%TITLE "Convert Hexadecimal Data to Digital Characters - CHiPS bv 1998" ;********************************************************************** ;** ** ;** Program : HEX2DIGI ** ;** Purpose : Convert Hexadecimal Data to Digital Characters ** ;** ** ;** Author : B.F. Schreurs ** ;** Computer High Performance Software (CHiPS) bv ** ;** Date : Januari 27th, 1998 ** ;** ** ;** Calls : [None] ** ;** ** ;** Language : Turbo Assembler ** ;** ** ;** Returncode: 0 - Conversion OK ** ;** ** ;********************************************************************** IDEAL JUMPS ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Functions which can be called -- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC HEX2DIGI ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Equates -- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- include ".\equ\dos.equ" include ".\equ\sysdep.equ" FILE_SIZE_INIT_LENGTH EQU 15 ;********************************************************************** SEGMENT SSeg Para Stack 'STACK' ;********************************************************************** db 64 dup (0) ; Stack ENDS SSeg ;********************************************************************** SEGMENT DSeg Word Public 'DATA' ;********************************************************************** ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Working Storage -- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- GLOBAL Return_Code:Byte:1 Parm_Format_ptr_es DW 1 dup (NULL) ; 1 = With Thousand Seperator Parm_Format_ptr_di DW 1 dup (NULL) ; 2 = Without Thousand Seperator Parm_Hex_Digit_ptr_es DW 1 dup (NULL) Parm_Hex_Digit_ptr_di DW 1 dup (NULL) File_Size_Init DB "000,000,000" File_Size_Init_No_Sep DB " 000000000" ENDS DSeg ;********************************************************************** SEGMENT CSeg Word Public 'CODE' ;********************************************************************** ;********************************************************************** PROC HEX2DIGI ;********************************************************************** ASSUME cs:CSeg ASSUME ds:DSeg mov ax, DSeg ; Initialize DS to address mov ds, ax ; of data segment mov bx, sp ; ; Parameter Hex data (Digit data is placed in the same area) ; mov di, [ss:bx+2] mov es, [ss:bx+4] mov [Parm_Hex_Digit_ptr_es], es mov [Parm_Hex_Digit_ptr_di], di ; ; Parameter Format ; mov di, [ss:bx+6] mov es, [ss:bx+8] mov [Parm_Format_ptr_es], es mov [Parm_Format_ptr_di], di ; ; Init return code ; mov al, NULL mov [Return_Code], al ; ; Load Ax en Dx with Hex number to be converted ; mov es, [Parm_Hex_Digit_ptr_es] ; Assume Hex 12345678 mov di, [Parm_Hex_Digit_ptr_di] mov dh, [byte es:di] ; Would be hex 12 mov dl, [byte es:di + 1] ; hex 34 mov ah, [byte es:di + 2] ; hex 56 mov al, [byte es:di + 3] ; hex 78 ; ; Init Text Field ; mov si, offset File_Size_Init push es di mov es, [Parm_Format_ptr_es] ; Assume with thousand seperator mov di, [Parm_Format_ptr_di] cmp [byte es:di], "1" ; Convert with seperator? je @@05 ; Yes ; No, so cmp [byte es:di], "3" ; Convert with seperator and no zero suppression? je @@05 ; Yes ; No, so mov si, offset File_Size_Init_No_Sep @@05: pop di es mov cx, DIGITS_TEXT_LENGTH rep movsb ; ; Go to end of conversion string ; dec di ; ; Determine ; mov bx, 10000 ; Split value div bx mov cx, ax ; Save value above 10000 mov ax, dx ; First convert value below 10000 mov bx, 10 ; Extract digits ; Convert hexadecimal size to textual digits @@10: call Extract_Digit ; Convert value below 10000 call Extract_Digit call Extract_Digit call Extract_Digit mov ax, cx ; Now convert value above 10000 call Extract_Digit ; Convert value above 10000 call Extract_Digit call Extract_Digit call Extract_Digit call Extract_Digit ; ; Surpress leading zeroes? ; mov es, [Parm_Format_ptr_es] ; Assume with zero suppression mov di, [Parm_Format_ptr_di] cmp [byte es:di], "2" ; Zero suppression? je @@15 ; Yes ; No, so cmp [byte es:di], "1" ; Zero suppression? je @@15 ; Yes ; No, so cmp [byte es:di], "2" ; Zero suppression? jne @@99 ; No ; Yes, so @@15: mov bx, 10 ; Value contains 11 characters ; but we don't surpress ; the last zero @@20: inc di ; Move to digital character cmp [byte es:di], THOUSAND_SEPERATOR ; Character is decimal? jne @@30 ; No ; Yes, so mov [byte es:di], SPACE ; Replace decimal by space jmp @@40 ; Process next character @@30: cmp [byte es:di], ZERO ; Character is leading zero? jne @@99 ; No ; Yes, so mov [byte es:di], SPACE ; Replace leading zero by space @@40: dec bx ; More characters to check? jnz @@20 ; Yes ; No, so @@99: ret ENDP HEX2DIGI ;********************************************************************** PROC Extract_Digit ;********************************************************************** xor dx, dx ; Reset result div bx ; Extract digit add dx, 030h ; Turn digit into character cmp [byte es:di], THOUSAND_SEPERATOR ; Character is decimal? jne @@10 ; No ; Yes, so dec di ; Move to previous character @@10: mov [byte es:di], dl ; Move character to text dec di ; Move to previous character ret ENDP Extract_Digit ENDS CSeg ; End of Code segment END ; End of Program