THE 1400XL FREEZER›› Original FREEZER by Bob Woolley› Additional 1400XL instructions by Glenn Bruner›› If you haven't read THE FREEZER by Bob Woolley by now, your missing a valuable modification for your expanded XL or XE. What this mod does for you›is enable you to force a cold start on your computer without having to turn it›off and lose the contents of a ramdisk. This would be extremly helpful if you›just finished downloading a bunch of files onto your ramdisk, and the computer›locks up for no particular reason. ›› What this doc is an addition to Bob Woolley's THE FREEZER for people who are›fortunate to have a 1400XL, LIKE ME!!! REMEMBER: MODIFICATIONS SHOULD ONLY BE DONE BY A INDIVIDUAL WHO HAS EXPERIENCE WITH ELECTRONICS AND SOLDERING. I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE THAT MAY RESULT FROM THIS MODIFICATION. I'VE›TESTED THIS ON MY 1400XL, AND IT DOES WORK.›› Now on with the project. Parts needed:› 1 EACH - 74HC86 or 74HCT86 › 1 EACH - 1k to 30k ohm 1/4 watt resistor (I used a 10k ohm)› 1 EACH - Momemtary Pushbutton (Normally Open - N.O.)› Radio Shack - 275-1547› hookup wire (wire wrap wire works best, availiable at Radio Shack)› solder & solder iron› wire cutters & needle nose pliers›› 1. Prepare the 74HC86 I.C. which we will call Z1. Bend straight out all pins except 7 and 14. Using wire cutters, cut short the pins you just bent ›out. With the needle nose, break off with a twisting action pins 6, 8, & 11.›Make sure you break them off flush with the body of Z1. › › 2. Set aside Z1 for now. Locate the GTIA (U26, CO14805), it should be near›the front of the computer, first 40 pin chip on the right. Pull it out of it's socket and bend out pin 11 to isolate it from the rest of the circuits. Then›reinstall it in it's socket.›› 3. Locate a convinent location to put Z1 (like on top of another 14 pin 74LS›14 of Z1 and piggy back it to your chosen chip.›› 4. Now take the hookup wire and solder together pins 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, and 13 together. This added circuit only uses 1/4 of the 74HC86, so the rest needs to be grounded.›› 5. Take the 1/4 watt resistor R1, trim its leads down, and solder one lead to pin 2 of Z1 and the other to ground. I used one of the above grounded pins (like pin 5) to solder the resistor to ground. › 6. Locate the MMU U12 (CO61919) and connect a wire to pin 7 of it. Connect the other end to pin 1 of Z1. Now connect a wire from pin 3 of Z1 to pin 11›of the GTIA U26.›› 7. Finally, mount the push button switch on a clear area of your case. ›Somewhere will it won't be hit by accident but yet convinent to use. I put mine on the rear of the computer near the left hand corner next to the power ›jack. Connect one side of the switch to +5 volts and the other to pin 2 of›Z1.›› That's it!!! You're done. Re-hookup the computer and test it. If you want›to restore your machine to normal, unsolder wire to pin 11 on GTIA, bend back›down, and remove added wires, switch, & I.C. See Bob Woolley's doc on how to›use this new switch! Have fun and enjoy! Happy computing.›› Glenn Bruner›