›››#: 160306 S1/GAMES› 21-Jun-86 21:28:36›Sb: ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: PHIL W. GEORGI 72527,1355›To: ALL››DOES ANYONE KNOW IF AND WHEN THE›WILDERNESS AND AREANA DISKS WILL BE›AVALIBLE???I'M ADDICTED TO THE›GAME!!!!!! ALSO,ANY HINTS?????HAS›ANYONE SEEN THE PROGRAMMERS NAME›SPELLED OUT WITH THE CITY WALLS?› PHIL GEORGI› 72527,1355››#: 160780 S1/GAMES› 25-Jun-86 21:07:55›Sb: #160630-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: DAVE REARICK 74226,721››Dave; too bad about the bum disk. The›problem is the extensive protection›scheme used by Datasoft. It is one of›the most sofisticated on the market.›Unfortunately it means that it won't›work properly on some drives. You may›thank your local PIRATE network for›that. It just shows that someone has to›pay for the misconduct of others. Too›bad. I hope you get a new disk soon.›Alternate Reality is one of the most›addictive games I have ever played. It›is like no other. I have seen similar›games demoed on the ST. One of them is›called Firestaff. I would almost buy an›ST just to play that one. Good Luck.›Don Wyman.››#: 160926 S1/GAMES› 26-Jun-86 23:01:47›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFFREY R. HAND 76556,3402›To: DON WYMAN, 72456,2717 (X)››Thanks for the quick response don.›Also I have obtained a Magical›FLAMESWORD from a troll.››#: 160932 S1/GAMES› 26-Jun-86 23:17:50›Sb: #160926-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: JEFFREY R. HAND 76556,3402››JEFF; OOOOHHHH, I'm jealous again. I›just got a message from Andy Goldberg.›He also just got a Magical Flamesword.›I have gotten two of them but they were›both CURSED!!! Curses. Rats. Oh well,›››››››maybe next time. Phil Price, the›author, told me that the Flamesword is›the best weapon available. The Magical›Crystal armour is the best, with the›Magical Elfin armour a close second.›Keep going, you're doing great. Don›Wyman, level 12, 900,000 exp. points.››#: 161060 S1/GAMES› 28-Jun-86 07:44:32›Sb: #160932-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Henry T. Colonna 74726,3216›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)›› I get diseased sometimes in the›middle of the game. I have a legit.›copy. It boots up & I'm fine.› Occasionally when it boots up I am›immediately diseased. It says 'scurvy'›under ailments.› However...last night it occurred in›the middle of the game and didn'T say›'scurvy'. Any ideas?››#: 161081 S1/GAMES› 28-Jun-86 11:58:26›Sb: #161060-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: Henry T. Colonna 74726,3216 (X)››As far as the booting disease (scurvy)›is concerned, make sure you have›several backup copies of your character›so you can reboot. Keep one copy›writeprotected so you don't use it. If›you are diseased during the game, it is›because you were scratched or wounded›in some other way by an adversary. The›most common are Giant Rats (Rabies),›Slime (slime), and Mold (mold). You may›also be poisoned by Imps, Nightstalkers›and others. The way to tell is if you›are in a battle with any of these›creatures and they take hit points from›you, you can be sure they infected you.›Get thee to a Healer. Sometimes the›effects of these diseases don't show up›for a while. You can also use a cleanse›potion (Clear, Acidic, Unsure), Heal›All potion (white, salty, caution), or›a Cure Poison (Amber, plain, caution)›potion. Good Luck and good hunting. Don›Wyman, level 12, 975,000 experience›points.››#: 161080 S1/GAMES› 28-Jun-86 11:49:26›Sb: ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: ANDY››››››››ANDY;I am answering your questions here›so others may benefit from the›exchange. Leave your messages here from›now on, OK? The first Champion I›encountered I was able to Trick as a›first option. That's why I didn't know›how tough he was. Since then I have›just fought him as I would a Knight, no›problem. There are 2 stores (shops)›with the same name in 2 different areas›of the city. It was a mistake so don't›worry about that. There are only 12›guilds in the city, not 14. The other 2›are in the Arena area and will not be›accesible until the Arena disk comes›out. The Dungeon is due around Sept.›There is NO WAY OUT of the 2 traps›areas on my maps. This is another›booboo in the game. It was›unintentional according to Phil Price.›Spend some of your money on fine›clothes. I was told that what you wear›will have an effect in the Dungeon. If›you are Inebriated (drunk) you must get›to an Inn and sleep it off or a healer›to remove alcohol. You can also use a›cleanse potion. Good› Luck and happy hunting. Thanx for the›offer, but I'll keep searching for my›Flamesword. Don Wyman level 12 975,000›experience points.››#: 161090 S1/GAMES› 28-Jun-86 12:42:11›Sb: ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: ALL››I have just uploaded my potions list›for Alternate Reality. It is in DL1 and›and may be downloaded with Xmodem.›There is 1 more potion than what is in›the list I send with the maps I sell. ›Enjoy. Don Wyman 72456,2717››#: 161445 S1/GAMES› 01-Jul-86 23:02:31›Sb: #160932-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFFREY R. HAND 76556,3402›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)››Don, I've finally reached lvl 12. Also,›I have plain Crystal Armor Hope you get›a FLAMESWORD soon as it makes quick›work of Dragons.› ›#: 161531 S1/GAMES› 02-Jul-86 21:58:24›Sb: #161445-ALTERNATE REALITY›››››››Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: JEFFREY R. HAND 76556,3402››Congrats on the level 12. Also on the›Flamesword, and the Crystal Armor. I'm›still searching for them. I will go›over 1 million exp. tonight. Only›200,000 pts. to level 13. I have found›3 Magical Flameswords and all were›Cursed. Good luck and happy hunting.›Don Wyman.››#: 161445 S1/GAMES› 01-Jul-86 23:02:31›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFFREY R. HAND 76556,3402›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)››Don, I've finally reached lvl 12. Also,›I have plain Crystal Armor Hope you get›a FLAMESWORD soon as it makes quick›work of Dragons.››#: 161531 S1/GAMES› 02-Jul-86 21:58:24›Sb: #161445-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: JEFFREY R. HAND 76556,3402 (X)››Congrats on the level 12. Also on the›Flamesword, and the Crystal Armor. I'm›still searching for them. I will go›over 1 million exp. tonight. Only›200,000 pts. to level 13. I have found›3 Magical Flameswords and all were›Cursed. Good luck and happy hunting.›Don Wyman.››#: 161591 S1/GAMES› 03-Jul-86 19:52:49›Sb: #161531-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFFREY R. HAND 76556,3402›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717››Don; I hope you reach level 13 soon. I›expect to make by the third week in›July. Also the Flamesword kills›wraiths so it is definitely worth›having. Jeff Hand(Jorel),lvl 12,›680,000 exp. points.››#: 161556 S1/GAMES›Sb: ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: RON HODGES 71565,150›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717››Don: I've been checking for several›days and can't find the potions list in›the DL section. Any help? You seem to›be the "resident expert" on AR and as›››››››I'm a beginner at role playing games, I›NEED HELP. I've managed to map about›half of the city, but can't get above›level 4. I just can't seem to get›enough cash to EAT/DRINK/REST and keep›my strength up. I'm using the "hack &›slash" technique, but suspect there may›be a better way(?). Any help you can›give would be appreciated. P.S. Do›you know anything about a "users group"›for AR. I read something about it in›the Portland Oregon Atari club›magazine. Thanks in advance.›› Ron -- Level 4 -- Barely Ali››#: 161635 S1/GAMES› 04-Jul-86 00:51:59›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DAVE REARICK 74226,721›To: DON WYMAN››HELP,AGAIN DON. YOU ARE RIGHT. THIS›GAME IS ADDICTIVE. BUT ALSO›INFURIATING. I'M AT LEVEL 8, 42 000›EXP. BUT I'M GETTING NOWHERE. ANY›"GENERAL HINTS" TO OFFER????? I HAVE A›BUM DISK,BUT THE GAME IS ADDICTIVE ENUF›TO NOT WANT TO BE WITHOUT IT. BUT, I'M›READY TO CHALK IT UP AS A BAD BUY. I7M›NOT A MAPPER(I KNOW YOU SELL YOUR MAPS)›BUT I AM AT A SEEMINGLY ENDLESS BLIND›ALLEY. HELP!!!!!››#: 164317 S1/GAMES› 28-Jul-86 23:49:42›Sb: Alternate Reality›Fm: TED BORAH 70717,2254›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)››Don,› I have been continuing to play with›the character as is and am managing to›stay alive by frequent visits to the›healer. I'm hoping to come across›something soon. He is up to a level 11›now.› Ted Borah --Tombstone Teddy--››#: 164330 S1/GAMES› 29-Jul-86 02:03:54›Sb: #Alternate Reality›Fm: Jeff Hand 76556,3402›To: Vance Nesbitt 76475,2674 (X)››Vance; As Don said there are 12›Guilds The other two are in the Arena.›As for the other tavern, have you found›the "Tavern" in the NW corner. Also›I've had invulnerability air for some›››››››time and have had no ill effects. It›may be that your disk is defective and›needs to be recut.››Good hunting, Jeff›Jorel lvl 12››#: 164355 S1/GAMES› 29-Jul-86 08:20:07›Sb: #164330-#Alternate Reality›Fm: VANCE NESBITT 76475,2674›To: Jeff Hand 76556,3402 (X)››Yes I visit "TAVERN" often. Nice place.›I could use some help locating those›two guilds I never found. Heres a list›of the ones I do have. guild of ORDER.›wizards of LAW guild. RED wizards›University. ASSASSINS guild. DARK›wizards guild. STAR wizards guild.›LIGHT wizards guild. PHYSICIANS guild.›GREEN wizards guild. BLUE wizards›guild.› Those other two have my nose stumped.›I don't know where I havn't looked? Any›hints would be appreciated. Bye. VANCE›NESBITT› VANCELOT still LVL 6.› Being nice and sleeping nights.››#: 164454 S1/GAMES› 30-Jul-86 00:53:35›Sb: #164355-#Alternate Reality›Fm: Jeff Hand 76556,3402›To: VANCE NESBITT 76475,2674 (X)››Vance; Try looking around the›Dancing Nymph tavern for the Thieves›Guild. Then you might try the area›behind the Last Stop tavern for the›Wisards of Chaos Guild, close to which›is one entrance to the Dungeon. Good›hunting, Jorel lvl 12 1,200,000››Jeff››#: 164484 S1/GAMES› 30-Jul-86 03:21:51›Sb: #164454-Alternate Reality›Fm: VANCE NESBITT 76475,2674›To: Jeff Hand 76556,3402 (X)››thanks jeff. My nose was getting sore.›I finally found that missing tavern.›Lusty Lloyds. How I miss these places I›don't know.› Thanks (Vancelot lvl 7.)››#: 164599 S1/GAMES› 30-Jul-86 23:09:59›››››››Sb: #164454-#Alternate Reality›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: Jeff Hand 76556,3402 (X)››Vance: the 2 guilds you are seeking are›both in the Northeast quadrant. The›Wizards of Chaos is about 3 blocks›north of the Last Stop Tavern. It is›hidden but not too hard to find. The›other is where Jeff suggested. Keep›looking. If you have found the others›these should be a piece of cake. Don›››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››#: 165040 S1/GAMES› 03-Aug-86 19:56:10›Sb: #Alternate reality›Fm: Bill Damm 73247,3330›To: Don Wyman››One thing that I haven't seen anyone›mention yet is sleeping accomodations.›I'vefound that it doesn't pay to skimp›here. My character has recovered more›hit points more quickly sleeping in a›more expensive room. One question: do›you know the effects of PROTECTION +2›and how long it lasts? I've been able›to quaff acid with no untoward effect›since getting it, but I don't know what›else it does for me. Thanks for all the›help - I read AR messages here twice a›week. Hope this is useful to someone›out there.›› Bill (GEORGE - LEVEL 6)››#: 165138 S1/GAMES› 04-Aug-86 21:26:10›Sb: #165040-Alternate reality›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: Bill Damm 73247,3330 (X)››Bill; Protection 1 and 2 are temporary›armour. I don't know if it has an›effect on acid or anything else. I›think that maybe Invul. water may have›the effect you are mentioning. I agree›with what you said about staying in›better rooms to heal up. I stay in›suites as a rule. Your Hit points do›restore faster. One other thing that I›have been doing is carrying 255 water›and food. There are no ill effects such›as fatigue from this practice. It is›also much easier to build back up. You›cannot carry more than 255 of each. I›have done this in anticipation of the›Dungeon. You will probably not have any›Taverns down there. Don Wyman (thorex›level 13: 1,500,000 exp. pts.)››#: 165180 S1/GAMES› 05-Aug-86 01:42:45›Sb: #alternate reality›Fm: RICHARD POSTGATE 73017,1735›To: all››A few things... First of all, has›anyone noticed that there are actually›four types of music played for›monsters? (There are two main types,›plus two variations on each of the main›types). Also, are there any rings to be›››››››found in the city? I've found a good›way to get a character going (up a few›levels quickly when you start out).›When you have some potions in your›possesion, what kind they are is›totally random. So if you save your›character (then back it up), next time›you load it the potions will be›different. So you keep loading your›character until one of the potions›you're carrying turns out to be a›treasure finding. Don Wyman- There is ›a large area SE of the arena that I›can't find any way into to map...What›does your map look like there? An›addition (or correction) to the potion›list in DL0; I drank a Black Sweet›potion that turned out to be›Invulnerability Blunt! Why do treasure›finding potions say they last so long›(the name below your food and water),›and yet they only seem to work well for›a few hours, then don't really help›much any more? [Gray Mouser, lvl 7]››#: 165202 S1/GAMES› 05-Aug-86 11:27:51›Sb: #165180-#alternate reality›Fm: mark henry 76525,2150›To: RICHARD POSTGATE 73017,1735››oops.! You are right about the Inv.›Blunt. I've never noticed anything›benificial about the Treasur Finding›potion. STILL looking for guilds!› Stalker lvl 7 Richard, I too›have the blank area SE of the Arena.›I'm hoping the answer shows up soon.›You››#: 165389 S1/GAMES› 06-Aug-86 22:52:26›Sb: #165202-alternate reality›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: mark henry 76525,2150 (X)››The area SE of the Arena is closed to›you now. It is part of the Arena and›you will find the 2 "missing" guilds›there. The Black potions are somewhat›variable. I have had the same›experience. The Treasure Finding is›also a variable effect as to its›longevity and power. It seem that the›more "bad" you are the less you get›from it. There are no rings in the›City. I have heard that they are›associated with the guilds and will be›used in the Dungeon due in late Sept.›'86. Don Wyman.››››››››#: 165281 S1/GAMES› 05-Aug-86 22:57:51›Sb: #Alternate Reality›Fm: Jeff Hand 76556,3402›To: Don Wyman 72456,2717 (X)››I finally reached lvl 13 today! Have›you gotten a flamesword yet?››Jeff (Jorel lvl 13)››#: 165391 S1/GAMES› 06-Aug-86 22:58:37›Sb: #165281-#Alternate Reality›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: Jeff Hand 76556,3402 (X)››Jeff. Congrats on the level 13. No, I›haven't found the Flamesword. Been busy›getting ready to move next week. Also I›have been going out during the day so I›can find the Boots and Dragonskin Hat.›No luck there either. I was playing›around with the Owner of the Betelguese›sales. I kept offering low amounts for›his goods. He finally kicked me out for›good. When I enter, he just says "Get›out Worm". This has lasted for at least›15 "City" days. He's really ticked. I›don't recommend that type of behavior.›Oh well, there are a lot of other›Shops. Take care. Don Wyman (thorex›level 13: 1,500,000 exp.)››#: 165440 S1/GAMES› 07-Aug-86 08:21:08›Sb: #165391-#Alternate Reality›Fm: mark henry 76525,2150›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717››Don and Jeff,› I have discovered that if your REAL›bad, every one kicks you out! and all›the taverns have entry fees! I even got›kick out of mom's bar...was i upset!›so, that's the warning. ›Stalker lvl 7.5››#: 165555 S1/GAMES› 08-Aug-86 03:44:16›Sb: #165440-#Alternate Reality›Fm: Jeff Hand 76556,3402›To: mark henry 76525,2150 (X)››Mark,› Thanks for the hint. Jorel is a›good charcter so I've never run into›that problem.››››››››Jeff (Jorel lvl 13)››#: 165574 S1/GAMES› 08-Aug-86 11:27:59›Sb: #165555-Alternate Reality›Fm: mark henry 76525,2150›To: Jeff Hand 76556,3402 (X)››Jeff,› Believe me when I say that I no›longer run bad charatcters! I learned›the hard way. I once had a character›that had awesome Charm so I got to big›for my britches. Guards where falling›left and right Grog (that was his ›name) showed no mercy. He was close to›Chaotic Evil if you ever played AD&D.›So now I run characters as good (Lawful›Good) people. They do much better in›the long run. I've found that, for me›anyway, evil types aren't even around›for the long run. Be seeing ya.› Stalker lvl 7.5››#: 165469 S1/GAMES› 07-Aug-86 19:29:30›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: FLOYD T. WALKER, JR. 72247,36›To: ALL›› Hi there!› I just recently got the fantastic game› Alternate Reality, but I can't seem to› get higher than level 3 or 4. Is there› a way to ...converse... with the› creatures that one meets in the city?› Or possibly finding money lying in› the streets (haven't found any yet) ?› I would really appreciate any and all› hints and suggetions that are offered.› Just leave 'em here and I'll find›them. By the way, my thanks to Don for›the list› of potions.› Floyd Walker› Darkmoor› Lvl 3 or 4› 72247,36››#: 165554 S1/GAMES› 08-Aug-86 03:37:18›Sb: #165469-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Jeff Hand 76556,3402›To: FLOYD T. WALKER, JR. 72247,36 (X)››Floyd, unlike Ultima you cannot›converse with the other life forms in›AR. You'll will get treasure, from›time to time, after an encounter with›another lifeform. Treasure can take›››››››the form of money, jewels, gems,›potions, or potions.››Jeff››#: 165587 S1/GAMES› 08-Aug-86 18:33:44›Sb: #165554-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: FLOYD T. WALKER, JR. 72247,36›To: Jeff Hand 76556,3402 (X)››Jeff, I seem to have figured out as›much as you've told me. My biggest›problem is this-> example: I'm walking›down some street and have an encounter›with, say, a knight or something like›it. It automatically is in engaged› in combat. I hit-*-no effect. It hits›-- Darkmoor's pushing up›daisies after receiving 9 or so hits.›What I'm looking for is a quick way to›get cash and/or a reasonable weapon›(not just a dagger). Any suggestions???›› Dead again...› Floyd Walker› 72247,36››#: 165674 S1/GAMES› 09-Aug-86 04:24:57›Sb: #165587-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Jeff Hand 76556,3402›To: FLOYD T. WALKER, JR. 72247,36››Floyd,› Until you're at a higher level›with some decent weapons and armor›I'd disengage most stronger life forms,›i.e. knights, swordsman, gladiator, and›the like, you'll lose some money and›treasure once in awhile put at least›you're alive. Have you tried going out›at night for a short time, thats when I›got almost all of my better weapons and›armor. Most of all just keep on trying.›I don't know how many times I had to›restart the game until I got a›character that was worth something.› Good luck,› Jeff››#: 166106 S1/GAMES› 13-Aug-86 05:05:29›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: RICHARD POSTGATE 73017,1735›To: Jeff Hand 76556,3402 (X)››I GUESS YOUR CHARACTER MUST BE AT LEAST›SOMEWHAT EVIL, BECAUSE GOOD GUYS LEAVE›WHEN I IGNORE THEM. AT WHAT LEVEL DID›››››››YOU GET THE FLAMESWORD (DOES IT GIVE›YOU BETTER WEAPONS AS YOU GAIN LEVELS)?›IS THERE ANY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LUNGE›AND ATTACK? I HAVE MAGICAL PLATE AND A›SPIKED SHIELD AND A SWORD (YET I ALWAYS›GET CREAMED BY KNIGHTS...GEE...AREN'T›KNIGHTS SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD?). [GRAY›MOUSER, LVL 8]››#: 166107 S1/GAMES› 13-Aug-86 05:14:39›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: RICHARD POSTGATE 73017,1735›To: DON WYMAN, 72456,2717 (X)››WHAT WEAPONS BESIDES A FLAMESWORD ARE›BETTER THAN SWORDS? WHAT ARMOR'S BETTER›THAN MAGICAL PLATE? I HAVE MAGICAL›PLATE, AND YET I STILL GET CREAMED BY›KNIGHTS, AND DRAGONS. WHAT KIND OF›WEAPON AND ARMOR DO YOU NEED TO TAKE ON›THESE AND OTHER TOUGH MONSTERS? [GRAY›MOUSER, LVL 8]››#: 166118 S1/GAMES› 13-Aug-86 12:02:52›Sb: #alternate reality›Fm: mark henry 76525,2150›To: MIKE CARPICK 73217,1527 (X)››Mike, excuse me. Let me explain. I do›not have an atari. Sorry to get your›hopes up. I use this forum to talk to›Don and all you people that play›alternate reality. Although I don't›have an atari I feel that I do have›friends here that share the intrests›that I do. Sorry again about getting ›your hopes up, Mark› Stalker lvl 7››#: 166147 S1/GAMES› 13-Aug-86 20:22:10›Sb: #166106-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Jeff Hand 76556,3402›To: RICHARD POSTGATE 73017,1735 (X)››Good life forms leave when I ignore›them if I'm not in a "treasure finding"›mode. I got the 1st flamesword at lvl›10, I thin, and I just got another one›at lvl 13. It does seem that the›higher you're the better the weapons›you get. I got both flamesword from a›troll, while in a "treasure finding"›mode, near the alpha omega healers.››Good hunting,› Jeff (jorel lvl 13)››››››››#: 166178 S1/GAMES› 13-Aug-86 22:47:15›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Floyd Walker 72247,36›To: ALL››Haallpp!! Does anyone know WHY, when I›reach lvl. 4 or so, all the taverns›seem to..well› it says "Entering..." on the screen,›the disks whiz a while, then›"Leaving.." comes up. I eventually get›too weak to defend myself -POOF- no mo'›adventurin' for Traalfonz. Would going›to a healer either counter the effects›of starvation or possibly, somehow, let›me back in the taverns? If so, or even›if not, please give me explicit›directions to the nearest ( and›cheapest ) healer.› Also, has anyone been to Lusty Loydd's›yet? Got cheap food & drink.› OOH! I'M DYIN' AGAIN!› FLOYD WALKER 72247,36››#: 166180 S1/GAMES› 13-Aug-86 22:53:11›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Floyd Walker 72247,36›To: ALL››RE. my previous message: I only›eliminated 3 life forms -a commoner,›and two dwarfs, and only wounded 1›other dwarf. the two elim dwarfs, I›charmed them, and the commoner hit me›first. All had the music associated›with good life. Could this be enough to›keep me out of the taverns?› Floyd Walker 72247,36››#: 166181 S1/GAMES› 13-Aug-86 23:01:59›Sb: alternate reality›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: mark henry 76525,2150 (X)››MARK, I just got my Magical Flamesword›tonite (13 Aug.). I got it at 1,591,000›exp. pts. I am now at 1,650,000 with›185 Strength pts. Still waiting for the›Dungeon. In case you haven't heard›there are only 12 guilds. The missing 2›are in the inaccessible area of the›ARENA. Hang in there. Don Wyman.››#: 166182 S1/GAMES› 13-Aug-86 23:05:04›Sb: #alternate reality›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›››››››To: Sara Groves 70775,712 (X)››Sara; I also was unable to find my›walkthrough. I found a very negative›review by a guy named Sutton though. He›apparently gave up on the game and›didn't stick around long enough to›learn. He had numerous facts incorrect›and really trashed AR. Too bad. Don›Wyman (thorex lvl. 13; 1,650,000 exp.)››#: 166185 S1/GAMES› 13-Aug-86 23:09:28›Sb: #166107-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: RICHARD POSTGATE 73017,1735 (X)››You will find that any Magical weapon›is superior to mundane ones. The›Flamesword is the best with the Magical›Battle Hammer second. I finally dropped›my trusty Magical Longsword. It got me›through most of my 1,650,000 exp. Just›be good and wait. You will get›something better. Don Wyman.››#: 166188 S1/GAMES› 13-Aug-86 23:16:21›Sb: #166147-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: Jeff Hand 76556,3402 (X)››Jeff. I finally got my Magical›Flamesword. Goodness does pay off. I›got it at about 5 in the morning a›Guard. I had 1,591,000 exp. when I got›it. Whew!!!!!! I wonder if anyone has›been keeping track of Armour. I have›Magical Scale Mail now, but have found›Magical Banded Armour, Magical Chain,›and Magical Ring Mail. I don't know if›I should take them. I have a hunch that›I should have taken the Banded thoug. I›now have 185 Strength pts., 54 chr. and›52 Int. How you doing? Don Wyman›(thorex level 13: 1,650,000 exp. pts.)›P.S. Have you tried building up your›food and water? I carry 255 of each›now. I'm anticipating a need to carry›lots of provisions in the Dungeon.››#: 166189 S1/GAMES› 13-Aug-86 23:19:15›Sb: #166178-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: Floyd Walker 72247,36 (X)››Floyd; try making backups of disk 2 and›using them. If you are doing that now›(and you should use the backups), try›››››››doing them over. I had similar›problems. Also try cleaning your drive›heads. AR uses all of the disk so your›drive must be in tip-top condition. Don›Wyman.››#: 166219 S1/GAMES› 14-Aug-86 12:00:10›Sb: #166178-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: mark henry 76525,2150›To: Floyd Walker 72247,36 (X)››Floyd,› That happened to me once. If you›are killing everything in sight then›that may be your problem. I once ran›an evil character that killed every›thing thru charming. I was kick out of›all the taverns after that. Some›taverns would let me in if I paid an›entry fee. this may be your problem. If›not then try what Don suggests.› Stalker lvl 7››#: 166220 S1/GAMES› 14-Aug-86 12:03:29›Sb: #166182-#alternate reality›Fm: mark henry 76525,2150›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)››Don, I also found that reveiw. too bad›it's there. I think another should be›done. How do you go about getting a›review on the board?› Stalker lvl 7››#: 166238 S1/GAMES› 14-Aug-86 20:00:28›Sb: #166180-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: VANCE NESBITT 76475,2674›To: Floyd Walker 72247,36 (X)››HI, FLOYD. I HAVE HAD YOUR PROBLEM OF›NOT BEING ABLE TO ENTER TAVERNS. WHEN I›AM IN AN ESTABLISHMENT AT THE TIME IT›CLOSES, I WILL BE UNABLE TO ENTER THAT›TYPE OF ESTABLISHMENT (SHOP, TAVERN,›ETC.) FOR TWO DAYS. ANOTHER CONDITION›IS IF MY JOYSTICK (SENSITIVE) IS TILTED›BACKWARDS I GET THE SAME EFFECT. AND›THE THIRD CONDITION I CAN'T FIGURE OUT›BUT I CAN USUALLY RE-ENTER ON THE›SECOND OR THIRD ATTEMPT.› SO NATURALLY I AVOID ESTABLISHMENTS›AT CLOSING TIMES. HOPE THIS HELPS. BYE›FROM› Vancelot (lvl 9)› Vaneesh (lvl 7)› Vance (lvl 0 with FLAMESWORD)››››››››#: 166276 S1/GAMES› 14-Aug-86 23:08:00›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: STAN KOPF 70426,647›To: ALL››I NEED HELP...I CAN ONLY LOCATE 11 OF›THE 12 AVAILABLE GUILDS. 2 IN NW QUAD 3›IN NE QUAD, 2 IN SE QUAD AND 4 IN SW›QUAD....WHERE AM I MISSING ONE???› ALSO, I GOT THROWN OUT OF TAVERNS IN›MY EARLY TRIES IF I BEGGED FOR FOOD I›COULDN'T PAY FOR, THEY NEVER FORGET. ›NOW I ALWAYS BUY ROUNDS FOR THE HOUSE›AND ALL TAVERNS GREET ME AS "DEAR›FRIEND". EVERYONE ALSO HAS ME SCARED›ABOUT THIS GOOD OR BAD CHARACTER›SITUATION. I TRUSTED THE INSTRUCTIONS›TO BE MYSELF AND ATTACK OR TRICK ALL›(LV 11). AM I GOING TO HAVE TO RESTART?›NO ONE THROWS ME OUT, I SEEM WELCOME›EACH SHOP OR TAVERN. ALSO, WHEN I›DRINK A POTION OF DELUSION ALL OF MY›STATS GO UP 6 OR 7 POINTS AND STAY UP›EVEN AFTER A HEALER HAS CLEANSED AND›RESTORED ME. THEY STAY UP WEEKS LATER,›IS THIS FOR REAL? I WILL APPRECIATE ANY›HELP. THANKS, STAN KOPF›[70426,647]››#: 166297 S1/GAMES› 15-Aug-86 01:31:36›Sb: #166220-#alternate reality›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: mark henry 76525,2150 (X)››Mark; if you want to leave a review on›the gamer sig, just leave a message to›a sysop. I leave mine to "Nightie". he›will tell you how to do it. Basically,›just type up an ascii file and upload›it. I heard about the problem about›Charming too much. Try to be nicer.›Killing by charm is very nasty. Try›tricking or disengaging. Personally I'd›rather stand on my own 2 feet and fight›it out. Of course that's easy to say›with a Magical Flamesword and Magical›Tower Shield and Magical Scale Mail. Oh›well. Good Luck and good hunting. Don›Wyman. (thorex level 13; 1,750,000 exp.›pts.)››#: 166299 S1/GAMES› 15-Aug-86 01:37:49›Sb: #166276-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: STAN KOPF 70426,647 (X)››Sometimes your stats will stay high›››››››after a delusion potion. It is not›real. if you take a potion of›noticeability it will put them back to›normal. This potion is›Yellow-Bitter-Caution. You are missing›1 guild in the NE. You should have;›Wizards of Chaos, Guild of Order,›Wizards of Law, and the Thieves Guild.›Good Luck. Don Wyman (thorex level 13:›1,750,000 exp. pts.)››#: 166302 S1/GAMES› 15-Aug-86 01:42:27›Sb: #166188-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Jeff Hand 76556,3402›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)›› Don,› Congrats on the flamesword,›it's about time! I would say the›magical banded armour is the better one›of what you mentioned. Yes, I now›carry 255 water flasks and food›packets.›I have not played jorel muche reaching›lvl 13. He has a little over 1,350,000›ex. pts. chr 45,str 139, int 48. Also›I acquired another flamesword from a›troll so now I carry 2, can't hurt I›guess. Jorel has magical plate mail,›magical battle hammer, and a magical›tower shield. Looking forward to the›dungeon.› Good hunting,› Jeff››#: 166317 S1/GAMES› 15-Aug-86 09:03:27›Sb: #166299-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: STAN KOPF 70426,647›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)››THANKS FO THE HELP DON. I'VE MAPPED›THE CITY AND GONE BACK (I THOUGHT)›MARKING EVERY WHERE I'VE BEEN, BUT›COULDN'T IMAGINE HAVING TO SEARCH ALL›4 QUADRANTS AGAIN. I HAVE FOUND TWO›ENCLOSED AREAS IN THE SOUTHEAST›QUADRANT IN THE SOUTHWEST ONE-FOURTH›CORNER WHICH I CAN GET INTO BUT THEN›CANNOT GET BACK OUT OF. IS THIS FOR›REAL OR AM I HAVING PROBLEMS WITH MY›DISKS? THIS HAS CAUSED ME TO RESTART›TWICE. I AM CURRENTLY BACK TO LEVEL 11›WITH 400,000 EXP AND AM AFRAID TO TRY›THOSE TWO AGAIN AND HAVE TO RESTART ONE›MORE TIME. ANYWAY, I WILL GO BACK TO›THE NE QUAD AND BE MORE THOROUGH THIS›TIME. THANKS, STAN (SAMWISE)››››››››#: 166346 S1/GAMES› 15-Aug-86 21:12:41›Sb: ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: ALT. REALITY PLAYERS››My AR walkthru is up on the gamers sig.›just type GO TEG-2994 at any system›prompt and you will go directly there.›I hope it helps you new players. If not›leave questions here or on the Gamers›Sig (GO GAMERS). Don Wyman (thorex lvl.›13: 1,750,000 exp. pts.)››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››#: 166347 S1/GAMES› 15-Aug-86 21:17:40›Sb: #166317-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: STAN KOPF 70426,647 (X)››Stan, the 2 areas you mention about not›getting out of are real. They are›booboos in the programming. Not›intentional. Stay out of them. My›walkthru is up on the Gamers Sig now.›Just type GO TEG-2994 and you will be›taken directly there. Good Luck. Don.››#: 166355 S1/GAMES› 15-Aug-86 22:23:20›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Floyd Walker 72247,36›To: ALL››Hi again! Thanks to all of you out›there that have given me helpful›advice. Traalfaz is now level 6 and has›mundane tower shield and a ...›FLAMESWORD!!!! Boy, is it nice to have›an adequate weapon!›One problem...I'm poisoned aneed to›get to a healer pronto because I can't›seem to acquire a "cure poison" potion.›Right now, I'm at the NW palace corner›and need that healer bad! I will be›thankful for any help!› Thanks,› Floyd Walker› 72247,36› Traalfaz (LVL. 6)› 14,000+ EXP››#: 166357 S1/GAMES› 15-Aug-86 22:38:35›Sb: #166355-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: STAN KOPF 70426,647›To: Floyd Walker 72247,36 (X)››GET BACK TO FLOATING GATE. HEAD WEST TO›WESTERN GATE. TURN SOUTH AND GO TO›WALL THEN TURN WEST, GO TO WALL. TURN›NORTH AND GO TO WALL. TURN WEST. GO›WEST TO WALL, THERE SHOULD BE A›TWO-BLOCK WALL TO YOUR LEFT AS YOU GO.›TURN SOUTH. YOU SHOULD SEE A 3-BLOCK›WALL HEADING TO YOUR LEFT RUNNING NORTH›AND SOUTH(YOU ARE NEXT TO THE CITY WALL›BY THE CORNER OF THE WESTERN GATE). ›THE NEAREST BLOCK ON THE WEST FACE OF›THE 3-BLOCK WALL IS A PASSAGE› PASS THRU EAST AND FOLLOW WALL AROUND›UNTILL YOU ARE FACING THREE DOORS TAKE›WEST DOOR. TAKE SOUTH DOOR AND›STRAIGHT SOUTH TO ALPHA-OMEGA HEALERS››››››› THE ONLY OTHER HEALER IS BEHIND A›WALL TO THE NORTH-WEST OF CITY CENTER›WITHIN ABOUT 3 SQUARES OF THE SMITHIE ›YOU CAN FIND IT IF YOU START FROM THE› WESTERN GATE AND GO NORTH TO FIRST›DOOR, THRU DOOR, KEEP WALL TO RIGHT, GO›NORTH TO SECOND DOOR, EAST THRU DOOR,›THEN HEAD SOUTH. KEEP WALL TO RIGHT›(AROUND ANY ATTACHED BLOCKS OR WALLS)›AND YOU WILL EVENTUALLY GET TO THE›HEALER. HOPE YOU MAKE-IT. STAN›[SAMWISE LEVEL11]››#: 166373 S1/GAMES› 16-Aug-86 00:15:24›Sb: #166357-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Floyd Walker 72247,36›To: STAN KOPF 70426,647 (X)››Stan, Thanks for the directions. Best›wishes and good luck to you also.› Floyd››#: 166381 S1/GAMES› 16-Aug-86 01:32:07›Sb: #166297-alternate reality›Fm: Sara Groves 70775,712›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717››Don,› A walkthru for Alternate›Reality was posted today. If you don't›want to read the whole thing, you might›read just the introduction and leave a›message to the author, Don Wyman›72456,2717, if you like it.› I gather this is one of those›games which you either love or hate so›others may have opinions more closely›resembling yours.›Sara››P.S. Nightie is a she.››#: 167391 S1/GAMES› 25-Aug-86 17:01:28›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: MARK HENRY 76525,2123›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)››Don, congrats on hitting 2 mil!! I›haven't been playin musc lately so›Stalker is still only 7lvl 7 perhaps i›will start again soon. (just got a›color monitor for my system, It should›look a lot better now. talk to you›soon.› Stalker lvl 7.››#: 167397 S1/GAMES››››››› 25-Aug-86 19:09:38›Sb: #Alternate Reality›Fm: Floyd Walker 72247,36›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)››Don, Guess what!! Thanks to your (and›others) help, Traalfonz is now Lvl.7›with Flamesword, magical shield, and›banded armor. Thanks! About the›Wraith-Their screams are their most›powerful weapon. I think that it›bypasses armor. Possibly›invulnerability air potion would help-I›don't know. Let us know when you get›the dungeon!› Thanks Again,› Floyd››#: 167444 S1/GAMES› 25-Aug-86 22:32:47›Sb: #167391-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: MARK HENRY 76525,2123››Mark; I am ordering a monitor too soon.›If all goes right, I will get an ST›also. I am looking forward to playing›AR on it as soon as it's available. Don›Wyman››#: 167447 S1/GAMES› 25-Aug-86 22:34:52›Sb: #167397-Alternate Reality›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: Floyd Walker 72247,36 (X)››Since that awful encounter with the›Wraith, I have taken the Invul. Air›potion. Apparently it works. Good Luck›Don Wyman (thorex lvl 13; 2,000,000›exp. pts.)››#: 167451 S1/GAMES› 25-Aug-86 22:48:47›Sb: #Alternate Reality›Fm: WILLIAM C. RODAWALT 72327,3656›To: DON WYMAN››Don, THanks for the help finding the›taverns and the Assassin's Guild. I›already had found the Thieve's Guild›(don't know if i omitted it from my›list or you missed it) but I am still›missing one guild. From the artist›conceptual drawing in the newsletter I›am convinced that it has to be in the›north-west quadrant. the guilds seem to›be represented in the drawing as towers›and they show up in the approximate›location of the guilds that I have›››››››found. I see two of these towers in›the NW quadrant but can only find the›Blue Wizards Guild in that quadrant›Another thing that happened to me›resently has me a bit confused . I came›across a magical sword (my first›magical item in playing through nine›levels) but my longsword still seems to›do more damage, why is that??? I also›ran into a ghost but could do no damage›to it is there some sort of secret to›killing ghosts???›I sort of feel guilty for leaning on›you for all this info , hope i can›return the favor later.››Thanks in advance,›William Rodawalt›72327,3656›A.K.A. Yozonseph (Level 9 and still›going)››#: 167640 S1/GAMES› 27-Aug-86 22:01:54›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: STAN KOPF 70426,647›To: DON WYMAN [ 72456,2717 (X)››DON, I am baffled now! I have›finally entered year 2, have 530,000›exp 76 str and 47 int. Every time I go›to the bank the computer locks up with›the 'ACCOUNT FAILURE' message. I've›recopied all the disks three times now›and that doesn't change it (I will get›another head-cleaning disk in the›morning, but I doubt that will help,›its only been a month). I have backups›that go back to 505,000 exp and about 3›days (day 22 month of Cold Winds, year›1) but at the change of the year I am›locked out (350,000 coppers). Any›ideas? Congrats on the two-million, it›shows there is hope for the rest of us!›thanks, Stan [samwise, level 11›with magical crystal plate]››#: 167650 SAMES› 27-Aug-86 22:36:07›Sb: #167640-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: BURCH E. UPHAM 76210,1524›To: STAN KOPF 70426,647 (X)››I'm inspired! I have 295000 exp pts and›a magical flamesword and magical›leatherarmor . i figure i will hit›level 11 at about 303000 exp pts. have›you found all of the guilds. I've found›only 12. how do youjoin a guild? i›found 4 in the sw quadrant, 4 in the ne›››››››quadrant, 2 inthe nw and 2 in the se›---help!!!››#: 167653 S1/GAMES› 27-Aug-86 23:25:38›Sb: #167640-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: STAN KOPF 70426,647 (X)››The problem you are having with the›banks is well known to me. I had the›same experience. In the newsletter sent›out by Datasoft, a cure is shown. You›must just sit there and wait. The›computer is calculating your interest.›I waited for 20 min. or more at each›bank. Just be patient. The program will›recover by itself. Once you have done›this, the problem will disappear. Don›Wyman (thorex level 13: 2,100,000 exp.›pts.)››#: 167655 S1/GAMES› 27-Aug-86 23:28:51›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: BURCH E. UPHAM 76210,1524›To: ALL››HAS ANYONE BEEN ABLE TO JOIN A GUILD IN›ALTERNATE REALITY? IF SO, WHAT ARE THE›CHARACTER REQUIREMENTS? CAN YOU WIN›THIS GAME WITH ONLY THE CITY DISKS?››#: 167656 S1/GAMES› 27-Aug-86 23:29:05›Sb: #167650-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: BURCH E. UPHAM 76210,1524 (X)››There are only 12 guilds accessible in›the city. The other 2 are in the area›sw of the Arena and will be accessible›in the Arena disk. You may be able to›join guilds in the Dungeon. At least›that's the rumor. The Dungeon is due›late Sept. '86. Good Luck. Don Wyman›(thorex lvl. 13: 2,100,000 exp. pts.)››#: 167659 S1/GAMES› 27-Aug-86 23:31:53›Sb: #167655-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: BURCH E. UPHAM 76210,1524 (X)››You cannot join guilds or "win" the›game in the City. There are about 5›more sections coming. The Dungeon,›Arena, Palace, Wilderness, Revelations,›and Destiny. Hang in there, there's a›long road ahead. Don Wyman.››››››››#: 167660 S1/GAMES› 27-Aug-86 23:39:25›Sb: #167451-Alternate Reality›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: WILLIAM C. RODAWALT 72327,3656 (X)››Bill; You are missing the Green›Wizard's academy in the NW quadrant. It›is NE of MOM's bar and just north of›Ono goods. It's hidden. Just bump the›walls. The longsword is a superior›weapon to the sword. Apparently even a›Magical Sword. Trial and error here.›Ghost's can be tricked or charmed. I›never had problems killing them with›Mag. Longsword or Mag. Battle Hammer or›Mag. Flamesword. ?????? Don Wyman›(thorex level 13)››#: 167686 S1/GAMES› 28-Aug-86 11:06:23›Sb: #Arrgh-Alternate Reality›Fm: Groove 71320,1130›To: Don Wyman›› FINALLY broke 10000 exp points, with›nothing more than a dagger! HAHA (My›sense of accomplishment is way up›there...) BUT my character is Diseased,›Hungry, Thirsty, and Poisoned with weak›poison (that was MY fault) and I›haven't even found a Healer! Where›are they???› When you get up to those sky high›levels, does it still give you 1 pt. of›Str, Chr oops etc? Or do you get 76›str, 47 int, etc with potions??? (and›guilds, of which I've only located›2...)› The toughest guy I fought was an›assassin, gave me 4 pots and some gold,›did me no good cause I was completely›lost! In other words, I NEED YOUR›MAPS!!! I've tried, but...› I discovered something you may want›to investigate, tho, it's in my message›on the Gamers forum...›› Do be kind to poor and blind, see›well out beyond your eyes....› By the way, if you keep buying rounds›of drinks at taverns, (like 5) when›you're hungry/thirsty, they'll give you›food FREE! HAAHAHAHA (Sorry, it's›driving me CRAZY!) I'm gonna give up›on that char. and start anew...›› Now that you're gone, some will grieve›on, on and on, I know you'll be back›››››››again, maybe next time, will be the›time, you WIN.....! (Let me know when›ya get the dungeons...)››#: 167739 S1/GAMES› 28-Aug-86 23:50:36›Sb: #167686-Arrgh-Alternate Reality›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: Groove 71320,1130 (X)››Sounds like you've got a bad case of AR›fever. Too bad. Long hours and lots of›frustration. I left a msg. about the›maps on the Gamers Sig. Just leave me a›msg. on Easy Plex and I will give you›the info to order. You will probably›get 1 str. pt. every 10,000 or so exp.›sometimes you get a chr. or int. pt.›When you go from 1 level to the next,›most of your stats will go up. I now›have 28 STA, 59 CHR, 210 STR, 57 INT,›28 WIS, and 28 SKL pts. with 192 hit›pts. All started under 20. Don Wyman.›(thorex level 13; 2,100,000 exp. pts.)››#: 167741 S1/GAMES› 28-Aug-86 23:55:15›Sb: Alternate Reality›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: AR players››I have just completed 12 months in the›city. The months are as follows: Rains›(month I entered the City) Sowings›First Fruits Harvest Final Reaping The›Fall Darkness Coldwinds Light Rebirth›Awakening Winds Don Wyman (thorex lvl.›13: 2,100,000 exp. pts.)››#: 167751 S1/GAMES› 29-Aug-86 00:30:28›Sb: #167653-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: STAN KOPF 70426,647›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)››Thanks for the help again, I will show›more patience at the banks (all 3 have›me locked-up). Didn't know there was a›newsletter from Datasoft, my disks came›without a card, only a note saying I›should return the card! And the box was›still sealed in plastic, guess I will›send them a letter. Well, back to›battling, I hope to make level 12 in›the wee hours of this morning, strength›is up to 81 and intelligence to 48, if›only I could find that FLAMESWORD I›will be complete! Stan››#: 167754 S1/GAMES››››››› 29-Aug-86 00:33:49›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: MIKE OWEN 73317,1406›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)››I AM A NEW PLAYER AND CAN'T GET PAST›DYING OF SCURVY IN THE FIRST FEW›MINUTES OF THE GAME; UTILIZING A NEW OR›TEMPORATY CHARACTER. WHERE IS THE›HEALER?!!!›>>>>>>>>>>>>HELP<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<››#: 167756 S1/GAMES› 29-Aug-86 00:42:28›Sb: #167754-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: STAN KOPF 70426,647›To: MIKE OWEN 73317,1406 (X)››Try recopying all of your disks and›cleaning your drives if necessary. I›occasionally get scurvy when I restart›a game after a lot of wear on the city›disks, it always clears when I recopy›the disks. Also, if you get started›with a good character, make several›copies of the character (hit 's' to›save as soon as you can) this gives you›several chances to salvage a character›with good stats but bad enough luck to›meet Knights and Guards from the›start...(I lost my first SAMWISE withh›all stats above 18 before I learned›this). The nearest healer is hidden›about 8 blocks south of the western›gate. good-luck Stan [Samwise level 11]››#: 167758 S1/GAMES› 29-Aug-86 00:44:18›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Jeff Hand 76556,3402›To: Don Wyman 72456,2717 (X)››Don,› I was talking to another AR player›on a BBs on he said that he had quaffed›a potion of Invul. Magic. He could not›give color, etc. Have you run into›this potion. He said he's run across›it twice. I did'nt think to ask what›kind of system he was running.›› Jeff› (jorel lvl 13 >››#: 167759 S1/GAMES› 29-Aug-86 00:48:37›Sb: ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: STAN KOPF 70426,647›To: BURCH E. UPHAM 76210,1524 (X)››››››››Glad to hear you got your FLAMESWORD›(wish I could find one!). You still›need to upgrade your armor (magic›crystal plate is the best, and elfin›chain second). I avoided any magic›armor less thchain, banded or plate.›If you can afford it, buy Plate Mail,›it served me well until about 450,000›points when I found the MAGIC CRYSTAL›PLATE.› Check in this SIG regularly to get›good tips on AR, and good luck again!›Stan››#: 167851 S1/GAMES› 30-Aug-86 00:06:08›Sb: #167758-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: Jeff Hand 76556,3402 (X)››Jeff; I haven't seen the Inv. Magic›potion but I think that Inv. Cleric›would have the same effect. Have you›tried Noticeability potion (yellow,›bitter, caution)? Since I took it I›can't go 2 squares without an›encounter. Lots of action and treasure.›Really go up fast on Exp. pts. Don›Wyman (thorex level 13; 2,200,000 exp.›pts.››#: 167852 S1/GAMES› 30-Aug-86 00:10:56›Sb: #167754-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: MIKE OWEN 73317,1406 (X)››If you are coming up with Scurvy you›have one of the following problems: 1.›A bad disk. Send it back to Datasoft.›2. A non-Atari (1050 or 810) drive.›Send disk to Datasoft. 3. A pirate›copy. Tough luck!!!››#: 167872 S1/GAMES› 30-Aug-86 04:37:05›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JOHN GARTMAN 72327,1545›To: A.R. PLAYERS›› HOWDY, I HAVE BEEN PLAYING A.R. FOR›ABOUT 4 MOS. NOW ,I FINALY GOT A›CHARACTER TO LEVEL 8 51,000 POINTS. I›HAVE GOT ALOT OF USEFUL INFO FROM YOU›GUYS THANKS. BUT NOW THE PROBLEM I HAVE›IS I CAN'T GET ANY GOOD POTIONS,NO GOOD›SPOILS FROM ENCOUNTERS,AND ANY POTIONS›I DO GET DISAPEAR. ANY MAGICAL WEPONS›ARE ALMOST ALWAYS CURSED. MAX-1 LVL8›BEARLY ALIVE ANY SUGESTIONS WOULD BE›››››››WELCOME. THANKS ?EX››#: 167914 S1/GAMES› 30-Aug-86 22:17:38›Sb: #167872-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Floyd Walker 72247,36›To: JOHN GARTMAN 72327,1545 (X)››Congrats on reaching Lvl. 8! Just›reached it myself about 3 or so days›ago. A good tip for potions: When you›get 3-5 pots., save your character, dup›the char disk, reload char, and start›by Unsealing then Quaff-ing the›potion(s). If you get a bad potion,›just re-copy the char disk and try›again. Might take a while before you›get a treasure finding potionor›something almost as good.› Happy Hunting!› Floyd Walker› Traalfonz (8+)››#: 167933 S1/GAMES› 30-Aug-86 23:44:24›Sb: #167872-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: JOHN GARTMAN 72327,1545 (X)››John; Try being nicer. It sounds like›you've been a "bad" boy. Don Wyman.››#: 167951 S1/GAMES› 31-Aug-86 04:13:36›Sb: #167933-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Fran Bonito 76626,137›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)››HELP!!!! Brown mold has gotten me...now›I'm diseased, poisoned, and not to›mention, tipsy. I need a healer and›haven't been able to find one. PLEASE›direct me to the nearest MD...I'm at Da›Place. Thanks. B.B. Level 8, 63,000+›(and trying to hold on).››P.S.: Aren't any other ladies hooked›on this game??››#: 167986 S1/GAMES› 31-Aug-86 15:50:35›Sb: #167650-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: MIKE CARPICK 73217,1527›To: BURCH E. UPHAM 76210,1524››I am in need of some SERIOUS help! I›only have 5,000. I only found 6 guilds.›Am having problems. Oh, well. Do you›know if the Closed by Order of the›Palace can ever be re-opened.››››››› Xebec 5,000› l.v.5››#: 167991 S1/GAMES› 31-Aug-86 16:00:05›Sb: #167686-Arrgh-Alternate Reality›Fm: MIKE CARPICK 73217,1527›To: Groove 71320,1130 (X)››The early morning turns into early day,›A sunset comes they take the colors›away Where you are› Alternate Reality››I found six of 'em and I'm only at›5000! Try looking for sec. doors! The›hardest I ever lived thru was a wizard,›the hardest ever a green dragon.››A bit like home yet unmistakably new A›morning rain then evening stars come›and view››This is your› Alternate Reality››Also, WHAT IS A $#'$#@$#@'" FLAMESWORD!›And how can ya get 81 str!!!!!!47 int!›?????????????????????????????????????››You walk around each corner› hoping to see A way to get back home› a way to break free››And to leave› Alternate Reality››Ok, thanx for the help I hope to›get(but not too much, I like doing it›alone, just WHATS A›FLAMESWORD??????!!?!??!?!!)››This is your› Alternate Reality (c)››----------------------------------------(c)›Indicateslyrics Copywright Gary› Gilbertson 1984 or 1985(don't remember›)›› Xebec(cute, eh?)› 5,000››#: 167992 S1/GAMES› 31-Aug-86 16:07:38›Sb: #167851-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: MIKE CARPICK 73217,1527›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)››Yo,››››››› Galvatron(My friend) got deluded and›doesn't know how to undo it! How???››Paws and claws could be the cause› of anyone heres demise...›› Xebec Galvatron› 5,000 5,000› lv. 5 lv. 5›40,000 cp ?????????? cp››#: 167994 S1/GAMES› 31-Aug-86 16:11:42›Sb: #167872-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: MIKE CARPICK 73217,1527›To: JOHN GARTMAN 72327,1545 (X)››Anyone know how to get spells? Please?››Armor, this we have for you We do›Armor, Tools of death we have those too›Swords, worth much more than you pay›Swords, to hold evil at bay›› Xebecc› (oooooppps)› Xebec› 5,000››#: 168021 S1/GAMES› 31-Aug-86 20:27:33›Sb: #167951-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: Fran Bonito 76626,137 (X)››Fran; Go to the city square and turn›west. Go to the end of the street and›follow the path to the left (south).›When you get to the first long passage›heading south, bump the walls on your›left. The first wall should open. Look›around there and you will see 3 doors.›Face the center one and enter the one›to the left. Turn left and go straight.›This should take you to the AlphaOmega›Healers. Or take an Amber, Plain,›Caution potion for the poison and a›Clear, Acidic, Caution potion for the›Disease. If you haven't already, look›in the DL2 games area for my potions›list. Yes there are other women›players. Just don't run across them›that often. Don Wyman Thorex level 13:›2,300,000 exp. pts.››››››››››