Return-path: Received: from TERMINATOR.CC.UMICH.EDU by STONY-BROOK.SCRC.Symbolics.COM via INTERNET with SMTP id 804593; 5 Jun 90 17:45:31 EDT Received: from by (5.61/1123-1.0) id AA13871; Tue, 5 Jun 90 17:45:20 -0400 Received: by (5.57/UCD.EECS.2.0) id AA15797; Tue, 5 Jun 90 14:43:31 PDT Date: Tue, 5 Jun 90 14:43:31 PDT From: (C. Andy Hulse) Message-Id: <> To: Subject: util.uue This came along the newsgroup comp.sys.atari.8bit a little while ago. Judging by how long it took to get it posted after I found out it existed (~6 months), it *really* needs a home somewhere so people who missed it don't have to beg. Good Luck, --Andy Hulse --------------Forwarded Message--------------- Article 449 of comp.sys.atari.8bit: Path: ucdavis!ucbvax!ucsd!usc!!mips!apple!fernwood!portal!!Chris_F_Chiesa From: Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.8bit Subject: UPLOAD #4: Read/write Atari disks on PC !!! Message-ID: <> Date: 28 May 90 03:25:36 GMT References: <> <3781@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov> <> <2198@atari.UUCP> <> Distribution: usa Organization: The Portal System (TM) Lines: 396 Here, at long last, is the program you've all been waiting for! This is the one that will run on the IBM PC and will let you read and write Atari disks on the PC! Note that the particular Atari disks in question must be TRUE DOUBLE DENSITY, for example as provided by the US Doubler upgrade to the Atari 1050 drive; MYDOS format is supported for subdirec- tories etc... This upload is different from the others I've sent out today, in that it is meant to be used on the PC, NOT on the Atari! Save this message on your Usenet host system, then either download to a PC and UUdecode there, OR UUdecode first and then download the resulting binary to your PC. In either case, you will wind up with the PC program "UTIL.EXE," which can then be invoked by typing its name at the MS-DOS prompt. It will then display a screenful of information telling you how to use it to do different things. If you need help, write me, I've used it success- fully on a number of occasions. I would like to hear from anyone who downloads this, in order to have evidence that I either bungled the job, or DIDN'T: namely, were you able to UUdecode this and get it onto a PC and make it work? :-) Best of luck, here goes. Chris Chiesa