Atari classic tape recovery program. Version May 1997. Preface. I have always had a strong resentment towards saving data onto cassette tape. This is probably due to the fact that it is sometimes a write only medium. Data that is stored on a cassette tape is sometimes impossible to ever load again. I have had this problem ever since our first computer, which was a system based on the S-100 bus. It had an 8080 processor, and a cassette interface. When I finally went out and bought a real nice computer, it was time to buy the Atari 800 system. I knew right away that I wanted an 810 diskette drive. I thought it would be nice to be able to load games from cassette too, so I did buy a 410 cassette recorder as well. When I got home from the store, it turned out that my 810 was not operational, and thus I was forced to use the 410 for a couple of days. I soon found out that the cassette system on the Atari was not much better than that on our old S-100 bus system. I rushed back to the store to get the 810 replaced. Ever since that first day, I have never trusted a cassette unit again. Various models were introduced to replace the old 410. The 1010 appeared, followed by the XC11 and the XC12. Some units worked better than others. Some had severe problems with noise and hum. I cannot begin to count the number of load errors that I have experienced. And I have had a floppy drive almost from the beginning. I started to hold a grudge against cassette units. Numerous times, I have dreamt about throwing one from the world trade center, or some similar building, just to see it be smashed into more pieces than are listed in the service documentation. This is what I advised people to do when I bought a box of 1010 cassette units. I sold them strictly for the SIO-cable, telling people that the 1010 unit came with it for free, and that it could be thrown off a tall building. Actually, since it is illegal and dangerous to throw things off of a tall building, I had to come up with another way to pay these nasty cassette units back for all the load errors they have inflicted on me. This project is the result of my efforts. It is payback time, so all you 410's, 1010's, XC11's, XC12's, beware, you are about to become obsolete. Purpose of this project. The design goal of this project is to retrieve the data that is stored on cassette tapes. This sounds like a sensible thing to do with a storage device. That is, unless you design cassette interfaces. The data can be stored on a mass storage device on some host system. It should be possible to load the data from the host system into the Classic Atari. The data could also be re-saved onto cassette tape, thus cleaning up faulty tapes that contain dropouts, spikes, noise, or other problems. Data that is damaged can be restored, or repaired. The data on the new tape could be saved at a higher baudrate, thus reducing the time required to load the tape. The quality of the cassette tape can be greatly improved in this way. The various emulators that currently exist, might add support for the file format used to store the cassette data. Booting a cassette tape on these emulators could then be implemented, and it could load a tape instantly. Since the cassette data is retrieved using only a sound card and some software, there is no need for a cassette unit. Data can be retrieved from the cassette tapes even if your cassette unit is broken, unreliable, or otherwise not available. Data that is retrieved from a tape can be processed, and converted to a disk format. Theory of operation. In order to be able to retrieve information, we must first know how data is encoded on Atari tapes. There is some documentation on this subject in various books and documents. I could refer you to these documents, but since I have gathered all the information for this project, I will simply list the information here. Data is encoded on the cassette tape as a frequency shift keying audio signal, usually referred to as FSK. For the non-technical persons, this means that an audio tone is recorded on the tape that has either one frequency, referred to as the mark tone, or another frequency, called the space tone. Normally, the FSK-decoder within the cassette unit will determine what tone is on the tape. Based on the frequency of the tone, the cassette unit will convert this tone to either a "1" value, or a "0" value. This value is placed on the serial bus DATA IN line. So that is all the cassette unit has to do. The POKEY chip within the Atari will be programmed by the Operating System to decode the data. The data is stored on the tape as a serial stream of bits. Each byte contains 8 bits. Since the data is saved as a-synchroneous data, there are also startbits and stopbits. There is one startbit, and one stopbit. So in order to store one byte on the cassette tape, ten bits are encoded. POKEY will notice the startbit, determine the value of the 8 bits that follow the startbit, and it will use the stopbit to synchronize again, so that it will not get confused. The value of the 8 databits will be combined to form the byte that was encoded. The byte is stored in a buffer, and the next byte will then be decoded. When a complete record is decoded, the O.S. will return the status of the operation. Sometimes it will tell you that decoding was successful. Most of the time, a boot-error or load-error is reported. Well, actually, sometimes it works most of the time. All this sounds fairly simple, and actually it is. But then again, I have left out a lot. For one thing, since this is a-synchroneous data, POKEY must determine how long a bit actually is. If two consecutive bits have a value of "1", how will POKEY know whether this is one bit, or two bits, or more? This is determined by the bit-rate. This tells POKEY how many bits are encoded within one second. The bit-rate for Atari tapes is usually 600 bits per second. Since a simple FSK encoding scheme is used, this happens to be the same as the baudrate. So in the manuals, it says that the tapes are written at 600 baud. You probably should not care about the difference, since who cares anyway? Now that we know that the speed is 600 bps, we know that the duration of a single bit is 1/600th of a second. POKEY can determine the level of the serial DATA IN line for that period of time, and it will know that after this period of time, the next bit will follow. Now a tape can be stretched a little, due to wear and tear. Also, the speed of the motor inside the cassette unit is not always the same. So the engineers at Atari thought it would be a nice idea to compensate for this in the O.S. A scheme for dealing with variations in tape speeds and other problems is designed into the software. The O.S. will measure the bit-rate at the start of each block of data. In order to be able to do this, two bytes with a fixed value are placed at the beginning of each tape block. When the O.S. reads the beginning of a data block, it will know that these two bytes will be the first bytes to be found. These bytes have a known value, and thus they can be used to measure the speed of the tape. Therefore, they are called the marker bytes. The value chosen for these marker bytes is the hexadecimal number 55. If you translate this into bits, you will find that this means the value is 01010101. The "1" and "0" bits alternate. This means that there is no way that two consecutive bits can have the same value. This makes this value ideal for measuring the length of a single bit. Once this length has been measured, it is assumed that all the other bits in this data block have the same length, since they must have been written at the same speed. Or actually, we hope that the speed of the motor will not vary too much from the value it was when the first two bytes were read. The engineers at Atari allowed for quite a deviation from the standard speed. Some sources claim that the nominal speed is 600 baud, but that the actual speed can range from 318 baud to 1407 baud. If you dive into the Operating System source listing, there is indeed a mention of these values. There is a table that tells the O.S. what value to store in a certain POKEY register. What people appearantly failed to notice, is that part of this table has been commented out. Either there was not sufficient space in the ROM's, or some engineer thought this range was outrageous. The table actually ranges from 895 down to 447 baud. My experiments showed that the highest obtainable speed is around 820 bps, which is the second value in the table, which begins with 895. So maybe the logic for accessing this table always skips beyond the beginning. I have not looked at that piece of code though. The actual speed is allowed to deviate slightly from the programmed speed, so we can get away with a speed of 875 baud. Still, 820 bps is quite a difference from 600 bps. When you think about it, the variation in tape speed must be enormous. You think this tolerance would guarantee that a tape can always be loaded. But just stop and think about this. If the tape speed would really be more than 35 percent higher than normal, not only would the baudrate be higher, but also the tone of the FSK signals would be some 35 percent higher. The space tone is supposed to be 3995 Hz. Add 35 percent to that, and you get about 5393 Hz, which is even beyond the value of the mark tone, which is supposed to be 5327 Hz. This clearly shows that a speed of 1047 bps would be ridiculus. The FSK-decoder circuit in the cassette unit can never ever cope with that much difference. Too bad some smart engineer at Atari figured this out, and decided to limit the table. Make no mistake though, even though the cassette unit hardware cannot cope with this, POKEY would have no problem at all processing these speeds, if programmed at the right baudrate. Remember, POKEY does all serial bus I/O at 19,200 baud, and even then it can go beyond that. So, the cassette unit can probably not go much beyond 600 bps you would say. Well, we cannot simply increase the speed of the tape. But we can increase the FSK encoding bit-rate, as long as we keep the frequencies of the tones within the specifications. More about this later. Okay, so now we now that each block starts out with two marker bytes of hex-55. The O.S. will assume that a data block consists of 128 data bytes. This is the standard length of a cassette block of data, as supported by the O.S. Since the block must be 128 bytes long, regardless of how many bytes are actually stored, the O.S. must have a way of knowing how many bytes of data are stored within the block. The third byte found in the cassette block tells the O.S. how many bytes of data are valid. It is called the control byte. If the block is totally filled with bytes, the control byte will have a value of hex-FC. If the block is partially filled, this byte will be hex-FA, and the 128th data byte will indicate how many of the 128 data bytes are to be considered valid data. Since this is by definition less than 128 bytes, the 128th byte is always available for this purpose. Most boot-tapes will always have completely filled blocks. Files saved by basic usually do not have their last block totally filled. There is also a special code for the control byte to indicate that the end of the tape file has been reached. If the byte has the value hex-FE, this is the end of file indicator. The data bytes will all contain hex-00 if the tape is according to the specifications from Atari. Some boot-tapes do not have this end of file record though. After the marker bytes, and the control byte, we will find 128 data bytes. These are very boring, because they only contain the data or the game or whatever is saved on the tape. After these 128 data bytes, we will find one more byte. This byte contains the checksum. If you add all bytes, from the marker bytes, the control byte, up to the very last data byte, you will get a checksum. This checksum must be equal to the value found in this last byte. If the value does not match, well, we all know what happens. You will get a boot-error, a load-error, a message stating to try the other side of the tape, or similar problems. Note that the carry is always added too. So if addition of a byte causes a carry, the carry is immediately added to the checksum. Since this checksum is merely a simple sum of all bytes, which is forced not to go beyond 255, this method of detecting errors does not offer the highest reliability, but somehow, it manages to detect load-errors every once in a while. Well, if you paid attention, you will now know that a physical tape record as found on the tape contains 132 bytes. The logical tape record is only 128 bytes. When you request a read from a tape, you will only get the 128 data bytes. The extra bytes on the tape are there solely for the purpose of retrieving and checking the data. There are some boot-tapes that do not adhere to this standard. Usually, they have a small boot-loader program that is booted first. Then, they take control of the cassette unit, and bypass the Operating System. Anything goes from that point on, like making a tape block with a record length of 1024 bytes or so. More about this later. We now know that a tape block usually contains 132 bytes. Since each byte has eight bits, and is encoded with a startbit and a stopbit, there are a total of 1320 bits in one tape block. If this is encoded at 600 bps, you will need 2.2 seconds to encode one block of data. To allow the computer some time to process the bytes once they have been received, there is a little pause before the next data block begins. This pause is called the Inter Record Gap, or just IRG. The O.S. has two flavours of IRG. One is called the short IRG, and the other is the normal IRG. They differ mainly in duration. A normal IRG is longer than the short IRG, but I suppose everybody already figured that one out. Which flavour of IRG is used, is selected when the cassette file is opened, with an option in the open command. The short IRG is also called the continuous open mode, while the normal IRG is also called the start/stop open mode. The open mode selects whether or not the motor is stopped after the record has been written to the tape. Since the motor has to be started again when it has been stopped, the motor must be allowed some time to get up to speed again. This is why the IRG is longer when the start/stop mode is selected. The Inter Record Gap is the gap between one record and the next. What do we find between the end of the previous record and the start of the next? That depends on what type of tape you come accross. Some tapes are written by companies that mass produced cassette tapes for software companies. The way these tapes were written differs a lot from the way a regular Atari cassette recorder will record data. One of the differences is found in the way the IRG is created. On an Atari cassette recorder, with the start/stop open mode, the O.S. will stop the tape motor once the record has been written. So this means that after the end of a record, there is a fraction of a second in which the tape will come to a halt. Whatever is written on the tape at that time is hard to say. It is a sure bet that it will be some noise, that will not look like data at all. However, if the short IRG mode is selected, the tape motor will not be stopped. This means that there will be no garbage after the end of the record. Tapes that are mass produced obviously are never stopped, because they usually use the short IRG, but also since the tape was usually produced by some sort of duplication machine, not a real Atari. The master tape was probably generated with a professional FSK modulator. More about this later. The stuff that we find on the tape after the end of the record, is called the Post Record Gap, or just PRG. At the start of each record, a Pre Record Write Tone is written so that it will be easy to recognize the beginning of the record. This is the PRWT. If the short IRG is selected, the PRWT will last 0.25 seconds. For a normal IRG, this PRWT will last 3 seconds. With a normal IRG, the PRG can last up to one second. With a short IRG, the length of the PRG can be anything. It depends on how much time was needed for the program to start writing the next record. If you used a simple save command to write the program or data to the tape, the PRG will be close to zero seconds, but if it is a data record written by a program, it might take several seconds. Then again, what would be the point in using the short IRG then? Anyway, what gets written to tape when the short IRG is in effect is usually a mark tone. The PRG and PRWT will form the IRG together, and it is hard to tell where one ends and the other starts. Since they are the same tone, we only have to worry about what happens when the tape stops and starts again. We will have to treat that portion of the tape as noise. Since we are on the subject of gaps, there is a special gap at the beginning of the tape. Well, since there is nothing before the gap, I suppose you cannot really call it a gap. That is probably the reason why it is called the leader. Each tape file starts out with a leader of 20 seconds. This leader will be written as a mark tone. The leader allows us to recognize the beginning of the tape file. Most cassette tapes have a special leader tape portion to attach the tape to the spindles. This portion is usually made of a different material, so no data can be recorded on it. Since data is often saved at the beginning of a tape, the leader will make sure that no data is written before the tape leader has passed by. Since the O.S. knows that this leader must be present, it will wait some time to make sure that the leader has been reached. If you do not rewind the tape completely, you will get a load error, since the O.S. insists on waiting for 9 seconds before even looking at the tape. The same is true for the inter record gaps. The O.S. will wait a small period of time because it wants to wait for a large portion of the IRG to pass by. Since these timing values are built into the Operating System, it is impossible to change these timing values without bypasing the O.S. completely. Now that we know what is on the tape, let us see what happens when we try to read a tape. When we start reading, we will first encounter the leader, which is a mark tone. The O.S. will wait 9 seconds, and after that, it will start to load a block of data. The mark tone is converted by the FSK-decoder in the cassette unit into a "1" level on the DATA IN line on the SIO bus. The O.S. uses the POKEY chip to monitor the DATA IN line. The state of the DATA IN line can be monitored at bit 4 of the SKSTAT register. The O.S. will wait until the DATA IN line drops to a "0" value. When this happens, we will have reached the startbit of the first byte in the block. Since the first two bytes are the marker bytes, the O.S. will use these bytes to measure the bit-rate. At this time, a counter value is saved, so that it can be used to compute the bit-rate, based on the difference in the counter values. The O.S. will now watch the DATA IN line to see when the first ten bits have passed. Then, it will look for another ten bits for the second marker byte. When all these bits have passed, the counter value is taken again, and the difference is computed. This value is used to access a table, which holds the value for the bit-rate register in the POKEY chip. Once programmed with the proper bit-rate, POKEY will be able to convert the serial stream of bits into bytes, that can easily be obtained from the POKEY chip. We start out by obtaining and storing the control byte. After that, we have to retrieve the 128 data bytes. Each byte is added to the checksum, and when the checksum byte is finally obtained from the POKEY chip, the computed checksum is compared to the checksum byte. When things work as they should, these match, and the O.S. will report that the record has been read. The marker bytes have not actually been read by the POKEY chip, but they are included in the checksum. This is why the O.S. starts the checksum at hex-AA, which is the sum of two hex-55 bytes. The O.S. will not need to convert the bits into bytes itself. Neither will it have any part in detecting the tone on the tape. The FSK-decoder inside the cassette unit will convert the FSK tones to serial data that is put on the SIO bus. POKEY will convert this to bytes, once properly programmed with the proper bit-rate. To the POKEY chip, this data looks very similar to the data that comes from a diskette drive. Once again, when reading a cassette tape, all the audio processing is done strictly by the FSK decoder circuit within the cassette unit itself. When data is saved to a cassette tape, POKEY will be used to generate the tones. The audio signals generated by POKEY are simply recorded by the cassette unit. When the cassette device is opened for output, the O.S. will put POKEY into the two-tone mode. POKEY will also be programmed for a bit-rate of 600 bps. Two beeps prompt the user to press return. When return is pressed, the motor is started. At this time, the leader is created, by simply waiting for 20 seconds. Then the O.S. considers the open complete. When the O.S. is called to save a record to the tape, the pre-record write tone is generated by waiting for either 0.25 seconds, or 3 seconds if the motor has to be started again, as described earlier. Then, the two marker bytes are put into the pokey register. When these have been written, the control byte and the 128 data bytes are also put into the POKEY register one by one. While doing this, the checksum is computed, and when all bytes have been written to tape, the checksum is written to the tape. Then, either the motor is turned off, or left on, depending on the open mode. Bytes are coded on the tape in ten bits. First a startbit, which is a space tone. Then, the eight databits are coded, starting with the least significant bit. A bit that has a "1" value is encoded as a mark tone, a bit that has a "0" value is encoded as a space tone. After the databits, a stopbit is encoded, which is a mark tone. POKEY will use a tone of 5327 Hz for the mark tone, and a tone of 3995 Hz for the space tone. Most of this sounds familiar, since we already discussed this when we were looking at how data is read. Just the facts. Stereo cassette tape, one data channel, one audio channel. Leader is 20 seconds mark tone. Normal IRG PRWT is 3 seconds mark. Short IRG is 0.25 seconds mark. Normal IRG PRG is up to 1 second garbage. Short IRG PRG is 0 to n seconds of garbage. Startbit is space. 8 data-bits "0" = space, "1" = mark, lsb first. Stopbit is mark. Mark is 5327 Hz. Space is 3995 hz. Speed is 600 bps nominal, may run from 425 to 875 bps. Record starts with two marker bytes of hex-55. Control byte has a value of hex-FC for a full record. Control byte has a value of hex-FA for a partial record, the 128th data byte will indicate the number of bytes actually used. Control byte has a value of hex-FE when the record is an end-of-file marker, all data bytes will be zero. A tape record usually has 128 data bytes. A checksum is appended to the end of the tape record, it is computed by adding all bytes, adding the carry back in. Reading data from a cassette tape. Now that we know what we will find on a cassette tape, we can try to think of ways to retrieve the data that is stored on the tape. An obvious method would be using an Atari cassette unit. But that would be too easy. Besides, I do not like using those machines, just collecting them. Actually, it should be possible, but more about this later. I was more thinking about ways to retrieve the data by means of software. Since the data is encoded on the tape in an audio format, we can use regular audio processing tools to process the data. What we need is a PC equipped with a sound card, some software to digitize the audio, and a lot of free hard disk space. We have to convert the FSK tones into a wave file. A regular audio cassette player should be connected to the sound card. The tape is recorded in a stereo format, and we are only interested in the data channel. We have to connect the sound card to the proper channel. We can then start the wave recording program. For reasons that I will explain later, we must set the sampling rate to 44,100. We only want to record one channel, so we set it to mono, 8-bits, just to keep it in style. This means that the audio will be sampled 44,100 times per second. The level of the audio signal is represented by a value that ranges from 0 to 255, since that is the range that is available within 8 bits. Therefore, each sample will be represented by one byte. When the recording level is not adjusted properly, the value may range from about 30 to 220 or so, or similar values. This does not really matter much, as long as the audio signal has a reasonable level. Adjust it as you would with any other sound. For my cassette player, this means I have to set the recording level control at the maximum. When there is no audio signal, the level will be around 128. We can now start to record the audio signal to the wave file. Tapes differ is length, depending on how much data is stored on them. Some tapes are 16K or less, other tapes are 48K or more. Most tapes require roughly 2.5 seconds per block of 128 bytes, which is 20 seconds per kilobyte. A 16K tape will take about 5 minutes, a 48K tape could easily take 15 minutes or more. At a sampling rate of 44,100 samples per second, we will have to store 44,100 bytes each second, or about 2.5 Megabytes per minute. A fifteen minute tape will easily consume over 30 Megabytes of disk space. I told you you would need a lot of free hard disk space. If you do not have that much hard disk space available, you should backup some data and make space available, or simply buy a bigger hard disk. Another option is to record only a portion of the tape, process that portion, and then process the next portion, and so on, until the entire tape has been processed. Me, I am lazy, so throw hardware at the problem. Hard disks are cheap nowadays. When the entire tape has been digitized, we can stop recording to the wave file. Make sure you rewind the tape before you start recording. Most of the time, it is best to wait until you hear the leader before starting to record to the wave file. Now that we have the cassette tape on our hard disk as data, we can start to analyze and interpret the wave data. A wave file starts with a header that specifies the sampling rate and other technical stuff. A wave file is a file in the standard RIFF file format, and documentation on this subject is available. I did not invent this weird format, so if you want to know the details, get yourself a copy of that piece of documentation, or try to read the code. (Hah, if it was hard to code, it should be hard to understand!). This header is read and processed. If the wave file is acceptable, processing continues. After the header, we will find the sample data. This sample data is a very huge list of PCM values ranging from 0 to 255. From these samples, we have to form the bytes that are encoded in this audio pattern. We know that we should only find the FSK tones in the audio. The first thing we should do is to determine which one of the two tones is on the tape, the mark tone, or the space tone. The only way to distinguish between these two is their difference in frequency. Therefore, we must think of an algorithm that determines the frequency of the tone. Or rather, one that tells us whether it is one tone, or the other. A tone has the form of a wave, hence the name wave file. The audio level rises and falls continuously. The number of times it rises and falls within one second is called the frequency. The mark tone has a frequency of 5327 Hz, which means that within each second, it will rise from the minimum value to the maximum value and back to the minimum value 5327 times. In other words, there are 5327 periods within one second. Since we are sampling at a sampling rate of 44,100 samples per second, this means that within each period, we will be taking about 8 samples. If we are sampling a space tone, which has a frequency of 3995 Hz, we will be taking about 11 samples each period. The way we can determine the frequency of the tone is now very simple. We look at the sampled values to determine when the period is complete. The number of samples within that period tells us what the frequency of the tone is. If we counted 11 samples, it was a space tone. If we counted 8 samples, it was a mark tone. If it was anything else, well, we have a problem. Of course, sampling is not begun exactly at the start of the period. So we have to allow for slight differences. Therefore, 10 samples will also be recognized as a space tone, and 9 samples will be recognized as mark. From this, it is now obvious why a sampling rate of 22,050 or less will not work well. We would have 4 samples for mark, and about 5 samples for space. This is not enough of a difference, since the timing differences we mentioned just now could cause a difference of a single sample, causing a space tone to be recognized as a mark tone, or a mark tone as a space tone. With the sampling rate at 44,100, we have enough of a difference to allow for these slight timing problems. So how do we determine when a period is complete? In the beginning, I tried to find the sinus wave form we all know, starting at the zero level, going up to the top, going back down passing the zero level again, going down to the bottom, and then back to the zero level again. A classic sinus. Well, in real life, you will not only find the two FSK tones on a tape. For one thing, you can find noise. There might be a hum superimposed on the signal. A FSK-decoder will not be disturbed by this, since it has filters to get rid of these disturbing noises. We have to remove these unwanted signals in software now. A hum has a frequency that is around 50 or 60 Hz. If the amplitude is fairly large, it will cause our zero level to shift up or down from the normal value of 128. To compensate for this, we have to take the average value of the samples, and compute the zero level value based on this. This was a big problem, since when the zero level is around 128, do we consider the value 127 to be positive or negative? If the zero level is not determined exactly right, this might cause us to misinterpret a sample. To reduce the problem, I boosted the sampling rate internally to 88,200 by computing the average value of two consecutive samples, and inserting that between the two. This gave me more of a difference between mark and space, and it reduced the deviation that was caused by the samples with a value near the zero level. Another problem is the fact that on some tapes the volume level of the mark tone differs from that of the space tone. When the tone shifts from mark to space, it is hard to compute the average. You would need to take the average of a couple of periods. But then the hum is no longer removed. When there is a dropout on the tape, the audio level is reduced, or the audio is even totally gone. I spent a lot of time trying to solve these problems, and the solution is simple. Since it is hard to determine the zero level, it is best to come up with an algorithm that does not care about what the zero level is. The current version is only interested in the count of samples within a one period time frame. It does not matter where this period begins. So let us not start at the zero level, since that is so hard to determine. Let us start at the top level. That is easy to recognize. We only have to compare two consecutive samples. If the second sample has a higher value than the first one, the sinus wave is going up. If it is has a lesser value, it is going down. That is very easy to determine. When it is no longer going up, we will know that the previous value was the top value. We will be going down to the bottom value, passing the zero level somewhere, but who cares, and when we are going back up again, the period will be complete when the sample level reaches the top, when it starts to fall again. This is true even if there is a hum or other noise superimposed on the signal. The value of the top and bottom levels may vary, but we are not interested in the actual value. We just want to see the level change from rising to falling or from falling to rising. This algorithm is not troubled by any noise at all. Now all we do is count the number of samples between two top levels, and since we know the sample rate, we can compute the frequency of the tone. Or actually, we just want to distinguish between the mark and the space tone, so if the sample count is above a certain value, we will assume the tone is a space tone, and otherwise it must have been a mark tone. Now that we know whether the current tone is mark or space, we can take the next step. We want to know the duration of the mark and the space tones. Since one tone stops when the other starts, we can measure the duration of the mark and the space tones in pairs. Each mark tone is followed by a space tone, which is followed by another pair of mark and space tones. The duration of a tone is determined by summing up all sample counts that turned out to be of the same tone. When we find the sample count indicates a mark tone, we add it to the sum of the duration of the mark tone. When the next period is a mark tone too, we keep adding. If it is a space tone, we start the space count of the pair, and continue counting space tone values until we encounter a mark tone again. At this time, we move to the next pair and start summing the mark counts again. In this way, we are building a table with count pair values, that holds the total duration of each mark and space tone on the tape as a sample count. The duration of a tone is related to how many bits are encoded within that tone, so we can use this table to recover the bits from the tones. The bits can then be assembled into bytes again. This table would grow very long, and it is also easier to decode the bytes in blocks, since we have a checksum that can help in determining problems in decoding the data. So when we hit the end of a record, we want to start decoding the data. We know that after the end of a record, we might find any old noise. This makes it hard to find the end of the record. We do know however that after this, we will find the PRWT of the next record. This is easy to recognize, since it is a mark tone of a considerable duration. When the mark tone changes over to a space tone, we can look at the duration of the mark tone. If the sum is above a fairly large number, we know that this mark tone was a PRWT tone. At this time, we can start to process the record, and then start our table all over again for the next record. We now have this table of sample counts. How do we convert this into bytes? First we have to know how many samples there are within one bit. This depends on the baudrate. If we find 600 bits per second on a tape, and we are taking 44,100 samples each second, a bit will last about 44,100 samples divided by 600 bits, which is 73.5 samples. Half a sample does not exist, so we know we have about 73 to 74 samples per bit. We can now simply divide the sample counts in the table by 73, and then we will know how many bits are represented by each tone. We know how the bits are written on the tape, so we can figure out the startbit, the eight databits, and the stopbit. The table starts out with the PRWT, which can be found in the count for the first mark tone. The count for the first space tone in the table must be the first startbit, so this should be a value of around 73. If this is a standard tape record, we will find the two marker bytes at the beginning of the record. The first databit we find will be the least significant bit. It has a value of "1", so it is encoded as a mark tone. Again the value should be around 73. In this way we will be able to decode all bits of the first marker byte. At the end, we will find the stopbit, which is a mark tone. The next marker byte is exactly the same. Then we will find the control byte, and the 128 data bytes, and the checksum. It is simply a matter of dividing the count values by the length of one bit. During this process, we have to keep track of when to expect a startbit and when to expect a stopbit, since we have to throw these away. We only want to store the databits. Since the marker bytes are meant for measuring the baudrate, this is what we will use them for. We know that their bit pattern alternates, so we know that from the first space tone, we can find 20 bits alternating. The count values of these 20 bits are added and divided by 20. We then know the actual length of one bit, which usually turns out to be somewhere around 75 or so. Well, this algorithm sounds easy enough, but what if a tone lasts only a few periods? If the sample count of a bit is around 40 or so, it is too short to be a bit. Well, there can be noise on the tape that causes our counting algorithm to fail. In this case, you might get count values that are not a multiple of the bitlength. This is a big problem. The program can try to clean up these disturbances, by looking at the count values of the surrounding tones. For instance, if a mark count of 40 is followed by a space count of 10, and then we find a mark count of 25, we can assume that the space count of 10 must have been a mistake, since a space tone of 10 samples is just one period. We can then add all the counts, and we will ignore the fact that we recognized the space tone. The result is a mark tone of 75 samples, which looks like a normal bit length. This algorithm cleans up little mistakes. But what if the mark count is 320 and the space count is 280? This looks like 4 bits of mark tone, but we have a remainder of 20 samples then. Well, we can simply throw away the 20 excess samples, but the 280 count of the space tone would be 3 bits with a remainder of 55 samples. This looks more like 4 bits. This is why we cannot simply divide the count by the bitlength. The program uses a repetetive subtraction. For each time we can subtract 75, one bit is recognized. If the remainder is above 60 percent of the bitlength value, it is recognized as a bit, so 55 is still recognized as a bit. This turns out to be the hardest part, where most of the errors occur. If the sample counts are not a fairly reliable multiple of the bitlength, we must guess what the value is. In some cases we get lucky. Sometimes, we make the wrong descision. When this happens, the decoding of bits fails to work. Sometimes, we cannot tell where the startbit begins, and several bytes get lost, until we find some byte that causes the program to get synchronized again. Of course, at the end of the record, we might realize that we only decoded 126 bytes instead of the 132 we were supposed to find. Or we will find that the checksum does not match the computed checksum. We might add powerful data restoration routines in this section of the decoding process. However, sometimes it is just impossible to correct the values in the table. If the tape had a dropout, there is no way you can properly decode the bits, since there is no audio on that portion of the tape. You can try to guess the values though. Some tapes have glitches and disturbances that you would not believe until you look at the wave file with a wave editor. Most of the time, as long as the FSK signal is still present, the program will not be disturbed by this. Sometimes it will though. Currently, there is not much recovery logic in the program, since most tapes I have tested could be processed by simply trying to read the reverse side of the tape. The output. Well, now that we know how to retrieve the bytes from the audio, what will we do with them? The bytes are stored in a cassette image file. This file has a small header, so that it can be recognized as a tape image file for a Classic Atari computer. This header starts with the word FUJI. This header record must always be the first record in the file, so that we can always identify the file as a cassette image file. A descriptive text is also stored in this header. When processing the wave file, this description can be entered. This description might be displayed when the cassette image file is processed, or when the data is sent to the Atari. The length of the description is stored, so that we know how long the header record is. All records in the cassette image file have the same format, starting with a type identifier of four bytes. The next two bytes indicate the length of the record, and they are always in the 6502 format, so first the low order byte, then the high order byte. The next two bytes contain information that varies based on the record type, they are called the aux-bytes. If they contain a number, it is stored in the 6502 format. These eight bytes are always present. These bytes are not included in the length specification. After these eight bytes, some record types contain data, and some do not. The length bytes specify how much data to expect. If there is no data, the length bytes are zero. There is no alignment, so the numbers cannot be treated as words or anything like that. The header we discussed is simply a record type, like any other record type. Because the first record must be a record of the header type, we can use it to identify the file. The header records currently have no value in the aux-bytes, so they are zero. After the header record, we might find a record telling us what the baudrate is at which the file should be processed. The record type contains the word baud. The baudrate is stored in the aux bytes. There is no data for this record type. After this, we will find a lot of data records. A data block will contain 128 data bytes most of the time, but since the marker, the control, and the checksum bytes are also stored in the cassette image, the record will usually be 132 bytes long. The record type contains the word data. The length of the record is stored as usual. If the record size is different, well, this will be indicated in the length bytes. The duration of the PRWT is stored in the aux bytes measured in milli-seconds. This is the current content of the .cas file. Note that this leaves room for expansion. Since each record has a record type identifier and a length specification, we can ignore records that are not supported by skipping them. New record types might be added in the future. For instance, we could scan the picture that is on the cassette inlay, and store the picture data in the .cas file with a special record type. We could then show the picture of the cassette box while loading the program. But we could do a lot of other things too. For instance, we could create multiple header records, each with a description, in order to tell the user at what stage of the boot we are currently at. Creativity and time are the limiting factors here. If the decoding process does not result in a clean cassette image file, we are forced to investigate what the problem is. But how do we know how the program did? Apart from the cassette image file, the program will also output a file containing the data in a hexadecimal notation. It has an extension of .hex, and it is a simple text file. It can be viewed with any decent text viewer. It will contain a line of text for each data record. It contains the length of the PRWT, the length of the data record, and all the bytes. The marker bytes, the control byte and the checksum byte are also simply treated as data, so all bytes are visible. The checksum is computed, and it is compared to the checksum byte. The result of the comparison is indicated at the end of the text line, by either putting "ok" or "bad" at the end of the line. The computed checksum is stored next to the checksum byte, so we can see what the current value is, and what the expected value is. Lines that are marked bad mean trouble. If the record length has a weird value, you will know that there is a problem with recognizing the bits, maybe because of erroneous mark or space counts. If we could simply correct these problems within this text file, we would be able to recover bad tapes. This would only be possible if we know what bytes are missing. The missing or incorrect bytes can then be corrected. But then we would need a program that will take a .hex file and convert that to a .cas file. This should be fairly easy, but I have been too busy to write such a program. If you want to investigate a little deeper what caused the problems, you can look at the .fsk file. It will contain all mark and space count pairs. This is also a simple text file, that can optionally be generated. Each line starts with the byte offset of the PCM data. We can take a look at the wave file with a wave editor, and this offset value can be entered in the wave editor to position it at the problem area. We usually find something here that caused the disturbance. It might seem complicated to interpret the mark and space counts, and it probably is. But you should not be trying to understand what is encoded. If you want to use the FSK file to correct problems, you should only try to correct the things where the wrong tone was detected. After changing the counts, the file should be processed in a similar way as we would normally process a count table. The mark and space counts could then be converted to bits and bytes again. Again, we would need a program to do this, and this could apply the same logic as discussed. During the development stage, I had the program print a lot of information to the screen. However, printing several megabytes to the screen takes a lot of time, and you have to be reading as fast as Mr Data to keep up with the computer, so I redirected the output to a file. All the relevant data can then be examined at your own pace. Well, as you might guess, all these files take up a lot of hard disk space too. I told you you needed a big hard drive. Since these text files are very large, you need a program that can cope with large text files. If you also want to change or edit the text files, you need an editor that allows you to edit files of a few megabytes. Don't even think about using the regular DOS editor, which is no good for anything except for editing config files. Well, if you are only interested in the .hex file, it might be able to handle that. But the diagnostic data is a couple of megabytes, when redirected to a file. One of the things I looked at to discover problems is the total count of the number of samples per byte. Since each byte is encoded in 10 bits, you should have about 735 samples per byte. The actual value does not matter, as long as all bytes are about the same size. If, at some point in the record, you see a large deviation from this average length, you know that this is a problem area. Come to think of it, this would be a far better algorithm for cleaning up the table automatically. Since each byte ends with a stopbit, which is a mark tone, and the next byte starts with a startbit, which is a space tone, we know that when the space tone changes to a mark tone, this mark tone might include the stopbit. We only have to look at the sum of the sample counts to determine this. Better yet, we could go look for the stopbit first, and then decide how to clean up the bits within the byte, if the sample counts cannot be divided evenly by the bit-length. But this version seems to work for now. Tape quality and such. A while back, we discussed lengths of bits. When you have a lot of tapes from different manufacturers, you can see that these tapes differ a lot in audio quality. I am not talking about how these tapes perform on an Atari cassette unit here, although that might be affected too. I am strictly speaking about the technical quality of how the data is written on the tape. The tones that are written on the tape should be pure, so that no distortion will be able to confuse the FSK-decoder. Well, since POKEY can generate pure tones, that is not a problem. But when the data calls for a shift from mark to space, or the other way round, what we see at the spot where the tone changes varies a lot. Some tapes show a brief disturbance. Some tapes simply change the tone of the wave without disturbing it. What we can notice here is that there are two tones that are recorded on the tape. When we need to change the tone, some tapes immediately change the tone right then and there. However, the period usually is not complete at that time. Changing a tone in the middle of a period always causes distortion. Clean tapes will wait until the tone reaches the zero level before changing the tone. Technically, this is a better quality tape. Sometimes, tapes are written by professional FSK generators. These have two tone generators, since it is almost impossible to have a generator produce a pure tone the moment it is switched on. In fact, it may take a while before it can generate any tone at all. That is why these tone generators are on all the time. If we simply use some sort of switch to choose between these two tones, switching from one tone to the other will cause distortion. When we wait until the tone reached the zero level before switching, we cannot be sure that the other tone will be at the zero level at that exact moment. As a matter of fact, since the frequency of the two tones differs, it will probably never be exactly at the zero level then. We should make sure that we switch over to the other tone when that tone is at the zero level too. This means the tones have to be somewhat in phase. With the frequencies specified by Atari, this is impossible. These frequencies were choosen because POKEY can generate them. If we want the tones to be in phase at the time a change can occur, we must change the frequency of one of the tones slightly. The FSK-decoder can cope with some deviation from the standard frequency. We might even change both tones a little. On top of that, we can adjust the baudrate a little, so that we can make the change of the tone real smooth. This might mean that the bit is slightly longer or shorter than it should be, and the "1" bit might have a different length than the "0" bit, but as long as we do not deviate too much, the improved sound quality is worth it, since the FSK-decoder will have less noise to deal with. Well, that is nice for the FSK-decoder, but how about our program? If the bit is longer, we will have to allow for these tolerances. Well, trust me, especially this program does not like to deal with distortion caused by the change in the tone. As a matter of fact, POKEY does not care when it changes the tone. It just does it the moment the time for the previous bit is up. Tapes saved on a real Atari thus are not very clean, and we will have more trouble reading them. Just take a look with the wave editor, and you will see what I mean. Allowing the bit length to vary is easy though. Since we are returning to the baudrate topic again, can we increase the baudrate on the tape? Well, now that we know what is supposed to be on the tape, we could generate a tape with a higher baudrate, as long as we still use the specified frequencies for the mark and space tones. All we have to do is make the bits shorter. We talked about cleaning up tapes earlier. If we want to generate a FSK audio signal again, based on the contents of the .cas file, we could write a new and improved tape. What we need is a program that converts the data to a wave file again. This wave file can then be played through the sound card, and we could record it using an audio cassette recorder. Since I have have been too busy decoding data, writing a program to encode data would be a nice change, if I only had time. The technical quality of the tones would not be limited by a tone generator, since we can digitally compute the values for the tones. This could really clean up the quality of a tape. We can also choose the baudrate we want to use, so we could increase it to 875 baud. As we discussed, some tapes have a special tape format. They start by loading their own tape handler, and then it takes control and bypasses the O.S. Then, tape records of 1024 bytes of more are used. Since our program is unaware of the fact that the rules imposed by the O.S. are no longer in effect, we do not know how to handle some tapes. If the length is the only difference, this is usually not a problem, since the program was designed to cope with that. As a matter of fact, if we would not have to worry about this, we would know that a record must always be 132 bytes, and ignore any bytes beyond that. Sometimes, the program interprets the PRG as data, and thus some records are assumed to be 133 bytes or more. The checksum will appear to be incorrect, although when trying to load a file like this, the Atari will treat the excess bytes as PRG and ignore them. Since a number of tapes have a non-standard format, we do worry about this. I have tried some tapes with a weird format, and this does work, so, if you really want to get rid of these excess bytes, you should either modify the program, or change the .hex file, and write a processing utility for it. If you do, upload it! Some files with this weird format have a funny way of storing the checksum. They have a checksum of two bytes or more. Sometimes, this checksum appears to be a separate very short record. Sometimes, the records do not have marker bytes. However, we still apply the marker bytes algorithm to compute the bit-rate, since we do not know that the O.S. rules are no longer obeyed. If the result is some weird bit-rate, we are either processing noise, or one of these non-standard records. If there are only a couple of sample count pairs, we treat it as noise. Otherwise, we assume the standard bit-rate of 600 bps, and hope for the best. I do not know if the program can convert all tapes that exist. If you run into very weird tapes, the program might have to be modified. The various text files that are output might have problems with the very long line length. The .hex file for instance would still have all the bytes of a record on one line, and thus it might be a couple of thousand bytes long. Some editors crash if the line is too long. Again, get yourself an editor that can cope with this, or modify the program. Just a few words about sampling audio are in place. I have tried a couple of programs to record audio to a .wav file. One of the things to watch is the fact that you will be recording a lot of data. If your hard drive is fragmented, the system will need more time to save the data. Since the sampling rate is high, this could cause your sample recording program to lose a few samples while it is busy saving data to disk. I did not program that stuff, I would assume the program continues to store samples in memory, but somehow it looks like the O.S. disasbles the interrupts while doing I/O, so it will simply miss a few samples sometimes. This might also be caused by the fact that there are other tasks in the system that are allowed to use the system resources for a while. I have seen this happen with an Operating System that was released in 1995. If you look at the wave file with a wave editor, you can sometimes see the spot where the system could not keep up, especially if this is one of those very clean FSK tapes. Since this occurs randomly, it is hard to do anything about it. You could do it like I did, simply create a 32 meg ramdisk and run DOS, but not everybody is so fortunate to have memory in abundance. A fast hard drive is nice too, and it will do most of the time. If you cannot avoid this, simply record the file again, and you will probably experience this problem at another spot on the tape. You will need to cut and paste then to get a clean tape by replacing the portion that was distorted. All you have to do is find the IRG, cut away the bad record, and insert the good copy. You might even record only that record. Sending a cassette file to the Classic Atari. Now that we have a cassette image file, we would like to be able to load it into the Classic Atari. The program CAS2SIO will allow you to use your PC as a replacement for the cassette unit. All you need is the PC, the cassette image file, and a SIO2PC interface. No sound card is needed. The program will read the cassette data and send it to the Classic Atari on the SERIAL IN line, just like the cassette unit does. There is a slight difference though. There is no motor control line in the SIO2PC interface. Well, that is not a big problem, since we do not actually need it most of the time. For instance, if we are loading a boot-tape, we know that we want the data to be sent, so we do not need to tell the PC to start the motor, which does not exist, it will simply send the data as instructed on the PC keyboard. We only need to enter the command for the PC, then we can switch on the Classic Atari, telling it to boot from tape, and if we are quick enough, the PC will still be sending the leader. Booting will then simply proceed as usual. If the Atari tells the motor to stop, we will have a problem. I have not seen this yet though. The motor is supposed to stop when the boot is complete. Some multi-stage bootloaders turn the motor on again, after waiting for some introduction screen, or after setting up some data. This has not been a problem so far, since the PRWT will usually be long enough. The PC will be sending the PRWT of the next record, and most of the time, the Atari will want the next data record before the PRWT runs out. If the Atari needs more time, this will be an inconvenience. All we have to do is go and change the length of the PRWT of that record, so that the PC will wait a little longer. You will need a file-editor for this, or the utility that processes .hex files. I tried to keep the CAS2SIO program very simple. After all, all it has to do is read the cassette records and send them over the serial port of the PC. The BIOS allows us to set the speed of the serial port to 600 baud, so that is all we need. Unfortunately, the hardware in the PC did not agree with me on that. When I tried to send a byte, it insisted on a couple of handshaking signals to be present on the serial port of the PC before sending anything. With a breakout-box and a couple of wires, I was able to provide these signals, but that would require all of you, and me, to modify the SIO2PC cable. That is why the program is a little more complicated, since it goes directly to the serial chip, the UART inside the PC. It does this by addressing the port at which the chip is connected. This way, we can bypass the BIOS within the PC, and thus simply ignore the fact that the handshaking signals are not present. Since we are already bypassing the BIOS, we can now also program this UART to use non-standard baudrates. We can program it for any value we like, up to the limit of our various hardware components. For cassette usage, this means we can go up to 875 baud. The most important is that we do not have to modify the interface. We can use our standard SIO2PC cable now. Other programs for cassettes. There are a number of other tools and utilities that might be useful. I have been working on this project for several months, so I did not have time to work on the utilities I would like to see. At the moment, I doubt that I will work on those. It is not even clear to me how much more time I want to invest in this program. It seems to work most of the time, so as long as I can process our own tapes, I have no need for improvements. For people that are interested in cassette tapes, and like to program something themselves, here are some of the things that might help in processing tapes. To begin with, some of the programs were already mentioned. It would be nice if there would be some programs that would be able to process the .hex files, or the .fsk files. The need for these is obvious. In fact, if I had to design this project from scratch again, I would make an interactive version, that would present each record in the form of the FSK table to the user for manual correction. This would eliminate the need for separate programs. On the other hand, working with text files allows for processing at your leisure, without the need to process the file in one session. Besides, an interactive version would require a lot of screen and file handling, and I feel that sort of thing always distracts from the problem at hand. This program currently only uses standard 'C' input and output routines. This means that it is very portable. As a matter of fact, it compiles without modification on my Atari ST with Turbo-C. Well, the CAS2SIO program will not compile, since it goes directly to the PC hardware, so if you want to use that on another sytem, you will have to write your own version. But what you find in the 'C' source code is related to the processing of the data only. If someone would want to write a version with a graphical interface, maybe even in another language, only relevant information is found in the source. No screen or file editing stuff is obscuring the algorithms. Besides, this project started out like all of my projects, I had an idea, came up with an algorithm, and just started hacking at it. This program is just one big hack. When the algorithm did not quite work, I adapted it. Now that it works most of the time, I started documenting it, and cleaning up the code a bit. I try not to spend time on the graphical stuff, since my time is limited, and the results count. Another useful tool would be a program to convert a .cas file into a clean .wav file. This was also mentioned already. We could create an improved tape this way, cleaning up noise, or making the technical quality of the FSK tones a lot better. We could increase the baudrate. Or we could create a tape in a stereo format, which would allow us to have full control of the audio channel. If you like tapes, this opens possibilities that allow limited authoring of tapes. We could add a sound track to the tape, maybe even from digitized sound produced by the game itself. All we have to do is to sample the audio once the game is loaded. We could then merge that with the data, and create a stereo .wav file, that we could record using a stereo cassette tape recorder. Another program we might write could eliminate the need for lots of hard disk space. we are now using the PC to emulate the cassette unit. We are sending data on the SIO bus. We could reverse things a little. We could use a real cassette unit, and then simply retrieve the bytes from the SIO bus, using a SIO2PC interface and the serial port of a PC. We would have to connect the cassette unit to a real Atari, otherwise the motor will not start. Some cassette units draw their power from the SIO bus, so another reason why the Atari computer should be connected. As a matter of fact, so does the SIO2PC interface. Now some cassette units do not allow you to daisy chain another device to the cassette unit. If your SIO2PC interface does not allow this either, you will not be able to connect both at the same time, so then forget this. Unless you get yourself another cassette unit. If we start the cassette unit, it will put the data on the DATA IN line. If we program the serial port of the PC at 600 baud, we could listen in on the data that is on the bus. We would not have to do any decoding at all, since the serial port chip inside the PC would do all the work for us. One problem you will need to solve though. The SIO2PC interface listens on the DATA OUT line, and it speaks on the DATA IN line of the SIO bus. However, this time we want to listen on the DATA IN line, since this time we are sort of acting the same as the Atari computer. You would have to change your interface. You would have to disconnect the DATA OUT line, and connect the DATA IN line to the interface at that point. Another problem would be that you would have to measure the length of the PRWT using some sort of timer, unless you assume a standard length of 0.25 seconds. There is a lot more we can do with cassettes. We can convert them to disk. With some cassettes, this is hard, because they contain a special boot loader, or some weird tape format. Now that we have the data in a file, converting this data to some disk format is a lot easier. It might not be simple, but at least it is easier. I have converted some tapes before, and the hardest part was getting the data from the tape. Writing a simple disk boot loader is relatively easy. But we only want to copy the stuff to disk for speed. So if we could increase the baudrate, that would be good enough. To do this, we could write a small cassette handler that is booted from the tape at regular speed. If we let this bypass the O.S., we could increase the baudrate beyond the 875 baud limit. We could increase it to 19,200 or more, and then load the tape very fast. Bypassing the O.S. is not that simple though, since replacing the C: handler vector will not work all the time. For the boot stuff, the O.S. calls the cassette block functions directly, by calling the SIO block routines for the cassette pseudo device. This looks like an interesting challenge. We could make this format compatible with a real tape, so that we could actually create a cassette tape that will load fast all by itself. On the tape we are limited by the resolution provided by the frequencies of the mark and space tones. Depending on the quality of the FSK-decoder circuit, the hardware will need some time to detect the frequency of the tone. I can imagine that it would at least need one period for this. If we would be using a baudrate of 19.200, we would have less than a quarter of a period for each bit. I do not believe the FSK-decoder would decode the frequency of the tone fast enough. I have not tried this though, so, this sounds like another area where no one has gone before. Still, we might be able to double the speed, or more. Command line options. Running the WAV2CAS program is easy. You have two options. You can run it interactively, by simply starting it. It will ask for the filename. Once that is entered, it will ask you to enter whether or not you want the FSK file to be created. You are then asked to enter the description for the cassette. This will be placed in the cassette header. The diagnostic option cannot be selected in the interactive mode. If you wish the diagnostic data to be printed, it would be printed to the screen. This output can be redirected to a file using the standard DOS redirection. This redirection would cause all the prompts to be redirected to that file too, so that is why this option cannot be selected in the interactive mode. You can enter all this on the command line if you prefer. The printing of diagnostic data is an option switch, which can be selected by adding /d to the command. You can also select that the FSK file should be generated. Adding /f as an option switch will cause the FSK file to be generated. The file to process is the first argument on the command line. The description is optional, and if it is present, it is the second argument. Since the description can contain spaces, you must enter the description as a quoted string. So if we want to process a file named demo.wav in the \cassette directory, we would enter: wav2cas \cassette\demo.wav "A demonstration program" > demo.txt /d /f This would select the printing of diagnostic data, redirecting it to the file demo.txt in the current directory. The .fsk, the .hex and the .cas files are all output to the directory where the .wav file resides. The command line options for the CAS2SIO program are very similar. This program only requires the .cas file, so this is the only command line argument. The option switch allows selecting the COM port to be used, either COM1, 2, 3 or 4. The default port is COM2. Loading the file created above using COM1 could be accomplished by entering: cas2sio \cassette\demo.cas /1 If no command line arguments are given, the program will prompt for the file and the COM port to use. If you would like to use another com port, you should modify the program, or write your own. Command line options can be placed anywhere on the command line, and options can be combined, so entering /df has the same effect as entering /d /f. Both programs allow the user to exit the interactive request for data by entering control Z. On most PC's, pressing control-BREAK will also terminate the program. I used the Symantec C++ compiler on the PC. If you press control-BREAK, it will terminate the program as soon as it tries to write to the screen. If the CAS2SIO program happens to be in the middle of the leader, this may take a few seconds though. Troubleshooting. Well, what to do if the program is unable to create a correct .cas file? This means you have a big problem. There is a number of things you can try. For one thing, check to see that the tape was sampled at the correct sampling rate. A sampling rate of 44,100 is required. The program will accept tapes sampled at 22,050, but that is just for experimental purposes. I wanted to see if it could process tapes that were sampled at that rate. So far, results are disappointing. Also check to see if the recording level can be adjusted. If the recording level is too low, noise will be more likely to disturb the process. If the level is much too high, the tones will be distorted. If there is some hum or other noise superimposed on the signal, make sure the total amplitude stays within the limits. It is better to be able to see the signal with interference, than it is so see a level of 255 for a number of samples in a row. If the recording level cannot be adjusted to a satisfactory level, check to see that you are recording the proper channel. Simply try the other channel to see what happens. Sometimes, the recording of data can be suspended due to various O.S. related issues. If you feel that a data block has been hit by this, try recording the tape again. Most tapes are recorded on both sides. You could try recording the other side. If a certain portion of a tape is damaged, or suffers from a dropout, you could try to sample both sides, and use a wave editor to replace bad pieces from one recording by pieces from the second recording. This can be a tough job, since to us, all blocks sound alike. But it should be possible. Simply counting the blocks might help. Most cassette decks have a tape counter. I suggest you use it. If there is a very small glitch that confuses the program, you could try to see what happens if you simply cut away the bad spot with the wave editor. Be careful though, since the length of one bit is about 75 samples. If you cut away more than 20 samples, the bit will be too short. You could try replacing it with a piece of mark tone, or a piece of space tone, that you copy from another piece of the tape. This would be a tape transplant so to speak. I have not tried this yet, but it should be possible. Since we are dealing with very large .wav files here, editing them might take a while. I do not even know whether or not this can be done at all. I would recommend this only if there is no easier way to correct the problem. A much simpler way of editing the data would be to simply sample both sides, and processing both sides. The resulting .cas files or .hex file could then simply be merged. For instance, if the first half of the A-side of the tape is fine, you could only sample that first half and process it. You could then sample the second half from the B-side, and after processing that, you could merge the files with the COPY command. You can either merge the .cas files, or you can merge the .hex files. You could clean up the new .hex file, and generate a new .cas file from this. The only problem with this would be getting the length of the PRWT to be acceptable at the point where the two files are merged. This is why it would be best to use the .hex file, if we had that converter for it. The method just described can also be used if you just do not have the hard disk space available to sample an entire tape at once. You could sample say 25 records, then process these, and then delete the .wav file so you can process the next 25 records. You would have to repeat this process until all records have been processed. This is a tedious job, and it is easy to make a mistake. But if you are careful, you might be able to do it. You would have to do a lot of work to merge the files in the correct order too. But if you just do not have the hard disk space available, there is not much else you can do, except buying a bigger hard disk maybe. If you have trouble booting the cassette tape image with the CAS2SIO program, there are some things you could try. You would think that once you have the data on a reliable medium, like a hard disk, you are forever freed of the dreaded boot errors. Think again. During the tests in my lab, the living room, I have found that some of the load errors are not caused by the cassette unit at all. As a matter of fact, some of the boot errors are caused by the Operating System. Or, if you prefer, by programmers that did not take into account how the Operating System works. I will try to explain. Like we mentioned before, if the leader is too short, the O.S. will still be waiting for the leader to pass by, while the first cassette data block is already being transmitted over the DATA IN line. By the time the O.S. feels it is time to start looking at the data on the tape, the data has already passed, so a boot error will occur. This can happen if you start the CAS2SIO program on the PC and spend more than 10 seconds trying to switch on the Atari. If you sampled only a portion of the leader, the length of the leader in the first data record of the .cas file might be too short. You might try and make it a little longer with some of the editing tools. The leader is the PRWT of the first data record. Well, that is, the leader is added to the length of this PRWT, but in effect, this value becomes the length value of the PRWT as specified in the aux bytes. By increasing the length, you will have some more time to get the Atari booted. This sort of timing problem may also cause boot errors in a multi-stage boot. During my experiments, I had a clean .cas file. All records had the proper checksum, and yet, every other time I tried loading the program, it would produce a boot-error at the third stage of the boot. Appearantly, the program did some setup processing, and by the time it got around to reading the next cassette record, the remaining PRWT tone was too short to be a proper PWRT. I then increased the PRWT for that record, and since then I have had no boot errors. So, this shows that the boot errors are sometimes caused by timing problems, due to low tolerance levels. Writing a new tape with improved timing might make the real tape more reliable too. Some tapes may appear to have been converted without problems. If you look at the .hex file, and all records show "ok", you might think that there is some other problem why the tape does not properly boot. Well, it might be caused by a record that was skipped as noise. This is highly improbable, since the current version will allow even very short records to exist on the tape. In my first versions, the program would discard any data as noise if it was not able to detect the marker bytes. Since some tapes have a strange checksum record in their custom format, these records got lost, so I changed the program such that it will only ignore records that are very short. However, if this caused a checksum record to be lost, you will have a problem. It will not show up as a bad record. The only thing you could do is listen to the tape and count the records. If you find a different record count than the number of records in the .hex file, you are in serious trouble. The only thing you can do is change the program, and remove the garbage filter. But what if you have more garbage than you need? If the program tried to recognize some noise as data, it will be stored in the cassette image file. Sending this short data block might cause the Atari to get confused, and respond with a boot error. You would have to remove this erroneous data block with the tools already mentioned. The problem is, that these tools do not yet exist. Well, there is one trick you can use. The format specification tells you that any data that is not recognized or not supported, should simply be ignored. If you change the type identifier from "data" into "bad " or something like that, the record would be ignored. A simple file editor will allow easy disabling of this record, without the need for deleting bytes. During my tests, I had a few tapes that just did not seem to work. After booting them, the system just appeared to be hung. Well, before you try to load any of your old tapes, make sure you know what procedure to follow in order to boot these tapes. The tape might not be compatible with the XL/XE O.S., or you might need a certain amount of memory. Another thing that amazed me sometimes is that some of the commercial games are written in BASIC. Trying to boot a tape with a program that was CSAVE'd will yield interesting results. Or rather, they are boring. A BASIC save-file will usually have a couple of zero bytes at the beginning. If you try to use this as a boot cassette, it will attempt to boot 256 records. Most BASIC files are shorter, so after the tape runs out, and after some pause, you will get a timeout, and thus a boot error. So, use CLOAD instead on these tapes. Anyway, make sure you know the proper procedure for the tape. It happened to me a couple of times that the CAS2SIO program just did not seem to work at all. It turned out that I forgot to tell the program that my SIO2PC interface is attached to COM1, so if you are not using COM2, make sure you specify what COM port to use. If your PC has a COM3 or COM4, you should be able to use these without any problems, since the interrupts are not used. The program tries to get the port address from the BIOS data, but if that is not available, the default values are used. If you are using other values, the program must be modified. Epilog. Well, we have finally come to the end of this document, for now. It is bigger than the source code I'm sure. But anything worth writing is worth documenting I suppose. Since I have been spending a lot of time on cleaning up this stuff and documenting it, I have not had time to actually process tapes a lot. As you might understand, sampling about 350 tapes might take a while. Processing them takes time too, and you can only store a few .wav files on a gigabyte drive. But you just volunteered as a tester. Call this alpha-testing, betha-testing or whatever. If I would charge you a lot of money, and ask you to pay again for the update, over and over again, I might even call it a product. But since I think that nobody is prepared to send me a million dollars for freeing them of the menace of the cassette units, I suppose I will not be able to quit my daytime job. Too bad, since that means I might not work on this project for some time. Well, since I am including the source code, anybody that was about ready to start complaining about the program is very welcome to improve on my stuff. I will probably not have time for it for the rest of the year. You see, we have to work on Pooldisk II sometime. So, use this stuff at your own risk. I am not responsible for any damage that might occur whatsoever. If you want to take portions of my program and improve on it, go ahead, provided that you comply with a few rules. You have to include in your documentation that your program was based on this work. Yes, that means that you have to write documentation too! Hah, that would stop anybody. On top of that, if you charge money for your product, you will have to inform people that my stuff is available free of charge. This includes shareware fees and stuff like that. If you do write a slick program, I would like to wish you good luck. If it is a major improvement over my version, I would welcome that a lot. If people agree that it is a major improvement compared to the free version, they might want to spend some money on it. I just want people to know that this thing is available for free. This means that I myself do not expect people to send me any money. So, you get what you pay for with my stuff. Well, maybe it works for you. If you do want to get rid of your money, send some of the regular shareware authors some. After all, where would we be without the people that wrote programs like SIO2PC? There would not be a SIO2PC cable then, and I would not have thought of this application for it. There are numerous other authors out there, still working hard to improve their projects. Some encouragement always helps. Look on your hard disk or in the box of popular diskettes, you will know who I mean then. If you really want to drop me a note, there are various options. For one thing, you can send me E-mail over the Internet. You can also send me a regular letter. If you happen to have some 8-bit program disks for me, let me know, or send me a note. We are still collecting disks for the second Pooldisk CD. The first Pooldisk CD was a big success, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people that ordered one. We hope to release the second Pooldisk around October 1997, that is, if we can collect enough new stuff. Just as with the first CD, only shareware, freeware and Public Domain stuff. We have no intention of violating copyrights of anyone, even if these rights are old, and the amount of damage to business is negligable. At this point, I am wondering whether there are shareware cassettes at all. If there are, this would be a great moment for converting them to a .cas file, so we can include them on the CD. Let me know if you know of any. Any librarians out there? Anyway, if you have questions, send them to me. Please do not send me .wav files to look at. It would be crazy to E-mail a file of several megabytes. You are welcome to send any comments. If you think some of my data or research is in error, let me know. The address is below. Ernest R. Schreurs. Kempenlandstraat 8 5211 VN Den Bosch The Netherlands E-mail: