------------------------------------------------------ XFSIO - A Shell for XFormer, XLiT!, SIO2PC2 and A.P.E. ------------------------------------------------------ Current Version: v1.19 Please read this file before mailing me with any problems. Also, please don't assume that the basic body of the text does not change between updates, as this may not be the case. Also, make sure you have the current versions of the emulators and utils supported (esp. the emulators!) Current versions at release time: SIO2PC: 4.10 APE: 1.12 PCXformer: 3.60 XLiT: 0.19 Version 1.18 ============ 0) Legal disclaimer 1) What is XFSIO? 2) Why do I need XFSIO? 3) How do I use XFSIO? 4) The interface. i) XFSIO and PC XFormer/XLiT ii) XFSIO and SIO2PC2 iii) XFSIO and A.P.E. iv) XFSIO General File Format Information. v) PC XFormer Cable Support. 5) XFSIO and Smartdrv. 6) Contacting the author. ***!!!PLEASE NOTE THE NEW INTERNET ADDRESSES!!!*** 7) The cripple factor. 8) Revision List. =================== 0) Legal Disclaimer =================== By using this program you are releasing me from all responsibility towards its use. If you don't agree to this then don't use XFSIO. It should not trash your hard drive, or kill any files, or give you a virus, but if it does then you have no rights to take it out on me. I'm not worth taking to court anyway. I have checked this release using up to date virus killers. It was fine when it left here. If you downloaded it from my WWW page then you should have no problems. ================= 1) What is XFSIO? ================= XFSIO is a shell utility for users of PC XFormer (The Atari 8-bit Emulator from Branch Always Software), SIO2PC (A disk emulator for the Atari 8-Bit), APE (The Atari Peripheral Emulator) and XLiT! (MS-Dos Port). ======================= 2) Why do I need XFSIO? ======================= If you don't have an Atari 8-bit or PCXFormer/XLiT then the simple answer is "You Don't", but if you do then the following reasons apply: 1) It makes your disk-image handling life so much easier becuase: (a) You can auto-install disks by setting them into bays from a simple file selector. (b) You can give each image a comment of upto 132 characters, and the comments are available when you move the cursor over that file. and 2) You can set ALL of PCXformer's/XLiT's options from the interface. ====================== 3) How do I use XFSIO? ====================== Simple. Just run it. If it finds a file missing it will prompt you for the information it requires and then auto-create it! Easy, huh? No, seriously, some information. XFSIO requires the use of two files. These files are called XFSIO.CFG and XFSIO.DAT. Their use is described below: XFSIO.CFG --------- This file contains the configuration settings for XFSIO. It will be created by XFSIO.EXE if the file is not found in the same directory as XFSIO.EXE. If you mess this file up I suggest you delete it instead of trying to fix it manually. Please note that XFSIO will *NOT* check if the filenames are valid. If they are not then selecting the relevant program from the interface will not work. Also, you cannot, at present, save the state of XFormer's switches. This seemed pointless at present as you have to change them so much to get things to work! As XLiT seems more stable I have included option switch saving for some of it's settings. XFSIO.DAT --------- This file contains the DATABASE for all the comments you supply. Please, please *DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE* as it is spaced out accuratly. You will only mess it up! If you have to change a comment, please use XFSIO! ================= 4) The interface: ================= The interface is pretty straight-forward. However, in brief: 1) Any letter in RED is a command key that you can use to toggle/set options. 2) Use the numbers '1'-'8' to install 'drives' and use SHIFT '1'-'8' to uninstall. 3) Use ALT '1'-'8' to use a REAL DRIVE with the XFormer cable. 4) Use the 'Z' key to enter to configuration panel. 5) Use the 'F' key to search the XFSIO.DAT comment file. 6) Use the 'E' key to toggle the XFormer/XLiT control panel. 7) Use the 'H' key to toggle H:/D: mounting info (XL-iT! only). 8) Only the first 1024 files in any directory are displayed. ========================= XFSIO and PCXFormer/XLiT: ========================= IMHO: Get XLiT now! And support Markus... don't bug him for silly stuff like ROMs, games, etc... He can't (and won't) give you any and you can't be so stupid that you don't know how to use a search engine. F1 will launch PC Xformer. F4 will launch XLiT. The options listed in the panel at the bottom of the screen for the relevant emulator (toggled with 'E') will be used. If XFSIO simply 'flashes' and returns to it's file selector when you run XFormer or XLiT reports not emough memory then one of the following is probably true: a) You have incorrectly set the path in the configuration file. b) You don't have enough Base-RAM to load the emulator with XFSIO loaded. If (b) is the case then you can do the following: DOS users: 1) Load less device drivers by editing/stepping your config.sys. 2) Bypass config/autoexec by pressing SHIFT during boot (DOS 6.0+) Windows '95: 1) Press SHIFT+F8 and skip all the useless junk that windows loads like IFSHLP.SYS, SETVER, etc..... 2) Reformat with a different OS ;-> 3) Set BootGUI=0 on the MSDOS.SYS file.... 4) Use WinHack 95 (www.windows95.com) to do (3)... If XLiT reports that it can't fint the ROM images then you have not typed it's path in correctly into the configuration box. Press 'Z' and do it now! ================= XFSIO and SIO2PC: ================= F2 will launch SIO2PC with the files loaded as PHYSICAL ACCESS FILES. Any drives with numbers above '4' will be ignored due to SIO2PC's limitations. Physical files were used to prevent SIO2PC from running out of Base-RAM. ============== XFSIO and APE: ============== F3 Will launch APE. At present, APE will not load .XFD's, but it will load in all the others. I personally recommend that you use APE over SIO2PC as in my experience it has proved to be more reliable. You don't need to configure APE from XFSIO, as it has it's own configuration file. Note: APE shareware will only accept two (2) command line parameters, so don't expect to be able to load all eight drives! Also, APE has a 30 day limited use....... ====================================== XFSIO General File Format Information: ====================================== XFSIO will not let you launch an application with an inapropriate file-type. For example, you cannot launch PC XFormer with a .PRO file, and you cannot launch SIO2PC2 with .XFD or .PRO files. At present, APE will not read .XFD, but I think that's being worked on. XLiT can only read .ATR and .XFD files. ======================== PC XFormer Cable Support ======================== I don't actually own one of these, but I've asked Darek to test it and it works. If you encounter a problem with these options and you wish to contact me about it then: YOU MUST SEND ME A !DETAILED! DESCRIPTION of whats wrong, as I have no way of re-creating the problem even if it is re-creatable. To configure the cable see your users manual (I presume) - Both the Auto-Detect speed and Passed-Speed -X parameters are supported. They can be configred by pressing 'Z' to access the configurations screen, and using the Enable/Disable and Value options. To use a real drive with XFormer press ALT plus the number of the drive you wish to use, eg, ALT+1 will make the XFormer boot from a real drive D1: connected via the XFormer Cable. ====================== 5) XFSIO and Smartdrv: ====================== I strongly recommend that you load SMARTDRV before running XFSIO. Try to load it into HIGH-RAM if you can using LH SMARTDRV. This is because XFSIO has to open every file in a given directory before it can display the file selector box, and has to search the XFSIO.DAT file every time you move the cursor. This may sound slow, but, actually, it isn't. At least, not on my P100-Sub-Entry-Level-System ;-( If you are running from Windows '95 (good luck!) then SMARTDRV should have been auto-loaded, and the above will not be necessary. NOTE: SIO2PC and APE sometimes fail under *ANY* multi-tasking environment. I do not recommend you use one for drive emulation. Also, XFormer and XLiT need every ounce of CPU power they can get... don't waste it on pointless tasks (like explorer......) ========================= 6) Contacting the Author: ========================= I can be reached at the following: e-mail address: --------------- monkfish@kwll.demon.co.uk - this is regularly checked. usenet: ------- I'm in comp.sys.atari.8bit quite a lot, you may be able to get me there. www: ---- http://www.kwll.demon.co.uk (MSIE3.01 enhanced) http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/1211 (Text version) Look around both ponds (Demon is UK/Euro, geocities is US) for my other projects, iDRunner Pro and DukeRun. In my, and many other's opinion, the ULTIMATE shells for iD's games and Duke3D. This is also the homepage for XFSIO. Future releases will appear here, so keep hitting that re-load button! snail-mail: ----------- Lawrence Staveley. 57, Treharne St., Cwmparc, My father collects stamps.... Treorchy, any overseas letters would be Rhondda, appreciated. Mid-Glam. CF42 6LH. Wales. United Kingdom. If you are contacting me about a possible fault PLEASE READ THE REVISIONS LIST FIRST, it may already have been noted, or there may be a workaround suggestion. ====================== 7) The Cripple Factor: ====================== This software, like iDRunner before it, is not crippled. It's your karma! I feel Atari owners thesedays, unlike in the past ;-), are pretty honest. I'm sure you'll register. There isn't a registration fee, so anything (within reason, I don't want an elephant) would be welcome, even a postcard, just for the 'feel-good' factor. Enjoy! and don't forget to e-mail me! ============ 8) Revisions ============ XFSIO is now a maturing quickly. Please mail me with some suggestions. The shell could be used for virtually any emulator or program that expects filenames to be tagged from the command line. If you want something done that I probably wouldn't do for myself then see the karma section in the "Cripple Factor" chunk of text above. *** Coming soon (It's already in my personal Beta!) *** AlphaLoad / Ian.K Warp Load / MultiBoot / Rob.C Menu identification and directory viewer! *** Coming soon (It's already in my personal Beta!) *** Version 1.19 *Added the XLiT commands: -session - XL-it now automatically starts again, thanks to the new session loading option ;-) -artifact - For those games that require artifacting (a process to get colours on monochrome displays, eg Ultima) Maybe people in the UK with PAL can now see what colours the sub-standard (N)o (T)wo (S)imilar (C)olours screens were meant to look like, instead of the grey/green mess we always got. *Considering re-coding the interface to make room for more switches ;-) *Created the WWW page (http://www.kwll.demon.co.uk) for my creations, and added the Atari page (Area 51) Version 1.18 *Doesn't crash if a directory on the hard drive contains Read-Only files. Strange, but it has always worked reading Read-Only files from a CD! *Added the XLiT command: -cart - Press 'R' on a .ROM file (they are in light-red) and it'll be passed to the XLit! SESSION.CFG, but for some reason XLit won't load it..... Markus has been informed! NOTE: To clear the cart press 'R' on anything EXCEPT a .ROM file in the file selector. Version 1.18 (Beta-II) *Pathing bug fixed (I Hope!) thanx to BetaTester Werner! Version 1.18 (Beta): *Cannot test APE and SIO2PC anymore due to my SIO cable killing *both* my 800xl and 130xe. Bummer.... :-( *Now only runs with XLiT 0.18 *** IT WILL NOT WORK WITH 0.17 *** *All XL-iT options now saved to SESSION.CFG, so any reference to -switches is just for explanation. *XLit! now supports D1: through D8: *Mount paths for XLit! no matter how long the directory names are thanks to SESSION.CFG! *Can't start the emulator automatically due to using SESSION.CFG so you must use the menu to start it yourself. However, it's still easy to use 'till Markus adds a -autostart or something...... ;) *All versions will now carry the same 2-digit v-tag as the current release of XL-it! that they support, so.... here's v118. *Re-coded all the v1.06 options due to losing the source code for v1.06 so if you find something that works with v1.06 and now doesn't *please* let me know! *Re-coded disk format detect/mounting code. *Dropped upgrade support for PC-XFormer as Darek has dropped support for the DOS version. What use is speed WITHOUT compatibility? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Hey Darek, if you're reading this then I did register XFormer! --- --- Where's XFormer96 upgrade?????? --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE to all freeloaders: I have registered PCXFormer and Rainbow '95 and sent a donation to Markus! Support the emulator authors and they'll support you. The only practical way for the Atari8 line to live now is through EMULATION! I *would* have registered APE, but my real XL died... sorry 'bout that Steve! *Added the new XLiT 0.18 commands: -oldsb - For older SoundBlaster cards. AWE32/GUS is *best* ;) -hd - Hard disk mounting (Try pressing 'H'.....) *Added the new XLiT 0.17 commands: (He just HAD to add some....) -lock - Sets frame rate to something other than what you want... ;) -frame - Sets frame skipping for shoddy PCs. Isn't it worth getting a Pentium/Cyrix to use XLiT? *Stopped the screen re-drawing the whole lot when you change an emulator option (flicker prevention) so now it looks better. *XFSIO.CFG file format removed from this text file - it's getting bigger and it's going to get worse, so I can't be bothered to maintain this file as well as the program! Version 1.06: *Added the new XLiT 0.14 commands: -joyswap - Emulates joystick in Port #2 -oldmode - Emulates Atari 800 -modex - Enables Mode X instead of VGA -german - Strange keyboard layout ;) *Fixed bug in creating new .CFG file where image path didn't end in '\' *Fixed bug in creating new .CFG file where XLiT path had no default. *Made XLiT the default emulator Hi, Markus! Please note that the line with the XLiT options on is full..... If you must add more commands then please make then essential! ;) *You can now tag files in different directories. (Hi Werner!) NOTE: This will make the command line *much* longer, so you may not be able to mount as many disks. HINT: Use the SUBST command to make the paths shorter, or move your files to a higher directory. *XLiT language saved to .CFG file. *XLiT video mode saved to .CFG file. Version 1.05: *Added support for the PC XFormer Cable -X Commands. *Added support for XLiT! v0.12 or later. *Emulator control panel toggled with 'E' key. *Much improved comment editor. New features: Full [CURSOR] control. [RETURN] to next line. If last line then save comment. [ESC] saves comment regardless of cursor position. Starts editing with previous comment. Homer Simpson Quote: "WhooHoo!" *Added [HOME] and [END] to file selector control for first/last file. *Added a search facility. Use the 'F' key (for 'F'ind) to invoke. *Default PATH in configuration screen reflects the currently used path, except when it is invalid. (see below) *Abort changes option when quiting configuration screen added. NOTE: It is possible to have an invalid path for the file selector if you type one in yourself. XFSIO will only show the drive letters in this case. An easy way to set up the default path is to select that path in the file selector box, press 'Z' for configuration, and then save the options when quitting. *Fixed a pathing error upon returning from spawned program. *XFSIO.CFG file format change. Your old file will no longer work. XFSIO will autodetect an old file and will prompt for the data again before creating a new one. All future versions will need a new .CFG file, even if no changes have been made, as version checking is included. *SIO2PC COM Port saved to .CFG File. *XFormer Modem COM Port saved to .CFG File. *File selector is one line taller. *Changed the .TXT file to read "Branch Always Software" instead of "Branch Only Software" - Sorry Darek! Version 1.04: *No public release. Sometimes I do things just for me! ;-)) *Changed a few colour attributes around..... *Moved a few bits of text around..... *Recoded a chunk to make upgrading easier...... Version 1.03: *Added this revisions list. *Re-compiled for 8086 instructions instead of 286+. It seems some people are using old PCs as servers for their 8-Bits. How demeaning for the 8-Bit to be connected to such lowly machines. You'll be wanting HERCULES support next...... If someone points out that APE and SIO2PC require 286+ machines then I'll recompile with 286+ again! *Found a potential problem that I can't be bothered to fix yet. If you have a file with the same name in more than one directory you can only have one comment, and it'll be the same for all the files of that name regardless of their actual content. You can work around this by: a) Only using one directory. b) Never using the same filenames. NOTE: DISK0001.ATR, DISK0001.XFD and DISK0001.PRO will all be *DIFFERENT* filenames and will not cause the above-mentioned problem. *Fixing this would mean a change to the XFSIO.DAT file. As my current file is over 90k long I probably won't fix this. I feel XFSIO is still entirely useable with this 'feature' left alone. Version 1.02: *Fixed some path problems when creating the .DAT and .CFG files. Just don't try to initialise it from a CD-Rom or it'll still crash. Note: It WILL run from CD-Rom if all the files are created BEFORE being written out. You just can't run XFSIO from CD immediatly after it has been extracted from it's archive. *Added drive list to the file selector. *Added A.P.E. support. *Added an exit ANSI screen. *Fixed bug where it crashed if the number of files in a given directory was greater than 1024. It now only shows the first 1024 files. Use another directory! Version 1.01: *Re-coded the entire interface to make it easy to use. *Added SIO2PC support. *Added comments for files. Version 1.00: *Very basic file selector. (No drives, up/down dir possible) *PC XFormer only. *No comments. *Hope no-one ever saw this. ;-))