select F4 Start F5 Warm Reset Shft+F5 Cold Reset F6 Toggle RAM/ROM between 0x8000 and 0xbfff (PIL Mode) F7 Break Key F8 --- F9 Exit Emulator F10 --- F11 --- F12 --- ` This character replaces the CAPS lock key because I have not found a way of detecting it. A future solution maybe to automatically issue a CAPS lock key when a transition is made between lower and upper case keys. i.e. If svgalib return 'a' followed by 'A' it could send 'a' 'CAPS' 'A' to the Atari. The CTRL+SHIFT keyboard combinations are implemented using the left ALT key. Joystick 0 is operated by the numeric keypad (make sure that the numeric keypad has been enabled). 7 8 9 \|/ 4 5 6 /|\ 1 2 3 And 0 is the fire key. At the moment it is not possible to use a Paddle with the SVGALIB version. CURSES Keyboard + Joystick & Paddle Controllers =============================================== F1 Warm Reset (This doesn't work under Open Windows) F2 Option F3 Select F4 Start F5 Cold Reset F6 Toggle RAM/ROM between 0x8000 and 0xbfff (PIL Mode) F7 Break Key F8 --- F9 Exit Emulator F10 --- F11 --- F12 --- Some control have special meaning within curses and should not be used. Avoid Control + C, J, M, Q, S and Z The remaining control characters can be typed. Control characters are displayed on the screen with the associated upper case character in bold. No Joystick or Paddle support in this version. AMIGA Keyboard + Joystick & Paddle Controllers ============================================== F1 Warm Reset (This doesn't work under Open Windows) F2 Option F3 Select F4 Start F5 Cold Reset F6 Toggle RAM/ROM between 0x8000 and 0xbfff (PIL Mode) F7 Break Key F8 --- F9 EXIT Emulator F10 --- Joystick is operated as normal with joystick plugged into port 2. Paddles are not support at the moment. BASIC Keyboard + Joystick & Paddle Controllers ============================================== No Frills text. Upper and Lower case letters, 0-9, !"$% etc. No Reset, Option, Select, Start, etc. No Joystick or Paddle support in this version. DOS VGA Keyboard + Joystick & Paddle Controllers ================================================ F1 Built in User Interface F2 Option Key F3 Select Key F4 Start Key F5 Warm Reset Shft+F5 Cold Reset F6 PIL Mode (Atari800) / Help Key (XL/XE) F7 Switch between Emulated joysticks mode and Normal keyboard F8 Enter monitor F9 EXIT Emulator F10 Save Screenshot Control-C terminates the program; to type Control-c, type ALT-c instead. ` is used as the Atari-Invers key Joysticks can be either real one connected to game port, or old 8-bit digital CX-40 joysticks connected to parallel port or keyboard joysticks (try out JOYCFG.EXE). At the moment it is not possible to use a Paddle with this version. Falcon Keyboard + Joystick & Paddle Controllers =============================================== F1 Built in User Interface F2 Option F3 Select F4 Start F5 Warm Reset Shft+F5 Cold Reset F6 Toggle RAM/ROM between 0x8000 and 0xbfff (PIL Mode) F7 Break Key F8 Enter monitor F9 EXIT Emulator Help HELP key (800XL/130XE) Joystick 0 is operated by the numeric keypad (make sure that the numeric keypad has been enabled). 7 8 9 \|/ 4 5 6 /|\ 1 2 3 And 0 is the fire key. At the moment it is not possible to use a Paddle with this version.