Welcome to MakeAtr, the first in hopefully a series of useful ATR utilities. This program may be freely distributed but not sold alone or with any other program for profit. Original Docs must also the progra,. 'nuff said, here goes... What is MAKEATR --------------- This program will take almost any atari executable and turn it into an ATR disk image you can run directly from most Atari 8-bit emulators. It should work with any stand alone program that does not need DOS. The ATR file it generates is only large enough to contain 3 boot sectors (384 bytes) and the file itself. This makes it easier to load any specific program without having to use any Atari Dos. It should also make it easy to develop a front end menu program for an Atari Emulator. How to use MAKEATR to create an ATR ----------------------------------- Make ATR is used by simply typing from a DOS prompt: MAKEATR atrname.atr executable Where atrname.atr is the ATR file to create and executable is an Atari 8-bit executable. Common extenders for executables are .EXE, .COM, .BIN, .OBJ or even none at all with the extender as part of the name. If the file you want is contained within ATR or XFD you will need to use another program to extract the file you want since I haven't released mine yet. ADIR is a good program for doing this. If the ATR file you specify on the command line exists, it will be overwritten. If a program fails to work when booting the ATR, please ensure that it works when loaded normally from DOS. Programs that consist of more than one file, or require access to files via DOS, will not work obviously since the disk created can only contain one file and there is no DOS emulation. How to load the ATR ------------------- With XLIT, simply use: ATARI -nobasic atrname.atr (using any other options desired) It will automatically load and run. A 'k' will display in the upper left hand corner of the screen while the program loads unless the program puts up its own Splash screen. If for any reason the screen turns red, that indicates an error occured loading from the disk. Press Shift-F8 to exit XL-IT and load something else. For other emulators, SIO2PC, or APE, follow the directions and set the ATR to be on Drive 1, and boot up the emulator or the real Atari. Disable BASIC via options for the emulator or pressing the OPTION key. How to create an executable back from the ATR file --------------------------------------------- That utility is not written yet, so keep a copy of the original. I will hopefully write it really soon. For the technically inclinded, get the original file length from the four bytes at offset 25 into the ATR file, remove the first 384 bytes, and cut off the garbage at the end of the file until it is its original length. Simple, huh? How MAKEATR came about ---------------------- I was working on an ATR programmers library, when this came to mind. Other items in the library that make it to future utilities or one ultimate utility include: ATR Directory sorter, ATR creation, ATR file extraction, ATR file insertion, Shrink an ATR to fit its contents, ATR directory, File viewers & converters. Anyone with information on Sparta Dos or other disk formats drop me a line. I am also interested in algorithms for determining the DOS format of a disk. Specifically MyDos 1050 Density vs Atari 1050 Density, How to tell if a disk is in Atari or MyDos format. I think Mydos doesn't store File Number within each sector along with the sector link information when there is above a certain number of sectors. Also complete Docs on DCM format would be appreciated. Ken Siders mail:ken_siders@compuserve.com http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ken_siders/atari.htm