dir2atr.ASM Turbo Assembler Version 4.1@xV& dir2atr.ASMz@El$.\equ\attrib.equ"@1 -& .\equ\dos.equ@]h .\equ\equipmnt.equx@S%.\equ\fmsio.equ:@ieA&.\equ\keyboard.equ@K5&.\equ\sysdep.equB@^h .\equ\video.equk@u*%.\equ\wsio.equ@~W# .\str\dta.str~@c%.\str\fmsio.str@`h .\str\position.str@eh .\str\psp.str8@X%.\str\wsio.strq@Lh@ SSEGSTACKtg DSEGDATAH9DSEG1LIBFILESH| CSEGCODEH` GDC_DIRSDC_DRVDC_FILESD_FILDSKFMSIOHEX2DIGITO_UPPERWSIOҐ RETURN_CODE@̠RC:\DIR2ATR.CFGj! 74 ; : 9 SADN112v%> ΠX *.* .e  de de  qТu s  / *.* C:\  J w  I u d c b *G  ) H *,  ) M E A C C:\DIR2ATR\ #D @Y>Y;Y9@ ٠COP![kBG ͻ 4 eͼDO?]⠵mFREEWARE DIR2ATR - Convert pc dir into .ATRs - v05.07.00 by B.F. Schreurs, February 22nd, 1999, CHiPS bv Computer High Performance Software - Freeware Email: stack@xs4all.nl Homepage: http:\\www.xs4all.nl\~stack Please select the appropiate Directory (and Drive) to be converted into .ATR disks.  DO3sPATH  kmPath: H!D/fDRIVES  [^hpiqgo[Select Drive]ͻ A: [FLOPPYDRIVE] C: [MY_VOLUME ] D: [MY_CDROM ] E: [NET_DRIVE ] Z: [RAM_DISK ] ENTER=Select Esc=Cancel F1=Help F4=Cfg ͼ "%  ȠGO iΠq[: ^  * *9`"Enter=SelectEsc=CancelF1=HelpF4=CfgD/"_"DRIVEHLP[Drive Help]ͻ ENTER = Select drive  = Previous drive  = Next drive Home = First drive End = Last drive Pg Up = Previous drives Pg Dn = Next drives F1 = This screen F4 = Config setup Esc = Cancel Press any key to exit ͼD/1 %%%LIBFILES [\]^hpiqgo [Select Dir/Image].. ASM EQUAL MYDIR PROJECT .TOO ATARI .ATR 123,456,789MY .ATR 12,345,678YOUR .ATR 1,234,567ZZZZZZZZ.ATR 123,456 ENTER=Select Esc=Cancel F1=Help F2=CurDir F3=Drvͼ rf'iq  (* ( Ǡ&(.([tH(P( \Gj(Ġr(]( (((0(Enter=SelectEsc=CancelF1=HelpF2=CurDirF3=Drv(D/(E_(LIBHELP [Dir/Image Help]ͻ ENTER = Select Dir/Image = Prev Dir/Image  = Next Dir/Image Home = First Dir/Image End = Last Dir/Image Pg Up = Prev Dirs/ImagesPg Dn = Next Dirs/ImagesF1 = This screen F2 = Select Curr Dir F3 = Go to drive scrnF4 = Config setup Esc = Exit Program Press any key to exit ͼUP?X+Ӡh+CONFIG \ \\[Configuration Setup]ͻStartup Drives : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Use a '*' to scan all available drives, or specify the dirve letters to scan, i.e. 'CDE'. Currently Active : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Shows the drives who are currently available, and is always a subset of the Startup Drives specified.Disk Images Location : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Use a '*' to use the current drive/directory, or specify the drive/directory, i.e. 'C:\MYDIR\'. Disk Density to use : x S=Single, M=Medium, D=Double, Q=Quad, 18/ 7=720 KB disk, 1=1.44 MB disk, H=16 MB harddisk Create ATR/XFD disks : x [A=.ATR disks, X=.XFD disks] Specify DOS File path: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I.e 'C:\DIR2ATR\', the program will add 'DOS25\' etc. Disk Format to use : x D=DOS 2.5, M=MYDOS 4.53, B=BEWEDOS, O=MY OWN DOS (DOS), S=SPARTADOS 3.3a, X=SPARTADOS/X, Y=MY OWN DOS (SPARTA) Write DOS Files : x [Y=Yes, N=No] Write DUP.SYS file: x [Y=Yes, N=No] Use SpartaDos 'MAIN' : x [Y=Yes, N=No, use Pc directory name] ENTER=Save F2=Update Configuration File C:\DIR2ATR.CFG Esc=Cancel g2ͼ"_3m"36("3 >"3"36" 4Ѡ"+4"M4-u"o4f"4  E4o4+\4M4= 4+4SMDQ71HDMBOSXYAXYN*ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZENTER=SaveEsc=CancelF2=Update Configuration File C:\DIR2ATR.CFGD )BO055ERROR1 [Drive Not Ready]ͻ There is NO media in the requested drive! Press any key to confirmͼD )BO+v66ERROR2 [Drive Not Present]ͻ There is NO valid disk drive present! Press any key to confirmͼO ?Oˠ_7k7ERROR3 [Command Line Interface Error]ͻ The number of specified CLI parameters is incorrect, or the parameters themselves are incorrectly specified. Please refer to the documentation file DIR2ATR.TXT. Press any key to confirm ͼEvH>!t5$>t">\"t o 3J3!3&tVWV_^^ؾV_،(>(þV_]uþCV_k]us]ut]uEV_m]uu]uv]uV_]u]u$]ut]$u&V_e]uV_]u]u]u]$u&V_]u1V_b"]uSV_n"]uuV_x"]uV_"]u"V_"]u"]u"]u$V_%]u$%]uK%]u']$u&'V_(E(E'V_(]u(V_(]u2(V_(]uT(V_(]uv(V_(]u(V_(]u)]u)]u@+V_h+]ur+]uv+] u"x+]uI3]$u&V_ ]u5]u k3V_>]u ]u3V_ ]u3V_ ]u5]u 3V_ ]u5]u 3V_ ]u4V_]u 5]u 74V_]u5]u Y4V_]u5]u {4V_]u5]u 4V_65]u4V_J5]u4V_@5]uu5V_5]uTT#T0TfTuTȂTćTȎTĔTĘTĜTģTĭTĴTĽTTTTTTTTT TT T)T0T9TBTKTXTaThTqTxTŁTňTőTŘTšTŨTűTźTTTTTTTTTTTTT!T(T1T8TATHTQTXTaTjTsTzTƃTƌTƕTƞTƫTƴTƽTTTTTTTTTTTTT(T/T8TATHTQTZTaTjTsTzTǃTnjTǓTǜTǣTǬTdzTǼTT5]u5]u^6V_6]u6]u6]uG7V_o7]uw7]uy7]uuV^V_3 O& &E !AV_PJD>8 2>!t*G7OV^G7UV^G7CV^À>!t.&< tFGIu!&= u GIu!þV_]u IW_}tG V_ V_ V_ V_ V_V_V_ V_ >< u"3]`T TTT#T,T5TVXXXX"2"VVXXXXZ"^"eV_3E\"< t-\"8u\"Z"^";`"~ +`"΃>\"tl>^"uVZ"^" V_ V_eV_ eV_  R>]u(^6OV^^6UV^^6CV^þCOV^=tþCDV^þEV^þDV^þDV^þeV_G FV^V_/ME ^"M EESV^RV^PV_MME ^"M SV^XZ"uTZ">^"t ^"?Z" \";Z"u+Z"`"9^"t ^"Z"+`"A>Z"uZ"+^"A;`"| +`"^"JZ"Z"+^"A`";\"~^"J;\"~+\")^"\"Z"m>Z"uZ"+^"Au >^"us^"Z"6Z";\"uT\"Z";`" ^"+`"A`"^"V_3E]uV_3ۊ]  3ɊMt< t/}~5TT TTT$,T0T5T:BTHTMTRTbTgTsT~TĂTĆTĊTēTĝTħTıTķTļTTTTTTTTTTTT$)T17T?MTU[T`fTntT|łTŘTťTŶTTTTTTHTRTVT`TgTnTrT{TTƃTƌTƓTƗTƟTƩTƭTƲTƻTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT)T6T6Z"N&:&E\FV^ ;u|þ"OV^"UV^"CV^À> u$((3 u   ('V_33ɊM3(>(3F> t8eV_eeV_3 OY &#2#VeV(>(WXXXXXXeV_eeV_3 Oe &#2#VeV(>(3OWXXXXXX((> u3> t) 3 u  ((+(A'V_3EW(>(_E](>(3+33ɻ(v e(u6(>(t (((;(u ((9(t ((+(A>(u(+(A;(| +((J(lT TTTT!T%T3T;ATUT]bTjoTw~TĈTČTđTĖTĝTĥTĩTĮTTTTTTTT TTTT T%.T5T=TNT[T_TdTjTnT}ŊTŐTŖTŠTŪTůTŴTŻTTTTTTTTTTT!TCTQTUT]bTjoTwƀTƐTơTƯTƼTTTTQT[T_TiTpTwT{TDŽTLjTnjTǕTǜTǠTǨTDzTǶTǻTTTTD(+(A(;(~(J;(~+()(((p>(up(+(Au >(uU((9(;(u6((;( (+(A(('V_3EW(>(_E]$V_3ۊ]  3ɊMt< t/}~(+;(~((VeV_I\GG(H3۹3W(>(&=.t}_^&}:uG'eV_ &?<u >(tվ$DV^OO \GG  >(tW &=<^_u0 ^O GG&\ >(u^^w@>:t F:PeV_ eV_G eV_X&&E:&E\0þ(OV^(UV^(CV^þ@+OV^@+UV^<ueV_  \"t<\t=X!@X!s X!P3۹3ᣛ 3H 33!sX!X!Q3W 3 [XPSV_E] IW_}uXGV_}umTT TTTT*T.T2T6T=TGTKTXTeTkTtTxTāTąTĉTĒTĜTġTĥTīTĺTľTTTTTT'T+T0TFTVTZTTŜTŤTŪTTTTT5TFTUTeTƄTƑTƞTƬTƹTTTTTTTTTT TT!T3T6T:TDTKTYTjTrTdžTǒTǞTǫTT@$U sE}tU sEWE} &_CW__W &V_[XPSE] OW_}tP WEE} &_<t-<#t < uW_}tU sEW]}   > u > t > to > t_ > tO> t?> t/> t> t_<t_]-CW__3I!@+CV^À>tBeV V V V VV V V V>VVV=VVVV VV V V V V VVXþCCV^ôL!Y8QTgyTTTTTTTTTTTT#T'T3T7TCTGTSTWT~ŋTŚTţTŨTŭTŲTŷTżTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTT(T08T6