›››#: 173158 S1/GAMES› 03-Nov-86 21:02:27›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Joni Bubluski 70416,1066›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)››Thanks much for the maps and letter--I›owe you some money and will send much›as I can soonest (don't expect›much--still have a 13-year-old to›clothe!). Took your idea of porting›maps to Typesetter and have been›working on some of my own with slight›modifications. Almost as much fun as›playing the game! Called Datasoft›tonight, and latest on The Dungeon is›end of November (darn!). Oh›well...When I took up game again›accidentally wiped out my level 10›character, so am working back up with›new one (now level 7). How is Thorex›doing? Will send you a copy of my maps›soon as finished, plus contribution for›all the hard work you did that gave me›my inspiration! Thanks again, Joni››#: 173301 S1/GAMES› 05-Nov-86 21:34:53›Sb: ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Floyd Walker 72247,36›To: ALL››I think that I have some good news for›all of you! As of yesterday, (the›fourth,) a local computer store was›taking orders for ... the Dungeon!!! I›know the manager well, and unless the›distributor that he's getting it from›is pulling a dirty(very) trick on him,›the Dungeon will be arriving by the end›of next week. Let's keep our fingers›crossed!› Floyd Walker› aka. Traalfonz(8+)››#: 173492 S1/GAMES› 08-Nov-86 00:00:48›Sb: #173158-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: Joni Bubluski 70416,1066››Joni; always glad to hear from you. You›don't have to send any money. I am just›glad to help. Thorex is still level 14›and up to 3,000,000 exp. pts. His Stats›are; Sta 30, Chr 74, Str 255› (the max), Int 70, Wis 28, and Skl 29.›He has 218 hit points and has a mag.›Flamesword, Magical Tower Shield and›mundane Crystal armour. Still looking›››››››for the Mag. Crystal. For quite some›time I used a potion of Noticeability›which really increased the number of›encounters. Unfortunately, the only way›to counter it is with a potion of›*Un-Noticability which can be hard to find.›I finally got one and took it so that I›would be "normal" when I enter the›Dungeon. Nice to hear from you again.›Don Wyman.››#: 173274 S1/GAMES› 05-Nov-86 07:59:25›Sb: #THE DUNGEON›Fm: JOHN MORALES 76410,30›To: DOM WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)››Well Don hows your search for the plate›going cause AMY at DATASOFT now says›the dungeon will probably not be out›until right before X-MAS so I guess you›got time to cont. searching unless your›getting tired of killing Im starting›to... ?......By the way do you know how›many characters you have encountered›they say there are 80 but ive only seen›45 of which Ive got a list of I cant›believe Im level 14 now aand have only›encountered half the characters they›say curious about what you think of›this ...››Talk to you soon››KILLER JOHN........AND GETTING BOARED ›(YAWN)››#: 173496 S1/GAMES› 08-Nov-86 00:07:26›Sb: #173274-THE DUNGEON›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: JOHN MORALES 76410,30››I have encountered only 46 different›characters. I too am getting bored. I›found Crystal Plate but it is only›mundane. Still looking. I also found an›Unnoticability potion so I would be›"normal" when I enter the Dungeon. I›think I'll keep going until level 15›and then wait for the Dungeon. Good›luck and cross your fingers. The›Dungeon will come. Don Wyman (thorex›level 14; 3,000,000 exp. pts. Please›leave messages with the subject›Alternate Reality. That way others can›read them too. Later. Don Wyman.››#: 175412 S1/GAMES› 02-Dec-86 20:39:55›››››››Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: STEVEN WILLHITE 72337,154›To: ALL››AS LONG AS SOME OF YOU ADVENTURERS ARE›WORKING YOUR WAY THROUGH A.R. ALSO, CAN›YOU HELP ME?!? HOW DO YOU JOINUILD? ›ALSO, A FEW OF THE MESSAGES MENTION›MAPS(!), WHERE CAN I FIND THOSE?›ANY AND ALL HELP WILL BE›APPRECIATEDDTED.››(SSTELGAR - LV. 10)››#: 175442 S1/GAMES› 02-Dec-86 23:18:52›Sb: ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700 (X)›› Jeff-› sorry it took so long to reply.›Went out of town for the holidays.› Do you mean that if I go into a›bank often then it won't fail?› Yes Ido carry all of my money. And›I have a lot! I seem to have enough›protection and power that no one I›fight ever does much damage. And in›encounters, I always wait for them to›attack first, and then I attack until›they are dead. That way, it can be›considered self-defense, and the›"karma" won't get me. You've probably›heard about the karma in this game. If›you are evil, and aren't nice to the›little guy, your bad karma builds up,›and you are eventually killed,›supposedly. Besides my magical shield,›I have protection from potions I've›taken that doesn't wear off, and every›once in awhile, when the creature›attacks, the litle notation says,›"stopped by magic". I have protection›+5 from potions. Do you have any? I've›never taken a hit of more than 5, and›that's always on the first blow. Never›on any others. And it's always›replenished during sleep, of course.›Using this method, they never steal any›money. I tried to be nice, and leave›the commoners and paupers, until they›took thousands of coppers, and some›gems. Now, I wait for them to strike›first.› I could start leaving all of my money›in banks, if I didn't have to worry›about failures. Have you ever lost›money from failures? How can failures›be prevented by going into banks often?›››››››I'm not sure I understand.› What did you do for the›holidays?› -rock-››#: 175445 S1/GAMES› 02-Dec-86 23:46:07›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700 (X)›› Jeff-› I forgot to mention in my last›msg- sometimes my HPs do get to 0,›because of my delusion spell, but they›don't stay there for very long. But I›can see that having that spell is good›when one is poisoned. It's saved me a›few times.› Also, I also have the magical›crystal plate for armor. So I almost›never take any hits. I just hope I›don't when my HPs are at 0! Do you have›any protection?› -rock- (yubetcha, 140,000)››#: 175447 S1/GAMES› 02-Dec-86 23:52:53›Sb: #175412-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101›To: STEVEN WILLHITE 72337,154 (X)›› -Steven-› I haven't been able to join a guild,›either. I would like to know the answer›to that question, too. As for the maps,›leave a message for Don Wyman›72456,2717› -rock- (alias Yubetcha)››#: 175608 S1/GAMES› 04-Dec-86 21:57:02›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: CHILLY 76046,763›To: ALL››I have had AR about a month now and›have spent most of my time mapping out›the city. I do have a very frustrating›problem though. Everytime I acces an›existing character, it gets wiped off›the disk. I have tried duping the›chracter disk, but when I try to access›the character on the duped disk it just›dies. It is getting very frustrating to›alwaysstart out with a 0 level›character all the time. any help›would be greatly appreciated. Meeting›a nightstalker with nothing but a›stiletto is not fun.››››››››CHILLY››#: 175626 S1/GAMES› 04-Dec-86 23:40:48›Sb: #175445-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: ROCKY_NESSET 70426,101 (X)›› Magical crystal plate! That's the›best, ya know. I am very jealous; I've›been looking for that since the start.›That, protection +5, and a high skill›stat and you would be about invincable.›Just wait, though, those spells wear›off after a LONG time.› Killing a goog guy is always bad›news as far as your karma, but the way›you kill them (who strikes first under›what conditions) effects your karma›differently. Your best bet is to Leave›when disengaged, and to wait when›engaged. Sometimes they will attack,›sometimes they will disengage. Whatever›you do, don't charm a good guy; that's›considered REALLY nasty. You can judge›how good you are by your reception upon›entering an establishment. No greeting›is bad, "Hello . Glad you came!"›is best. Buying rounds in taverns›betters your karma.› Now for something you don't›already know: how to avoid failures. If›you go into a bank and there is a›failure in one of the acounts, reboot›and go back in. Keep doing this until›there are no failures and save your›character. The advantage to frequent›visits is that by being away for a long›time the chances of a failure are›great. You may have to reboot many›times to find an instance in which›there were no failures for 30 days, for›example, but if you have been away for›only a couple of days you will probably›have to reboot only once if at all.›Make sense? I know I'm making this seem›harder than it is, I'll explain it›again if you want.››Jeff (jeph, lvl 11)››Ps: I've been at work, so that's why I›haven't logged on. Have you reached lvl›10 yet?››#: 175627 S1/GAMES› 04-Dec-86 23:43:52›Sb: #175412-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›››››››To: STEVEN WILLHITE 72337,154 (X)›› You can't join a guild with the›8-bit version. The Dungeon will give›you this ability, along with a few›others.››#: 175628 S1/GAMES› 04-Dec-86 23:50:01›Sb: #175608-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: CHILLY 76046,763 (X)›› Why do you die? What kills you? I›occasionally get scurvy (my character,›that is), but this is just the result›of the copy protection going wild. Do›this: save your character, use a SECTOR›COPIER to copy you character onto›several other disks, and reboot. If›that doesn't work, I don't know what›the problem is. (BTW, for those of you›who have the a program that does this,›copying sectors 1 thru 96 should be›sufficient for a one-character disk.›That little fact can save you a LOT of›time.)››#: 175629 S1/GAMES› 04-Dec-86 23:52:33›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700 (X)››I don't know if it is important to join›the clubs. I have encountered about 48›different types of creatures. Thorex is›semi-retired at 3,100,000 exp. pts. He›will come out of retirement when he›finds away into the dungeon. If you get›over to Mom's bar, stop in. Thorex will›buy you a drink. Don Wyman (thorex›level 14)››#: 175630 S1/GAMES› 04-Dec-86 23:58:19›Sb: #175445-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101 (X)››Rocky, you are dying and don't know it.›If you have delusions, you don't know›if you are being affected by poison or›not. Go to a healer and get rid of the›delusion. You will see where you are›for sure then. Don Wyman (thorex level›14)››#: 175633 S1/GAMES› 05-Dec-86 00:13:39›››››››Sb: #175630-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)›› DonYou are right, I didn't›know it. Thanks for telling me. I'll›get over there right away.› But if I'm poisoned it says so›right on the screen. Is the delusion›itself killing me?› Have you heard anything about›what the dungeon is like?› Boy! Over 3,000,000 pts! You›must've gotten the first copy when the›game first came out, and played it›without any sleep. Didn't you ever get›tired of it?› -rock-››#: 175636 S1/GAMES› 05-Dec-86 01:05:55›Sb: #175626-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700 (X)›› Jeff-› No, I haven't reached lvl 10, yet,›but from what you mentioned a few days›ago, I guess I'm almost there.› Boy! You told me a lot that I›didn't know! I never get a greeting›when I enter something. I didn't think›I was that bad. Guess I'll have to buy›Quite a few rounds.› By the way, if I boot and quit›without saving my character, it isn't›in the character list on the disk. To›keep rebooting, I would have to make a›lot of copies every day before I start›to play. It would get tiresome, but if›I have to, I have to. Do you have to do›that?› Anyway, I guess my karma isn't as›good as I thought it was. But I've›tried to leave when disengaged, and if›I remember right, that's when the›commoner stole 20,000 coppers.I wanted›to reboot right there, but decided not›to. Sure made me mad though. That›commoner sure wasn't a commoner after›that. (Since he was richer). Maybe I'm›thinking of something else,though.›(About being robbed while trying to›leave). I'm sure that was the situation›but I'll have to check on it.› Does your character stay on the›character list if you quit without›saving?› -rock-››››››››#: 175694 S1/GAMES› 05-Dec-86 22:10:31›Sb: #175629-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)›› Three million, huh? Guess I've got›a bit to go to equal that. You can find›me in the Tavern, just ask for me. They›know me there.› Why is Mom's so popular? Is it›just an Eather's hangout? Also, where›go you go to look for action. I've got›a couple of hotspots I go to when I'm›feeling rambuctious.›› Jeff (jeph, lvl 11)››#: 175695 S1/GAMES› 05-Dec-86 22:21:26›Sb: #175636-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101 (X)›› You can get ripped off just by›leaving, but that's pretty rare unless›you've got a lot of money on you.› Yes, I do have to continuously›re-copy character disks since they get›erased. I keep 3 backups: 2 that I load›off of and 1 master that never gets›loaded off of. The master is just for›copying off of. That's on feature I›could really do without! By copying›only sectors 1 through 96 without›verify, though, it isn't that bad. I›just got SunDog for my ST and it has a›similar saving system. Each re-load›cost ten points off the score. The big›problem is that I don't have a copy›program to make backups. Now THAT is›frustating. I've had the game two weeks›now and haven't been able to do›anything yet. And I thought AR was hard›to start out with! Woe is me .› That brings up the subject yet›again: does anyone know when (if) the›ST version of AR is coming out? I can't›wait, it should be super.›› Jeff (jeph, lvl 11)››#: 175696 S1/GAMES› 05-Dec-86 22:40:43›Sb: #Alternate Reality›Fm: Mike Saunders 72477,1675›To: All››Just a little note to all you A.R›players,›››››››It has been hinted at that being a nice›person is important in the future›editions of A.R. I have noticed while›playing that when an encounter occurs›there are two types of music.›One is high pitched, one is low›pitched.›High pitched is for the good guys›Low pitched is for the bad guys.›If you never attack when the music is›high pitched the encounter will soon›disengage and go away. If you persist›in attacking the creatures in these›encounters, shortl in every encounter›you have they will be out for blood.›Just thought I'd mention this as I had›not seen it commented on for sometime.›I have put away the 8 bit version and›am waiting for the ST version.›GOOD LUCK.› Shortimer››#: 175702 S1/GAMES› 05-Dec-86 23:32:47›Sb: #175633-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101 (X)››Apparently you didn't see the guy that›won the most awesome character contest.›He had over 7,000,000 exp. pts. Mine›came in second. I kept going looking›for a magical Flamesword, Mag. Tower›Shield, and Mag. Crystal armour. I have›all but the armour. Still can't find›it. I have Mag. Elfin Chain which is›second best. Oh well, I'll find it›eventually. Delusions hide all kinds of›things. It is not at all good. You may›be poisoned and diseased and not know›it. Good luck and happy hunting. Don›Wyman (thorex level 14)››#: 175704 S1/GAMES› 05-Dec-86 23:41:11›Sb: #175694-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700 (X)››Interesting question. I don't go›anywhere in particular. I just roam›around. However, I have noticed that›the area east of the Last Stop Tavern›is kind of rowdy. also the area just›north of it is good for a magical type›or two. The area around the Alpha-Omega›healer is good too. The best way I've›found to get into a fight is to take a›potion of Noticeability. As long as you›are strong you can do it. You have to›››››››realize that the only antidote is a›potion of Unnoticeability, which can be›hard to come by. It's the fastest way I›know of getting your stats up. Do n you›guys have the Potions list I uploaded?›It should be in the games section of›this SIG. I sent it up around June or›July. Use the word potions as a›keyword. Good Luck, Don Wyman (thorex›level 14)››#: 175748 S1/GAMES› 06-Dec-86 18:51:40›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Joni Bubluski 70416,1066›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700 (X)››I read in one of the newsletters that›the bank failures occur on the first›day of the month. If true, it should›be safe to let your money sit until›then. I've also discovered that in 90%›of the cases if you let the aggressor›take the first swipe without›retaliating, nothing will be stolen›when you disengage. Maybe Don got an›early release of The Dungeon? Joni››#: 175749 S1/GAMES› 06-Dec-86 19:03:30›Sb: #175629-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Joni Bubluski 70416,1066›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)››Terryl would like to buy you a drink. ›I hear the band engaged for the next›season is really good--tho I've heard›some strange stories about the lead›warbler (non-terran). Avoid it. I›have almost found the key to the›Dungeon--one piece (5 1/2") remains to›be found. I sent you my maps›today--hope they help. Let me know if›we have any discrepancies--it could›save one of our lives! Am up to level›8, close to 9, and still recovering. ›This is our second reincarnation, so›patience will have to get us through. ›Latest from Intellicreations was›"before XMas". Famous last words...›Joni››#: 175771 S1/GAMES› 06-Dec-86 21:40:43›Sb: #175628-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: STEVE CHILCOTE 76046,763›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700 (X)›› JEFF,››››››› IT'S NOT THE SAME PROBLEM AS THE›OCCASIONAL CASE OF SCURVY AT THE›BEGINN-ING OF THE GAME. WHEN I›REBOOTED, EVERYTHING LOADED AND THEN›THE HIT POINTS BECAME ???? AND I DIED. ›WHY IS A GOOD QUESTION, BUT SINCE THEN›I HAVE NOT BOTHERED MAKING BACK-UPS›(OBVIOUSLY IT WAS NOT A NORMAL›SITUATION AND YOU CAN REST ASSURED THAT›I WILL START MAKING BACK-UPS AGAIN). ›THANKS FOR YOUR HELP AND HO TO SEE YOU›AT MOM'S REAL SOON.›› CHILLY››#: 175773 S1/GAMES› 06-Dec-86 22:01:14›Sb: #175696-Alternate Reality›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: Mike Saunders 72477,1675›› I'm waiting for the ST version›too, but I'm starting to loose faith›that I will ever see it. I have put so›much time into the 8-bit version I›don't know if it will be worth›switching over.›› Jeff››#: 175774 S1/GAMES› 06-Dec-86 22:02:52›Sb: #175702-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)›› Delusion can save you in a very›desperate situation, but if your that›bad I suggest starting over.›› Jeff››#: 175775 S1/GAMES› 06-Dec-86 22:07:57›Sb: #175704-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)›› I think I downloaded that list the›first week it was up. I noticed that›the area the the west of the Last Stop›is active. Just go to the main street,›back to the last stop, and back again.›Also I have found that by taking the›first exit east off of the south main›street until you hit a wall, the back,›you are almost asured an encounter.›› Jeff››››››››#: 175776 S1/GAMES› 06-Dec-86 22:12:37›Sb: #175748-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: Joni Bubluski 70416,1066 (X)›› If they attack me they're dead›meat. I don't put up with agressive›behavior. I read that thing in the›newsletter too, and its wrong! Bank›faliures can occur at any time, I'm›sure of it. And by rebooting I haven't›lost so uch as a copper in a failure. I›don't know why they put misleading›information in that newsletter. Thanks›anyway,›› Jeff›››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››#: 175777 S1/GAMES› 06-Dec-86 22:17:39›Sb: #175771-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: STEVE CHILCOTE 76046,763 (X)›› After thinking about it, I might›know what happened. you may have gotten›scurvy upon loading, with an immediate›HP loss. It may have been a large›enough drain to kill you so fast you›never saw your initial HP count. Oh,›well, backups are essential in this›game, I guess.› › Jeff››#: 175832 S1/GAMES› 07-Dec-86 20:52:14›Sb: #175776-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Joni Bubluski 70416,1066›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700 (X)››I'll have to try that trick with the›banks. And I'm up to level 8 and soon,›I hope, approaching 9. Hang in there,›Joni››#: 175870 S1/GAMES› 08-Dec-86 00:48:48›Sb: #175749-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101›To: Joni Bubluski 70416,1066 (X)›› Joni-› I was reading your message to Don. ›You said that one piece of the key to›the dungeon (5-1/2") remains to be›found. What do you mean? Fill me in. I›didn't think we had to find anything to›get into the dungeon. Or is that some›kind of inside joke or code between›friends?› rocky (alias Yubetcha, exp 140,000)››#: 175875 S1/GAMES› 08-Dec-86 01:52:25›Sb: #175702-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)›› Don-› How does someone know what armor,›shield, or weapon is best, second best,›etc? Could I find out by looking at the›prices at the smithy? Would the best be›the most expensive? How else does›someone find out?› Rocky››››››››#: 175877 S1/GAMES› 08-Dec-86 02:07:14›Sb: #175777-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700 (X)›› Jeph-› I remember early in the game that I›uploaded, and found that I had scurvy.›I died about 3 seconds later. I›re-uploaded, using a back-up disk, and›I was miraculously cured!› rocky››#: 175913 S1/GAMES› 08-Dec-86 20:07:29›Sb: #175749-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: BILL CLEMENTS 72637,277›To: Joni Bubluski 70416,1066 (X)››this is for any one has the game›alternate reality: HELP!›For some strange reason, whenever I›boot up character any more, he is›diseased..he wasn't when i saved him›and everye in a while i can get it to›boot properly.....anyone know why this›is happening? any help would be›greatly, i mean GREATLY›appreciated!!!!!›By the way my character is level 5 and›has magical shortsword...i know big›whoop...›also, is there any way to heal your›stats after being parched or starving?››Once again, thanks, Bill››#: 175918 S1/GAMES› 08-Dec-86 20:14:13›Sb: #175636-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: BILL CLEMENTS 72637,277›To: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101 (X)››If you have disk wizard II, all you›have to do each time you need to make›backups of your characters is to copy›sector 19.››bill››#: 175921 S1/GAMES› 08-Dec-86 20:29:18›Sb: #175913-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: SYSOP*R. Brudzynski 76703,2011›To: BILL CLEMENTS 72637,277 (X)››--BILL--››It could be your drive. Apparently they›››››››built in some copy protection scheme›which is very sensitive to the disk›drive. Any little variation and the›program assumes you're pirating it.›The result is a diseased character.››--dick--››#: 175928 S1/GAMES› 08-Dec-86 20:45:09›Sb: #175870-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Joni Bubluski 70416,1066›To: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101 (X)››Sorry--the purpose of The Dungeon is to›obtain key to joining Guilds, and using›rings, at least according to the AR›newsletter. It is also a key ppiece to›finishing the series. More to follow›when The Dungeon arrives, Joni››#: 175932 S1/GAMES› 08-Dec-86 20:52:03›Sb: #175913-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Joni Bubluski 70416,1066›To: BILL CLEMENTS 72637,277 (X)››If your character has Scurvy you have›defective disk. If you're using›nonAtari standard configuration, may›have compatibility problem--contact›Datasoft in each case. Phone # is (818)›705-7643. Good luck! Joni P.S. If›parched or starving, eating and›drinking should resore. Tho may take a›while.››#: 175934 S1/GAMES› 08-Dec-86 20:56:07›Sb: #175921-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Joni Bubluski 70416,1066›To: SYSOP*R. Brudzynski 76703,2011 (X)››Dick, how are you! Long time no type›to . I hate to see AR dismissed›as an over-protected program because›I've enjoyed it so much, but even›Scorpia says (in Computer Gaming World)›that you have to be a frustrated›cartographer to get full enjoyment. I›guess I fall into that category since›I'I've had so much fun with it. Did›you never get your drive problem solved›with Datasoft? Am doing an article for›BCS Atari 8-bit group on AR, so would›appreciate your experiences! Joni››#: 175948 S1/GAMES› 08-Dec-86 23:14:25›Sb: #175877-#ALTERNATE REALITY›››››››Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101 (X)›› The scurvy is the copy protection.›Sometimes a good disk is booted as a›bad one. Being a hacker, I would love›to know what kind of protection scheme›they are using. I thought I knew the›8-bit Atari inside-out, but this is›something new. I have a Rana 1000 disk›drive, and my first version of AR›booted with scurvy. After several›MONTHS Datasoft sent me a working copy.›I don't suppose you (or anybody›listening in) knows what sort of scheme›they are using? I don't pirate, I just›want to know for the heck of it.›› Jeff››PS: I've had huge HP under delusion›also. I think that whatever is on the›screen is really what you have for the›time being (but not sure).››#: 175960 S1/GAMES› 09-Dec-86 00:12:51›Sb: #175918-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101›To: BILL CLEMENTS 72637,277 (X)›› Bill-› I don't have Disk Wizard II. Wish I›did, but thanks anyway.› Rocky››#: 175961 S1/GAMES› 09-Dec-86 00:21:18›Sb: #175749-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: Joni Bubluski 70416,1066 (X)››I'll save a dance for you. I still haven't seen›the dungeon yet. Looking forward to›your maps. I have gotten several from›other customers. Take some time to›build up your food and water and›possibly potions. You may need them›in the Dungeon. 255 is the maximum for›any of these.›See ya 'round.›Don Wyman (thorex level 14)››#: 175962 S1/GAMES› 09-Dec-86 00:23:16›Sb: #175928-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101›To: Joni Bubluski 70416,1066 (X)›› Joni,››››››› I guess I'm missing out on more›than I thought, by not sending in my›registration card. Stupid me. I just›didn't think the card was that›important. So the key to the guilds is›in the dungeon? I wondered how the heck›a person was supposed to get accepted›into those things. Guess I'd better›send in my card. Thanks for telling me.› Rock››#: 175963 S1/GAMES› 09-Dec-86 00:30:54›Sb: #175875-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101 (X)››I found out by talking to the author,›Phil Price. The best Weapon is the›Magical Flamesword, the best armour is›the Magical Crystal Plate, and the best›shield is the Magical Tower Shield.›He also told me about the Magical Elfin›Chain being the second best. The rest›is just trial and error. I carried the›Magical Longsword for 1,000,000 exp.›points before I got the Mag. Battle›Hammer and tried it. I NEVER buy a›weapon. I always find one. The most›expensive weapon is usually but not›always the best. Magical weapons are›the only way to kill certain beasts›such as Dragons and Wraiths. However,›when I was still young and foolish, I›killed a Dragon by lunging with bare›hands. Even Phil Price thought it was›impossible. I went from 112 hit points›down to 8 in the process.›Good Luck and Happy Hunting.›Don Wyman (thorex level 14)››#: 175964 S1/GAMES› 09-Dec-86 00:38:11›Sb: #175948-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700 (X)››The hit points and other stats you see›under Delusion are a delusion. If it›says you have 300 hit points you may›only have 10 or so depending upon what›kind of hits you are sustaining in›battle. You can get killed by assuming›you have the hit points shown by the›delusion and getting hit too many times.›I'm talking from experience, trust me.›Don Wyman (thorex level 14)››#: 175966 S1/GAMES› 09-Dec-86 00:46:48›››››››Sb: #175948-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700 (X)›› Jeff-› I didn't know that scurvy was copy›protection. I never heard of that one›before either. You had to wait Months?›It would be very difficult for me to›wait that long. When I get something›new, it's in my computer and running›before I do anything else. I have an›Indus (you know, the one that parks›like a Beetle (and doesn't get messy›when you step on it)), and the LEDs›show codes when it runs into errors›(which is really copy protection). This›game seems to have quite a bit of›protection. And now scurvy on top of›it. Kind of unique. I don't know how›they do it. Wish I could tell you.› Have you been inebriated yet? A›potion did that to me before I got›Don's potion list. Try to accomplish›anything with that. You can get lost›very easily.› Rock››#: 175969 S1/GAMES› 09-Dec-86 00:53:07›Sb: #175928-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101›To: Joni Bubluski 70416,1066 (X)›› Joni-› This is the first I've heard of›rings. Do you know if they are in the›dungeon, or do I have to find those in›the city yet?› Rock››#: 175972 S1/GAMES› 09-Dec-86 01:23:13›Sb: #175963-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›› Don› I never buy any weapons, either.›At first I couldn't afford it, and I›guess I got pretty lucky. I've found a›magical longsword, which serves good›enough for now. 112 down to 8? I bet›you won't try that again. It's a wonder›you even survived. I'm sure a lot of›people wouldn't want to meet you in a›dark alley (tee hee).› Rock››#: 175994 S1/GAMES››››››› 09-Dec-86 18:13:12›Sb: #175932-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: BILL CLEMENTS 72637,277›To: Joni Bubluski 70416,1066 (X)››Thanks for all your help....has anyone›else noticed that the 2nd side of disk›one has a little message.....pretty›neat.....wish more programs had little›things like that on them.... helps you›get to know the author.››bill››#: 176002 S1/GAMES› 09-Dec-86 19:52:49›Sb: #175994-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101›To: BILL CLEMENTS 72637,277›› Bill-› I noticed. Pretty interesting. If›I remember right, they used quite a few›different programs to develop this›game. And it's information that isn't›listed anywhere else. interesting›little tidbits of information.› Rocky››#: 176004 S1/GAMES› 09-Dec-86 19:58:06›Sb: #175961-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Joni Bubluski 70416,1066›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717››I will let you know what I'm›wearing--haven't picked my wardrobe›yet. Intellicreations (Datasoft) just›ruined my Christmas. Latest is release›of Dungeon pushed back to January. Oh›well--will have to concentrate on›raising levels. Hoping to get Auto›Duel (Dual?) by Christmas for my›13-year-old son. (And me too, of›course.) Tried anything new lately? ›Just got Gemstone Warrior--not bad. ›Didn't like Wizard's Crown much, tho.›Joni P.S. Maps and contribution in›mail.››#: 176005 S1/GAMES› 09-Dec-86 19:59:25›Sb: #175962-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Joni Bubluski 70416,1066›To: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101 (X)››You'll love the newsletter--lots of›good tips and great stories! Dungeon›pushed back to January--bummer. Joni››››››››#: 176006 S1/GAMES› 09-Dec-86 20:00:16›Sb: #175969-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Joni Bubluski 70416,1066›To: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101 (X)››Note in AR newsletter says you can use›them with the Dungeon (maybe Guilds›give them to you?). More later, Joni››#: 176007 S1/GAMES› 09-Dec-86 20:01:08›Sb: #175994-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Joni Bubluski 70416,1066›To: BILL CLEMENTS 72637,277››What's message? I'll have to go›look--so busy playing never noticed!›Joni››#: 176025 S1/GAMES› 09-Dec-86 23:13:23›Sb: #175956-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: SYSOP*R. Brudzynski 76703,2011›› I know people with hundreds of›programs, but have never bought one.›None of these pirates (thief is a more›appropriate word)›an illegal copy of AR. I guess I›does work, at least a little. With my›legal copies, though, I still boot up›with scurvy about 10-20% of the time.›THAT I don't like.I'll put up with it›if it stops pirating, though.›› Jeff››#: 176027 S1/GAMES› 09-Dec-86 23:22:40›Sb: #175966-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101 (X)›› That's how the copy protection›works. You find out after spending 5›minutes booting that the load didn't›"take". This happens to me about›10%-20% of the time (I have a›nonstandard drive), so I really have to›be careful about backups.› I have taken Inebriation potions›before. That is, as far as I am›concerned, reason enough to re-boot. I›spend a lot of time re-booting› it seems. Last night I set out to›enter banks without failures. Took›about 4 hours, but I finally did it. My›disk drive is really getting a workout.›››››››› Jeff››PS: You can have your magical crystal›plate. I just picked up a magical›flamesword. Nothing ever has a chance›to attack me anymore. I don't need›armor much now.››#: 176028 S1/GAMES› 09-Dec-86 23:23:32›Sb: #176025-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: GARY WASSERSTEIN 72347,25›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700››Hi. I just got AR yesterday! I kept›getting killed so I came here for help.›I obviously didn't know what I was›getting into. This is the most›incredible game I have seen! Well, I'm›going back to the city! See you again!››GARY (the meek level 1)››#: 176039 S1/GAMES› 10-Dec-86 01:55:55›Sb: #176027-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›› JeffYou might have a›flamesword, but that doesn't mean that›you will connect every time. And others›will still be able to hit you. A weapon›isn't any good, unless you connect. So›you might STILL need armor. That's one›of the better weapons to have though.›Wish I had it.› Rocky››#: 176041 S1/GAMES› 10-Dec-86 01:59:56›Sb: #176028-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101›To: GARY WASSERSTEIN 72347,25›› GaryWhen I first started›playing, I got killed about 5 or 6›times. Hang in there. You'll make it.› Rocky (alias Yubetcha, exp 140,000)›››››››››››››››››178344 S1/GAMES› 09-Jan-87 21:33:34›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: ALL››To all of you good people who have›ordered my map set. I have finally›fixed my printer and am mailing out›the maps that you have ordered right›away. I thank you all for your patience›and hope you find the maps useful.›Thank you all;›Don Wyman›(thorex level 14)››#: 178348 S1/GAMES› 09-Jan-87 21:40:25›Sb: #Alternate Reality›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: GARY WASSERSTEIN 72347,25 (X)››Gary;›Thanx for the Kudos. The effect I am›talking about is cumulitive. If you›buy drinks at one bar and go to another›the same day and do the same, you add›up how many you've bought and that is›what determines your state of›inebriation. I don't know why it only›happens on the 800. Quite strange. I›have also found that disk I/O is less›frequent and much faster on the 130xe.›You can also hit the HELP key and get›a list of commands on the XL/XE.›Hang in there and keep going.›Don Wyman (thorex level 14)››#: 178350 S1/GAMES› 09-Jan-87 21:49:09›Sb: #Alternate Reality›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: Neil Bradley 72337,146 (X)››There is another very good player on›this SIG that deserves a special mention.›Jeff Hand, who is also a level 14.›He is now starting on the ST version.›I have seen it and it looks pretty›good. The only problem I saw was the›sound, actually the music, is not as›good as the 8-bit. Must have been in a›hurry to get it out. I have just begun›another character, ZardoZ, who is now›at level 5. He is squeaky clean. Has›never killed, tricked or charmed a good›character, including Dwarves, and›Hobbits. I have great hopes for him›because I am using all of the knowledge›I have gained from previous characters.›››››››Talk about Karma, he can give up to›any "good" character and they just go›away. I will keep everyone informed as›I go along. I expect to learn new›things from this guy.›Don Wyman›(ZardoZ level 5)››#: 178353 S1/GAMES› 09-Jan-87 21:55:25›Sb: ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: Jeffrey A. Kovach 76545,2363 (X)››Jeff;›You may improve your charisma by:›1. Jumping a level›2. Randomly from experience. You won't› get this one often.›3. Potion of Silver-Sweet.› These items also pertain to Strength›and Intelligence. There are also›counter-Potions to each of these Stats.›I recommend that you check out the›games download section of this sig and›find my potions list. Just use Potions›for a keyword.›Don Wyman (thorex level 14)››#: 178384 S1/GAMES› 10-Jan-87 00:43:25›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Jeffrey A. Kovach 76545,2363›To: DON WYMAN››Don,› Thanks for the potion list.›It will surely help a lot. I just›found a potion of Protection +2 one›hour after DLing your list. Again,›thanks!!› Jeff››#: 178387 S1/GAMES› 10-Jan-87 00:56:48›Sb: Alternate Reality›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101 (X)›› That's the only joke I have›heard, and they tell it in a few other›locations. The problem with assassins›is that they attack with poison sticks.›One hit and you stand there paralized›for the next couple of turns totally›defenseless. After the encounter you›are then poisoned. Also, one good hit›from one of these guys can kill you›regardless of how many HP you have.›Real pleasant fellows, eh?›››››››› Jeff››#: 178390 S1/GAMES› 10-Jan-87 01:10:41›Sb: #178348-#Alternate Reality›Fm: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)›› Don-› I've been inebriated in this game›before, but what is happening to Gary›and me is completely different. I'm›sure that the disk is not supposed to›crash.› I think that the probable cause is›that the Operating System on the 800 is›just different enough from the 130 to›cause the crash. It sounds to me like›the game was designed with the 130 in›mind.› The difference in the O.S. on the›old 800 and the newer models is why›some games won't even run on both›without a translator disk.› Rocky››#: 182300 S1/Games› 27-Feb-87 04:54:25›Sb: Alternate Reality›Fm: LARRY EMERY 73137,3172›To: All››Hello Fellow Alternators!!›› It's been a while since I've›written. While we're all waiting›around for THE DUNGEON, I thought it'd›be a nice idea to take stock of who›we've met so far in the CITY. In›reading these messages, I think I've›heard it said that there are some '80'›or so beings to be found in Xebec's›Demise. Maybe some of these are not to›be met until later episodes, but up›until now, I've only encountered 46 (16›goodie's, 30 baddies). So I'm going to›upload a text file (80-col.) with the›names and a brief description of each›of those. If any of you haven't run up›against any of these, here's something›else to keep you digging. If any of›you have seen some characters that›aren't on this list, please drop me a›note here and let me know. Sorry›they're in such random order (maybe›I'll alphabetize them later). In the›mean time, enjoy the game!›› Lauren Royce Emery (with MANY›››››››different Lvl. 10 chars.) (The file is›named "ARCHRS1.TXT")›(6/10/87: I've since updated that file›only once to "ARCHR2 TXT". Maybe›someday before the Dungeon disks are›spinning in our drives, I'll upload›another, more comprehensive update.›Bye!)››#: 182574 S1/Games› 02-Mar-87 21:37:29›Sb: #182448-#Alternate Reality›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: LARRY EMERY 73137,3172 (X)›› The Dungeon was first slated for›Sept., then Oct., then Dec., then Jan.,›the Feb. Well, it's March now and I›don't see it yet. If there's ever been›such a thing as vaporware, the dungeon›is it. Let's face it, most of the›algorithims and such are already›designed and implemented in the City. I›think that Datasoft has more or less›abandoned the Dungeon in favor of›developing ST/Amiga software. I hope›I'm proven wrong, especially since to›ST version of AR is not that good.›› Jeff››#: 182581 S1/Games› 02-Mar-87 22:29:58›Sb: #182574-Alternate Reality›Fm: GERRY LEIPER 72337,3352›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700››I have seen a few advertisements for›Alternate Reality-Dungeon....I am sure›I am not mistaken.....well they are not›really ads but just a mention that a›certain company sells the product... I›have seen them in Antic and Analog›magazines...››-Ger››[72456,2717]›POTION.TXT 13-Jul-86 3585› Accesses: 176›› Keywords: POTIONS LIST FOR› ALTERNATE REALITY› › Potions list for Alternate Reality.› This is a text file. From Don› Wyman,› alias: Thorex level 13-1,300,000› exp. pts. (72456,2717) Use at your› own risk. Enjoy.››››››››[73137,3172]›ARCHR2.TXT 01-Mar-87 6510› Accesses: 1 02-Mar-87›› Keywords: ALTERNATE REALITY› CHARACTERS LIST ENTITIES BEINGS› CITY AR INHABITANTS› › This is my second, more› expansive version of my AR› characters listing, but not the› fully-descriptive one I promise to› deliver ultimately. Again, please› write me to let me know of any› additions, improvements, and/or› suggestions.› Thanks Again,› Larry››#: 182674 S1/Games› 04-Mar-87 18:44:19›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Floyd Walker 72247,36›To: Larry Emery 73137,3172››Larry, I think that I have some info›for you: The Ghost: the two forms of›attack(?):› Heartbreaking moan-no damage.› Bone-chilling touch-Drains stats.› Beware!!!›To hit:› Possibly only a magic weapon of› some sort can hit a ghost, but› I'm not sure. A Flamesword can hit› one, but a Magical! whip has no› effect.›Where encountered:› I've only encountered ghosts at› night, and then only while under› the effects of an Invisibility› potion.›General comments:› Not a creature that I would mess› with too often. Personally, I'll› tangle with a small green dragon› anytime, before I'll want to meet› a ghost.›Also, I'm not sure, but I think that›the Spectre is almost the same as the›ghost.›By the way, what's a Nightstalker look›like on the screen? I've never had the›pleasure of encountering one. What's›its full capabilities?›› Glad to be of help.›› Floyd Walker››››››› 72247,36››#: 182700 S1/Games› 04-Mar-87 23:14:50›Sb: #182497-Alternate Reality›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717››Larry;›It's nice to see that there is still›some interest up here about AR. I like›your list of characters and it checks›out perfectly with mine. One question›that I keep asking is whether or not›anyone has found boots for sale at the›shops. I heard a rumor about them once›but haven't had anyone back it up. Keep›up the good work and happy hunting. See›you in the Dungeon (whenever, if ever).›Don Wyman (thorex level 14)››#: 182689 S1/Games› 04-Mar-87 21:30:48›Sb: #182581-Alternate Reality›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: GERRY LEIPER 72337,3352›› That doesn't mean much, especially›in this industry. I have seen nothing›definite yet in the ads. I think the›Dungeon may go by the way of the›1450XLD (remember that one?).›› Jeff››#: 182690 S1/Games› 04-Mar-87 21:34:22›Sb: #182674-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: Floyd Walker 72247,36 (X)›› The ghosts, wraiths, and›spectres are all pretty much the same›thing, and they are also all very›nasty. They have a weak point, though,›in that they are easily charmed.›Tricking is also a good method, but not›as good as charming.›› Jeff››#: 183140 S1/Games› 11-Mar-87 23:18:31›Sb: #183017-Alternate Reality›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101 (X)››I know what you mean. I'm really›getting tired of waiting. I'm losing›interest fast. I don't know what thier›problem is but they are losing a lot of›››››››friends and potential customers. If it›is going to take this long for each›installment, I don't know if I will›want to play them. If you get a copy›let us all know.›Don Wyman (thorex level 14)››#: 183227 S1/Games› 13-Mar-87 16:23:30›Sb: ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JOHN VOORHIS 76406,163›To: 73137,172››PS. PLEASE INCLUDE A LIST OF›CHARACTERS. IVE BEEN HAVING TROUBLE›JOINING A GUILD. ANY HINTS? ALSO ANY›HINTS YOU HAVE ABOUTR THE POTIONS WOULD›BE APPRECIATED. THANKS AGAIN.› JOHN VOORHIS››#: 183302 S1/Games› 14-Mar-87 19:48:27›Sb: ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: BILL CLEMENTS 72637,277›To: all››well, i was at the eastern PA atari›expo today, and datasoft had the box to›the dungeon disk.....looked really›cool,h a potion shop a magical armory,›the chapel(redemption) all kinds of›gates and stuff, the rep. said it would›be out next month(where have i heard›that before??) and that it WOULD run by›itself(strange, eh?)››oh well, just thought i'd let you guys›know....››bill››#: 183347 S1/Games› 15-Mar-87 13:28:12›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JOHN VOORHIS 76406,163›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)››DON, THANKS FOR THE INFO.I REALLY›APPRECIATE IT.DO YOU HAVE AN ST?I HAVE›AN 800 XL,SO I GUESS I CANT JOIN THOSE›GUILDS.HOW DID YOU GET YOUR STATS SO›HIGH? THEY ARE REALLY IMPRESSIVE.THANKS›AGAIN,› JOHN VOORHIS››#: 183444 S1/Games› 17-Mar-87 04:57:24›Sb: #Alternate Reality›Fm: LARRY EMERY 73137,3172›To: Floyd Walker, Jr. 72247,36 (X)››››››››Hello Floyd!› Sorry I've taken so long to›respond. Thanks for the info you gave›me back on the 4th. Overtime at my›job's been kicking my rear, but I think›I'll be able to finish my list within›the next three weeks. Who knows, maybe›The Dungeon will be out by then and›we'll all be searching about for scads›of NEW critters downstairs.› I've seen TWO more Nightstalkers›within the past four days. On the›screen, they are Big, Red, and VERY›UGLY. They have menacing teeth, and›bat-like ears. They have hunched›shoulders and long sinewy arms.›Actually, there is a large bit of›scientific theory behind the concept of›the Nightstalker. I've read about them›and I've seen them talked about on PBS›(NOVA or Nature or something along that›line). They are supposed to be a›creature of the far-distant future. ›Sometime after nuclear war has blown›away most, if not all of mankind, these›creatures are to have EVOLVED from BATS›somehow. The artists' renditions of›how these things are supposed to look›are staggering! These things were›around six or seven feet tall, now›wingless (the wings have evolved or›'devolved' into arms), and are, of›course, nocturnal. They grope around›each night for anything alive (these›are NOT herbivores!) and shread to bits›just about anyghing they come in›contact with.› In AR, they EAT hit points by 30's›at a time sometimes. Yesterday, I went›from 61 to 29 hit points in a single›bloodsucking fangulation. Then the›screen says "You feel weaker"... NO›KIDDING?! I lost four STR stat. points›also. I beat at him for awhile with a›mundane Longsword (luckily, I'm wearing›Magical Crystal Plate Armour) without›effect. Then after disengaging, and›losing a bit of food , water and a few›of my potions, I tricked it and it›died. Though I'd been accidentally›taking poison potions for days with NO›EFFECTS, this poison got through ALL of›my defenses. So I went and blew 400 c.›at Omega's and now I'm OK. I wonder if›those STR points will come back on›their own, or are they gone forever?› Anyway, Thanks again!› Larry››››››››#: 183445 S1/Games› 17-Mar-87 04:59:44›Sb: Alternate Reality›Fm: LARRY EMERY 73137,3172›To: Don Wyman 72456,2717 (X)››Hello Again Don! |›› Though I've heard rumors (the same›ones you've heard, probably) concerning›boots for sale, I've never seen any›myself. One rumored item I DID find›for the first time just this past›weekend was a potion of INVULNERABILITY›MENTAL. I didn't get its color or›taste, but CAUTION is advised (the same›as in just about every other potion›that's good). I haven't been able yet›to ascertain its effects either.› If anyone out there reading this›can help, please do!›› Take care,› Larry››#: 183485 S1/Games› 17-Mar-87 23:18:09›Sb: #183444-Alternate Reality›Fm: Floyd Walker 72247,36›To: LARRY EMERY 73137,3172 (X)››Larry,› I can only say one thing about›that critter-›› III CCCCC K K !› I C C K K !› I C K K !› I C KK !› I C K K !› I C K K › III CCCCC K K !››I'm just glad that I haven't yet met a›Nightstalker. It seems worse than›meeting up with an alien from ALIENS›even. From what was said on here, we›might not have to wait much longer for›the Dungeon. For the wait, it had›better be an excellent game.› I might just get back to›getting Griffin up a few more levels,›if the outlook is as bright as I think.› Hope for the best!› Floyd Walker››#: 183561 S1/Games› 18-Mar-87 23:14:34›Sb: #183347-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›››››››To: JOHN VOORHIS 76406,163››I got my stats up by a lot of hours›playing the game. No I don't have an ST›yet. Maybe someday. I'm leaning towards›the new Atari IBM clone.›Don Wyman (thorex level 14)›››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››